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Hawaiian Acres Road Paving
Rather than hijack the water projects thread...

Public Works Director Ikaika Rodenhurst said the cost of improving every road in the subdivision up to county standards could reach more than $10 million a mile, which would bring the full cost of road repairs to an estimated $837 million.

It's really too bad that infrastructure standards can never, ever be reduced to something that's a reasonable fit to the requirements. Hawaiian Acres does not need 40-ft pavement on 60-ft easements.

Nonetheless, Sako said the costs of the project, distributed among the roughly 4,000 residents of the subdivision, could cost each resident up to about $750 a month over a 25-year period.

Here's the thing: there are lots of people in the Acres who get by on less than $750/month. Where will they go?


We are moving forward with the Road Improvement District proposal that will be considered by all landowners within the boundaries of Hawaiian Acres.  We will be posting more information in the coming weeks.

With all due haste, or something.
there are lots of people in the Acres who get by on less than $750/month.

It's a plan only clueless county officials whose solution for financial shortfalls is always raising taxes, never working harder or longer, could contemplate.
There is a way to solve the problem, United Sates Department of Transportation Paved Road Stamps, issued for residents of Hawaiian Acres who earn under a designated income level, and used to pay their monthly $750 county road fee.
$10 million a mile sounds more corrupt than Honolulu rail!

I can't believe HACA is pushing for this. Though they did stop a lot of the community outreach programs there, I guess they are trying to get rid of poor residents and gentrify.
Note that "improvement" as defined by HCC 12-1(a)(11) does not stipulate that the roads be brought to "dedicable standard", nor does Chapter 12 require that County accept the improved infrastructure.

An LID that maintains unpaved roads might actually be affordable.
I believe this is a non-issue as HA has declared that they don't maintain the roads.
Subject to override by County declaration assuming control of any subdivision roads not already maintained, which neatly sidesteps the fact that County created the problem by approving subdivision plats without improved roads as required by County code.
Somehow, my cynical mind thinks the county is putting those numbers out there (even if they might be accurate) to make people shut up and not ask difficult questions about the ugly fact that kalakoa mentions, i.e. that they illegally approved the subdivisions.

In a candid moment once, Harry Kim actually told me that the county would be bankrupted if someone somehow won a lawsuit requiring redress. Hence, their decades long resistance to do anything at all about the situation. That's why they love it when the various associations are too dysfunctional to get it together and make a united front.
A related "tell" is the fact that upgrading all of Hawaiian Acres to "dedicable standard" would require that an extra 10' easement be acquired "somehow".

That's before considering related issues, like: the water system doesn't have enough capacity, and the terrain means lots of sewerage pump stations...
Yeah, what percentage of residents would support such a project? .01%
Don’t see how this is even remotely feasible.
A lawsuit or several will put this project on hold for many years . 1st  the county will need to change all the deeds,
HACA is not HARC , if indeed the county widens the Rd lot to 60 feet - then the community center will be in the road lot and need to be re built, many homes , gates and rock walls will be in need of replacement. Will more highways be put through Hawaiian Acres. are the lava tubes still protected. We pay our dues but were never sent a survey pertaining to this subject.
Will this change the Ag status to residential .
We foresee this dragging on for many years and costing billions of dollars .
Will all subdivisions in puna be required to have county water.
All lot owners in every subdivision will then be required to have county water and not just Hawaiian Acres 
Will water catchment still be allowed .

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