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Why are so many vaccinated people getting COVID-19 lately?
My guss, another that is more contagious of the one that was more contagious ??

Sound the alarms, slam the doors, don't allow anyone who doesn't take what we say is best.

The quiet ( yet mostly unspoken ) part each is LESS SEVERE than the previous. People ( some ) are so conditioned as this point, they will keep surrendering their freedoms ( and demanding others to do so )as long as $0me0ne tells them to.

Trust the Science. smh

I didn't "surrender" my freedoms, they were "stolen" by Governor Ige and his "indefinite emergency".

I chose vaccination because I didn't want to end up on a ventilator. Freedom includes the ability to make that choice for myself. I was not "coerced" into this choice by government, my employer(s), or pseudonymous forum participants.

The fact that each iteration of COVID is "less severe" is evolution in action, and has nothing to do with "freedom".

Natural immunity is truly a miracle of our own immune systems. However, in the US, only vaccination or a negative test is acceptable "proof".

Freedom includes the ability to choose. Anyone who disapproves of how the US is handling COVID is free to move to another country with better public health policies.
Good for you Kalakoa. Sounds like you personally had freedom to make your choices.

Will you go for every booster from now on ?
Honest and open question. Just wondering.

peaceful Sunday to you.
Since all anyone seems to come up with is more politics, hindsight, and wishful thinking about a world that never existed,  here's a more fun exercise.  Try to connect the correct qualified messenger with their message.  

Qualified Messenger                                 Message

Anthony Fauci                                                           "A key goal [of the vaccination program] is to stop transmission."

Rachael Maddow                                                       "Now we know that the virus stops with each vaccinated person."

Rochelle Walensky                                                      "You're not going to get covid if you have these vaccinations."

Joe Biden                                                                  "You become a dead end to the virus."

Bill Gates                                                                   "Vaccinated people do not carry the virus - they do not get sick."
Keep it local  Heart
wishful thinking about a world that never existed,  

Hawaii as an isolated island chain had a better opportunity than most areas in the US to prevent the spread of COVID.  There are plenty of examples from other islands, even larger island nations that were willing to do what was necessary, and successfully kept COVID in check.

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Zero Points
Keep it local  Heart
If the argument is that "some people don't have the freedom to choose", that's a preexisting condition that has nothing to do with vaccination.

I get the boosters as and when I feel that they make sense, not because of any recommendation or requirement.

Yes, Hawaii is small and remote enough that it might manage COVID better than "most of the US" -- but consider the recent events in Kiribati. Reality is that COVID cannot be controlled with restrictions that anyone will consider "reasonable". The UK has decided that the best strategy is "learn to live with it", similar to the way we accept the flu. Notice how management of an occasionally fatal endemic virus with annual vaccination was considered completely acceptable before COVID, now the same strategies are somehow a conspiracy to deprive everyone of their rights.

Not saying COVID doesn't kill -- but 95% of the hysteria is completely manufactured, and totally unnecessary. Get a life, people.
(01-31-2022, 12:47 AM)Puna Grace Wrote: "Since all anyone seems to come up with is more politics, hindsight, and wishful thinking about a world that never existed,  here's a more fun exercise.  Try to connect the correct qualified messenger with their message.  

Qualified Messenger                                 Message

Anthony Fauci                                                           "A key goal [of the vaccination program] is to stop transmission."


How is this "Keep it local"???    Is there any way I can mute a whole thread?  
Certainty will be the death of us.
You're tied with HOTPE
Keep it local  Heart
Lol PG .. I truly like your style and appreciate your posts and this one too in particular.

Hilarious, Im gonna say i can't tell because they all probably said them all at some point + interchangeable.


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