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Health Care Insurance question[s]
Howzit everybody! I need to know if any of you Puna Families are getting 'Health Care', from outside of employment, privately. I need to know please. As a Waikiki Beachboy I have never had health care, but through my wife's employment my family has always been covered in one form or another. But come Feb 1st 2007 my family will no longer have health care insurance!!!! I'm worried sick about this, and need to know if anyone is paying for health care privately, what company, how much a month for a family of four, etc, etc...

I wanna have some sort of health care in place for my wife and two younger kids(8yr old & 11 month infant), and of course for my wife. I can't use QUEST, they wouldn't understand or qualify me. They aren't gonna be to understanding when I have a Mortgage.

I need to act on this sonner than later. So if any of you have any ideas.....i'm all ears Smile



Support the 'Jack Herer Initiative'NOW!!
I don't have an answer. I certainly endorse your wanting to invest in Puna as I think, at least in the long haul, it is wise. That said, given a choice, the potential loss of existing provided health insurance, for a young family, would be a make or break issue for me as far a contiplating a move.
I had to opine but I also appologise for the comment as I realize it isn't my business.

S. FL Islander to be
Big Islander to be.
George Bush I'm not! So I like to hear things from all points & view, and angles. I grew up on Maui, but left in the mid 70's, but not before I bought two acres of land up in Kula. I grew up in Lahaina, and to this day it is still one of my favorite places on earth. It's just unfortunate that prices skyrocketed there in the 70's. I just can't afford to buy something nice on Maui, or even Oahu. For me healthy living is priceless. But for me to be healthy, and my family too. I think keeping our sanity is part of staying healthy. It's kinda hard to do that on Oahu. But on the bright side. I think Honolulu has prepared me for anything Kea'au can throw my way.
But when people first heard I was moving to the Big Island everybody use to say," Oh good, the BI has such a family atmosphere about it"! So I think I have found heaven, a place that reminds me of my 'hana butta' days. Then I slowly start reading about all these kids out of control in Kea'au, fighting, etc,etc.... It has really put a damper on my spirits about moving there. But I'm still moving forward. Puna offers me a chance to own a home, and leave something for my younger kids to call their own one day. The two acres I have on Kula I gave to my two eldest daughters many years back, so I need this opportunity for my two youngest boys


Support the 'Jack Herer Initiative'NOW!!
I'll offer this just for comparison purposes. I took a thirty-year-and-out early retirement from the State of Oregon, and so, had to pick up my own health care premiums at age 49 for both my wife and I. We pay $732.02 per month with Regence Bluecross/Blueshield. We're both very healthy. No dental, no vision. I don't think my insurance company could do better with a gun and a mask.

Beachboy, that sounds like a very nice plan. I hope it works out well. Your talk of Maui brings back many memories. Back in the early 70s I was one of those Maui hippies. I lived on that infamous Makena Beach for a while as well as Fred Kobataki's Apts in Lahina. We used to go to a bar in Lahina and listen to a band I thought was good, I think it was the Space Patrol. I later worked as a cook at Nick's Fish Market in Waikiki befor moving to Maili and working at another restaurant there. I think it was the FogCutter. I also did one semester at Mauna Olu College. What a beautiful campus it was. Do you know what became of that campus after the college folded.

S. FL Islander to be

Edited by - oink on 12/20/2006 16:10:21
Big Islander to be.
I am self employed and I provide insurance for myself and my kids. You have two options. Kaiser or HSMA. HSMA is less but if you weren't previously insured it will cause delays. It take anywhere from 2 month to a year get approved from them. You can get online quotes from both companies.

I am self employed and I provide insurance for myself and my kids. You have two options. Kaiser or HSMA. HSMA is less but if you weren't previously insured it will cause delays. It take anywhere from 2 month to a year get approved from them. You can get online quotes from both companies.

Jade, I'm assuming you are with HMSA? Do you mind me asking what you pay a month, or what you think a family of four would pay for basic services? I'm thinking equal to the HMO end of the insurance policy that HMSA offers up?

Currently we are covered by HMSA's HMO coverage. I think we pay now between four and five hundred a wife knows for sure. She pays the bills. I imagine that is about what I'll be able to afford once I start on my mortgage payments.


Support the 'Jack Herer Initiative'NOW!!
Beachboy, that sounds like a very nice plan. I hope it works out well. Your talk of Maui brings back many memories. Back in the early 70s I was one of those Maui hippies. I lived on that infamous Makena Beach for a while as well as Fred Kobataki's Apts in Lahina. We used to go to a bar in Lahina and listen to a band I thought was good, I think it was the Space Patrol. I later worked as a cook at Nick's Fish Market in Waikiki befor moving to Maili and working at another restaurant there. I think it was the FogCutter. I also did one semester at Mauna Olu College. What a beautiful campus it was. Do you know what became of that campus after the college folded.

S. FL Islander to be

Edited by - oink on 12/20/2006 16:10:21

Did you know any of the old hippie pot growers up on the old Ulupalakua Ranch back then? Kobataki's apts.!!!! Wow, I had a few friends that lived in that alley way back then. A little hippie out of SanFran, I think his name was "Ollie", if I remember right? He use to have a sidekick named John a Canadian who was a good dude too,..ahh the memories!!!
I use to live right on Dickenson st., right across from Rainbow Rent-a-car lot. I had a small $100.00 a month two bedroom house there!

I was good friends with a couple of members of 'Space Patrol', lead singer Less Potts lived at the same place as me ,in a a house by Malo Wharf.


Support the 'Jack Herer Initiative'NOW!!
Hi, Beachboy.

I'm currently covered under an employer's insurance but was curious what my partner and I would need if he changes jobs. Poking around a bit, this is what I found.

Here's a link to get a quote from Kaiser.

HMSA has more options so I'm guessing prices vary. However, I did find this for their "PPO Conversion Plan".
Monthly Member Dues
* Single $178.50
* Two-Party $357.00
* Family $535.50

There "Individual Care Plan" looks like its a hundred dollars or so less.

Is your current HMO the "Health Plan Hawaii"?
If so, they guarantee conversion to a non-group plan. You need to apply within 31 days and you get to pay a whopping $730/month for a family.

Looks like the eligibility criteria varies.

Good luck.

Beachboy, I only remember one John off hand. He had a bad limp. I don't remember where he was from. I knew brother and sister Canadians on Mekena. I didn't know any of the growers, at least not their profession. I really didn't see that much pot, as that Afghan primo was so prevelant then, along with certain small pills that came in red and green. I'm lucky I remember anything at all from that period in my life. Actually, I'm lucky I survived it.

S. FL Islander to be

Edited by - oink on 12/21/2006 12:19:46
Big Islander to be.

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