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Why are so many vaccinated people getting COVID-19 lately?
If I have natural immunity do I still need a COVID vaccine? 

This is classic misdirection.  I think everyone's mind is so hardwired to think that every question is a nail because all they can see is their hammer.  It's time to open our minds to the larger picture and reassess some of our assumptions.
Keep it local  Heart

"Q)If I have natural immunity do I still need a COVID vaccine?

A)Yes, the COVID-19 vaccines are recommended"

The question was need not recommend
Natural immunity vs vaccinated immunity is a fascinating scientific issue, academic and irrelevant.

Reality here on the ground is: eternal emergency declaration, Safe Travels, Safe Access, mask mandates, gathering limits -- and none of these restrictions are informed by science, they are all enacted in the vague pursuit of "keeping us safe". Ige has stated that there is no metric, just a panel of (unnamed) experts reaching consensus (in a secret meeting). Because safety.

The larger picture:  COVID cannot be stopped for the price we are willing to pay.
Exactly to both of you.  ^^^^^^^

 The point of the article is that you DO NOT _ _ _ _ with another human being's ability to feed his or her family over something that is "recommended".   I fear there is going to be hell to pay for that despicable blunder.   A brief but extremely dark episode in American history.  Never forget.  Mahalo Supremes for the dose of sanity and humanity.
Keep it local  Heart
DO NOT _ _ _ _ with another human being's ability to feed his or her family

Unfortunately, COVID is just the latest justification for government to screw over its citizens.

Funny thing, Ige can't expand Safe Travels because there's not enough people available to staff it. Job creation, right?
(01-29-2022, 06:40 PM)Puna Grace Wrote: This is classic misdirection..

Actually, I think the misdirection is in the Republican party's weaponization of vaccines. And yeah, it's classic.

The entire civilized world is predicated upon the wide use, practically universal use, of vaccines. Our entire society is vaccinated. Everyone, before they are allowed to enter school in Hawaii, any school, is vaccinated from here to the moon and back.

Here is the the list of vaccinations required by the state of Hawaii..

[Image: Screen-Shot-2019-08-29-at-3.48.44-PM.png]

The above, and all other rules associated with child healthcare requirements by the State before entering school is from here..

Where I find this line particularly relevant to demonstrating how serious this is.. 

Students who have not completed the above requirements by the first day of school will not be allowed to attend school until these requirements are met.

The coloring and italicized styling is from the website itself.

And, you know, nobody bitched when we built a society on vaccines. When we passed laws requiring them. After all, they freed people up to focus on collecting wealth rather than an endless drama of the diseases that used to plague them. They spawned overpopulation, they spawned so much affluence for so many, they gave millions the chance to pursue happiness. But now they have been turned into some sort of divisive mumble jumble and society's use of them for our collective wellbeing is somehow wrong.

I am sure those that are all up in arms over all this, the so called anti-vaxxers, are convinced, completely convinced that their concerns are paramount. But looking at this with a bit of history, and four generations in my own family since the last case of polio plagued us, you might try and appreciate why we find all this silliness foisted upon us by the Republican's to be no more than the last grasp of a dying party. A party so bankrupt, so defunct, that they have nothing left with which to grab power but lies.

To me, personally, I think it's sad. Sad that so many allow themselves to be so manipulated. But as someone pointed out the majority of those dying from COVID are those that bought the lies. Maybe Darwin has something to offer on that score.

I'll give you one thing, this whole thing for me means, glaringly, lucky we live Hawaii.
Wow, didn't take long for you to make it about politics.  Who's politicizing vaccines?   I just went to a farmers market today right here in Puna, filled with happy healthy folks who would laugh at you if you called them a Republican.  They weren't wearing any masks and they didn't pump Warp Speed experiments into their veins three times.  Probably that's because they spend twice as much as your average unhealthy, obese person on healthy, organically raised whole foods and they take great care of their bodies.  The same values that make them unlikely to get sick also happen to be antithetical to experimental pharmacology.  It's only political in your mind.

And, you know, nobody bitched when we built a society on vaccines. When we passed laws requiring them. - MyManao

Who told you that?  LOTS of people bitch every day from every party, race, creed, and persuasion. Lots of people home school, at great expense, right here in Puna and Hawaii JUST because of vaccines.  And, those vaccines weren't developed at Warp Speed for mutating moving targets where they rapidly become obsolete leaving you with zero benefits and only with the long range negative effects to look forward to.  

Political indeed.  My goodness.  SMH

Keep it local  Heart
(01-30-2022, 04:27 AM)Puna Grace Wrote: Wow, didn't take long..

Thanks for the discussion Grace. I am sorry my thoughts are not aligned with your's. But, alas, I suspect eventually you'll come to understand what I am saying. At least I can hope, right?

Otherwise, I hope it's all to the good by you.
Who's politicizing vaccines?

They're required for bypassing quarantine upon entry to the State.
They're required for attending in-person classes at UH.
Sure, tests are an option, merely an inconvenience for those who won't vaccinate.

healthy, organically raised whole foods and they take great care of their bodies

Relative health is not recognized without ... vaccination or testing.

those vaccines weren't developed at Warp Speed for mutating moving targets

Which viewpoint conveniently ignores the decades of research, and the fact that we only have "moving targets" because we couldn't mount a meaningful response to the initial outbreak.
Q: Why are so many vaccinated people getting COVID?
A: Variants
Q: Why are there so many variants?
A: So many unvaccinated people.

The new strain Omicron 2 had been detected in Hawaii:

Officials said certain traits for BA.2 may make it harder to detect, and scientists are worried it could be more contagious than the omicron variant.

The omicron variant accounts for about 99% of all COVID-19 cases across the islands.

A better understanding of the transmissibility of BA.2 will be available in the DOH’s next coronavirus variant report.

A few notes on the WSJ Opinion piece posted above:
* The doctor who offered his opinion on COVID is an oncologist, not a virologist.  Does he know more about COVID than I do? Yes.  Does he know as much about COVID as a virologist?  Definitely not.
* His piece relies almost entirely on 20/20 hindsight.  It's easy to point fingers after the fact, whip up emotions and place blame, then target a group he identifies as the bad guys for retribution.  The doctor is a regular contributor on Fox News where he is happy to support their party line, and use outrage as a primary source for engaging viewers, or in this case readers.

Is this attacking the messenger?  Or is it first discovering if the messenger is qualified to deliver the message, then whether the message is objective or subjective, fact or fiction?

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