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Astronomy in Hawaii under threat?
You can lead a horse to water… but if the statistics don’t fit a preconceived notion of how things should go according to the process, laws and more processes, peer reviewed studies, force and science they go to Costco instead to buy prepackaged coconut water.

Hopefully in an EV, waving a Ukrainian flag.

Try listen, Hiraoka is a hard working respected member of our community, humble but so talented, honored to call him a friend. How did the Polynesians find these islands? What significance do you think the mountain might hold to the natives born here?

Not much music on the TMT side of things? The best astronomy song I can think of is Carl Sagan a glorious dawn, I have a copy of it on vinyl. 

Imagine the PR disaster going from the wonder and glory of Sagan to authoritarian ass holes in less then 50 years. Amazing
House bill 2024 passed today and will be sent to the Senate Floor for a final vote. However, there are significant amendments. The revised bill now proposes that the new Mauna Kea Stewardship Authority will manage the Conservation Lands while the University of Hawaii manages the 550 acres comprising the Astronomy Precinct near the summit, the Hale Pohaku area, and the summit access road.

"The Senate has worked very hard to incorporate the suggestions and recommendations from individuals on all sides of this issue, particularly from those in the astronomy community,” said Kim. “In this new version of the bill, the responsibilities to manage the mountain will be bifurcated or split between two entities – the new Mauna Kea Stewardship Authority and the University of Hawaiʻi. The Mauna Kea Stewardship Authority will be charged with managing, protecting, and conserving the public uses of the approximately 9,450 acres of Mauna Kea Conservation Lands, while the University will be tasked with managing the 550 acres of Astronomy Research Lands comprised of the Astronomy Precinct, the Hale Pohaku Complex, and the Mauna Kea Access Road.”"
(04-08-2022, 05:18 PM)MyManao Wrote: Having not followed this issue closely, so being unable to speak to the makeup of the newly proposed management group directly... go on a blathering diatribe against Mauna Kea astronomy anyway.
I agree the Hawaiians must be consulted, if you mean the citizens of the US state of Hawaii. And they were consulted, through countless public hearings, culminating in the contested case hearing and supreme court ruling. It's time to admit your views don't represent the majority of native Hawaiians or residents.
House bill 2024 passed today
countless public hearings, culminating in the contested case hearing and supreme court ruling

Irrelevant, given that "the" Hawaiians refuse to abide by US law (when it suits them), which posture is only validated when the County and State respect that position. Mayor Kim even provided material support at taxpayer expense.
given that "the" Hawaiians refuse to abide by US law (when it suits them),

A few dozen, hundred, occasionally a thousand, not nominated, unelected, who self represent 25% of "the" Hawaiians...
Iʻm wondering how recent that 25% support figure is. Do you have a source and year?
Certainty will be the death of us.
how recent that 25% support figure is. 

Would it be any better if few dozen, hundred, occasionally a thousand, not nominated, unelected, and self appointed protestors represented 50% or 75% of Native Hawaiians?  Wouldn’t it be preferable if there was a process that was more equitable, with leaders that focused on the needs and wishes of their voters, unlike OHA or DHHL?  Or road campers?

Or is it acceptable that protestors simply push those they oppose off the mountain, like Kamehameha drove warriors off the pali in the battle of Nu’uanu?  Warriors who were fighting for the chief of Oahu, on Oahu.
a process that was more equitable, with leaders that focused on the needs and wishes of their voters

We could call it ... "Rule of Law".
HOTPE, I was just asking for a source, not challenging your opinion. Iʻll ask again, how did you come up with 25% opposed to TMT?
Certainty will be the death of us.

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