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Violence at Kea'au High School
Earlier today, I read with dismay an account on the front page of the Hawaii Tribune Herald of a violent incident at Kea'au High. The victim of this incident was Vincent Stevens, son of Kawika Stevens, known to many of us on Punaweb. (Kawika is a fencing contractor/carpenter who has a loyal clientele among us Punatics.)

Apparently the entire security staff had the day off due to "personnel issues" that could not be disclosed. (Doesn't that pique our curiosity?) Brass knuckles were alleged to be involved.

Seemed like things had been settling down over there, and now this. We rarely hear anything good about the school or the principal. Does anyone who has kids attending there have a take on all this?

Not as cheerful as usual,

I noticed the article says, "Parents, students and school workers say a group of chronic 'bad apples'...." It's disgraceful that chronic bad apples are allowed to attend school to begin with. They should have been kick out long ago. Wonder if the security people were "on strike?"
why doesn't the entire Puna community back the Stevens family on this matter? "Chronic Bad Apples"? These kids need to be thrown out of Kea'au school...period! With their only chance of an education coming from a different school district.
What is it gonna take, a death of a child before this school and community reacts to these random acts of violence?
To me it obvious that the Principle at Kea'au High School is just there for paycheck, and little else.
One to five day suspension is a joke!!!! These kids stay at home to play Playstation for 5 days, with little or no punishment.

Why not make the parents responsible for their kids acts of violence at schools? Charge them with a criminal act? In Honolulu a few years back when 'cutting school',seemed to be the norm. On OAhu they decided to make the parents responsible their kids action. If the kids kept 'cutting school', the parents could possibly be looking at jail time. It work to a degree with success, and I'm sure Hawaii County could do something similiar to curb this violent trend.
Let's face it, everything starts at home whether good or bad. It's the jobs of the parent to mold their kids into a certain image, not the schools!

Damn, I was under the impression that your kids were better off going to school in Kea'au middle & High School district rather than having your kids go to school in and around Pahoa Town?
As for the school violence in the Kea'au area, it's just to damn high! Where are the parents of these bullies? There is no excuse for this behavior


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The kids parents should press criminal charges against the individuals and the school principal, then file civil suit against the individuals involved including the students and their parents, the vice principal, the principal, school and school board.

My brother was involved with something like this when he was a freshman in high school. My parents immediately (the next day) pressed criminal and civil charges. The police didn't want to deal with it until my parent's lawyer presented case and threaten to sue the police including the police cheif for not doing their job. The school immediately when into disarray, meetings were called, school officials wanted to talk to my parents and brother without their lawyer (didnt happen), a school board meeting on violence was called, my parent lawyer subpenaed all the schools security tapes from the day. It was a real mess.

It ended with the individuals in the assault were found guilty of assault and a couple other charges and spend time in criminal detention. The school paid half the charges and the principal paid half in the civil case, the parents of the individual attackers paid a good amount of money in the case brought against them. All this cash padded my brother's college account.

The funniest part of the whole thing is that my brother was suspended for a week due to a zero tolerance on violence because he fought back. The court ordered the school to removed any entry in his record, but it came up again when he applied to college because the school removed file but left the entry.

Nothing leaves a bad taste in your mouth like having to pay court ordered money.

Believe me, you can easily spot the dangerous-thugs-and-killers-to-be as early as Kindergarten.

But then they're coddled, babied, tested, re-tested, labelled, re-labelled, provided with Behavioral-Suppott-Plans and countless counselors, lawyers, and bleeding-heart experts from agencies far and wide.

Finally they're plunked into Special Ed classes (along with sweet gentle children who simply need a bit of extra academic help fer chrissakes!) where their right to exist in our communities as dangerous-thugs-and-killers-to-be are protected forever and ever amen...but YOUR child's aren't.

(Hmmm...actually, now might be a good time for the parents of kids in Kea'au Elementary to inquire of the principal and the district superintendent about the circumstances surrounding a teacher's resignation a few months back. I can't guarantee you'll get any answers to your questions regarding the notorious 3rd grade biter there, but it might be an interesting exercise in futility for you over the holidays...and highly instructive.)

What is it gonna take, a death of a child before this school and community reacts to these random acts of violence?

Mmmm...sad commentary for sure.

Made sadder yet by the fact that even the death of a child, full of goodness, full of potential, is apparently not enough.

So, let me see if I can this up:

* Lawyers are bad when they sue bad doctors. That drives up the cost of medical cares and makes the bad doctors cry (BWHHHHHHHHAAAAA!).
* They are good when they sue those who have authority over bad students, and cause those people to disgorge monetary damages.
* They are good when they work for the state and prosecute bullies criminally.
* They are bad because they coddle bullies.

I guess the only conclusion I can draw is that lawyers are bad people until you need them.


I would not outright say lawyers are bad people. Lawyers are a necessary to get a job done.

I might have said lawyers should be ban in another thread, it was in jest as people see lawyers as the problem and not the system as a whole. But in most medical lawsuits its the jury who award momumental amounts to the slighted.

If you don't use a lawyer(or accountant) to protect your interest you are generally asking for trouble.

Why not go after monetary damages for someone that has failed to perform their duty. You sue a contractor that fails to perform a contract, it only makes sense. A school and principal also hold a duty to students and parents; to provide an education and a safe environment among other things. Doesnt a school not get paid for services given to each child, arent they expected to perform these services?

Why not sue the parents of children that damage you or your personal property. If a 17 yo ran into your car with theirs and didnt have the insurance to pay for the damage, would you write the Toyota/MB/Honda/Chevy or your medical expenses off as a loss because a someone less than 18 hit you? Or would you sue for restitution through the parent?

I would applaud most state prosecutors, they have a hard job and mostly get it right.

I wouldnt say lawyers coddle bullies. Parents, unions, schools use the lawyer to "bully" their way over issues. I personally know of parents who bullied with a lawyer a school to get their child's behavioral indiscretions overlooked, the teacher inturn brought suit against the school and parents for an unsafe work environment and won.

Sure lawyers can be used press for gain, but the otherside should employ lawyers to defend their points. Its a vicous cycle, sure lawyers make out either way but thats why you get the best one you can on retainer. A good lawyer will is generally an excellent advisor, doesn't sue everyone, is helpful in many matters, and is worth what you pay them. (OH YEAH, I AM NOT A LAWYER)

I am.

Henry VI (Part 2)Act IV, Scene II

S. FL Islander to be
Big Islander to be.

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