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IHOP in the mall
IHOP may soon be closing - the only thing keeping it going is bailout money - in addition to money from state to hire felons and keep them employed .
We have never eaten there
Has any one else eaten there .
If you have never eaten there, why do you care?
We care because we make much better at home and do not need to pollute our bodies with processed non foods. Do you eat there leilanidude .
I have on occasion ate at IHOP. Its at lest to their brand standard there. To be quite honest, that Mall is an amazing testament to time. Where shopping malls like that have long closed their doors decades ago. Prince Kuhio seems to keep plugging along.
alas, the last few stores and shops will eventually close and it too will be a monument to a once greater time when there was disposable income to wander aimlessly around expansive air conditioned malls, buying the latest in fashion or nick knackey. The only thing that will keep the doors open will be a single tenant, the rest of the shops will have their chain gates shut and be nothing more than dusty time capsules into the past.
Mothers with their children will be going into the social entitlement office to perform their mandatory government registration, will have to answer their children's questions, "Mommy, what is a Sears?", "Whats a hot topic?"
I wouldn't call steak and vegetables a "processed non-food", but I guess it's a matter of perspective.

IHOP does allow BYOB.
I ate at IHOP once, with family on the mainland about 10 years ago. I don't remember what I had so I must have been able to find something relatively benign on the menu.
What I do remember is being shocked and amazed at what everyone else was eating. The food was absolutely glowing. I wondered how many pounds of sugar was used in every meal.
It did explain why the people eating there looked the way they did. My own family included.
I would never go there again and strongly recommend that no one else does either.
Therefore, I would have expected IHOP to thrive.
(02-11-2022, 02:35 PM)tawyna Wrote: We care because we make much better at home and do not need to pollute our bodies with processed non foods. Do you eat there leilanidude .

If you have never eaten there, how do you know that they are offering "processed non foods"? On a side note, what in the heck are, "processed non foods"?
I like Denny's. IHOP not much.
Ridiculously expensive for breakfast, aka "tourist prices". Not the cleanest (greasy seats, debris between seats, table, and wall). Food was what you'd expect for the kind of restaurant.

I only visit that kind of place if I am missing the mainland, and I haven't missed the mainland for a long time.
Why eat at IHOP when we have Kenʻs?
Certainty will be the death of us.

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