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I want to warn my friends..
Please read this article on HFCS. This may be the cause or part cause of the problem with my liver. Carrie first told me about it {thanks friend} and I feel you all need to know. Just look at all the obesity around us..

Thank you, Nancy, for a very valuable piece of information. That stuff is awful and they put it in things you would not even think of having sweetener in them.

Aside from the awful health consequences, I think the stuff does not taste as good as cane sugar in most foods. I remember being quite upset when Coca Cola switched from cane sugar to that stuff.

There is a small Dr. Pepper bottling plant in Dublin, Texas that still uses cane sugar, and people from all over the world go there and do mail order to get it. We did a blindfolded taste test at our family reunion in Texas last year, and 10 out of 11 participants pegged the Dr. Pepper with the cane sugar.


There is many, many articles on the web about it and many backed by science of how bad it is. Wonder what it will take to get the food manufacturers to quit using it?

There are several possible ways to get manufacturers to stop using fructose:
1. Legislation banning its use.
2. Litigation, preferably a class action suit, against manufacturers using it.
3. Marketing by a competitor that doesn't use it - "Never had it, never will" has been used as an anti-caffeine campaign for ginger ale, and something similar could be applied to fructose as well.
4. Change in relative costs making use of fructose more expensive than another alternative.

Manufacturers use it because doing so is currently a good business decision. Make it a bad business decision, and they will change.



Perhaps it will take a state like New York to get on it! New York state just banned Trans Fats due to the many health consequences.

High Fructose Corn Syrup is just as bad in my opinion. Jerry is correct it is in so many products even tooth paste. So while reading lables check out the trans fats, partially hydrogenated oils, as well as the high fructose corn syrup!

When I was growing up we were all skinny, well we did a lot of out door games and such, but also we didn't eat Trans Fats, High Fructose Corn syrup and the beef in Idahoe was not fed growth hormones or antibiotics. The cattle I'm famaliar with ate grains, hay, and dried fruits. Even chickens are fed the growth hormones and antibiotics now. Is it any wonder that young girls become young ladies at the ripe old age of 8 now instead of 12 as it was when I was a youngster and my mother and grandmother were growing up!

I'm doing the best I can to eat fresh to cut out all of the additives. Good luck on your recovery.

mella l
mella l
Art and Science
There are several possible ways to get manufacturers to stop using fructose:
1. Legislation banning its use.
2. Litigation, preferably a class action suit, against manufacturers using it.
3. Marketing by a competitor that doesn't use it - "Never had it, never will" has been used as an anti-caffeine campaign for ginger ale, and something similar could be applied to fructose as well.
4. Change in relative costs making use of fructose more expensive than another alternative.

Manufacturers use it because doing so is currently a good business decision. Make it a bad business decision, and they will change.


Hey Howard good to hear from you. A Houle Makahiki Hou to you and Alice! I think your suggestions about legislation and advertising are very sound.

High Fructose Corn Syrup is an altered natural produce that is enhansed to be three times as sweet as sugar. Therefore it goes three times farther than sugar pound for pound. That makes it economically hard to beat. Until people tune into the health affects and make it known to the manufacturers including it in a product makes that product unhealthy, unappealing and unbought, there won't be the incentive to change. Too bad the media hasn't caught on to this yet so that people will start educating themselves to what we are eating.

Take care and hope to see you next winter on the Big Island!


mella l
mella l
Art and Science

Perhaps it will take a state like New York to get on it! New York state just banned Trans Fats due to the many health consequences.

High Fructose Corn Syrup is just as bad in my opinion. Jerry is correct it is in so many products even tooth paste. So while reading lables check out the trans fats, partially hydrogenated oils, as well as the high fructose corn syrup!

When I was growing up we were all skinny, well we did a lot of out door games and such, but also we didn't eat Trans Fats, High Fructose Corn syrup and the beef in Idahoe was not fed growth hormones or antibiotics. The cattle I'm famaliar with ate grains, hay, and dried fruits. Even chickens are fed the growth hormones and antibiotics now. Is it any wonder that young girls become young ladies at the ripe old age of 8 now instead of 12 as it was when I was a youngster and my mother and grandmother were growing up!

I'm doing the best I can to eat fresh to cut out all of the additives. Good luck on your recovery.

mella l

How hypocritical can you be? You can smoke in NYC but you can’t eat Twinkies. One of the great things about the Big Apple WAS your independence. I have a real problem when the government begins to tell you what and where you can eat. WHAT’S NEXT???? New York City always represented to me the freedom of choice, all-different ethic restaurants and foods.
Maybe the MEAT NAZI’S will ban red meat all together?
Think about it, they may ban Luau’s here because of the fat content in pork.
Would you like that? All the labor and jobs that support these activities would be gone.
Oh, how stupid of me they would just serve Tofu Pork.
Get real and stay out of my life, find something else to ban.

If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it cost when it’s here come the taxes.....

How hypocritical can you be? You can smoke in NYC but you can’t eat Twinkies. One of the great things about the Big Apple WAS your independence. I have a real problem when the government begins to tell you what and where you can eat. WHAT’S NEXT???? New York City always represented to me the freedom of choice, all-different ethic restaurants and foods.
Maybe the MEAT NAZI’S will ban red meat all together?
Think about it, they may ban Luau’s here because of the fat content in pork.
Would you like that? All the labor and jobs that support these activities would be gone.
Oh, how stupid of me they would just serve Tofu Pork.
Get real and stay out of my life, find something else to ban.
Well it is too bad the government lets all this stuff into products, then allow labeling this stuff in some obscure way so that people who are concerned need microscopic readers and dictionaries to find the poison and be able to avoid it! That is a real shame.

Well thank gawd that the Trans Fat Ban happened in NY City, instead of the usual suspect California! LOL LOL LOL!!!

1. Fat from pork is healthy for one compared to Trans Fats, read and learn, you'd be really surprised how awful this stuff is, and also where it is (hint, everywhere).

Another tip- We don't often eat pancakes or french toast but on the rare occasion we do, I only use pure AA maple syrup! Why you might ask, most syrups, you know the popular ones are made with high fructose corn syrup, just check out the jar of jam also, yep!

Happy New Year to all health food nuts, you know the ones concerned with what they put into their bodies!

Aloha Mella

mella l
mella l
Art and Science
My brother is VERY allergic to perfumes and colognes. Since too many people seem to bathe in the stuff, he can't wait for the day we become 'PC correct' and wearng any is banned from ALL enclosed areas.

I recently saw a poll that a majority of Americans favored policies that discourage obesity. I can see it coming: a tax if you exceed a certain B.M.I. Shoot, my B.M.I. is only 20.7. So I am all in favor of that tax. Make it a steep one too!

I drink about 6 beers a year. If you factor in what the real cost of alcohol is (health care costs, lost productivity, crime, blah... blah... blah...), I 'll support a MASSIVE increase in taxes to discourage and/or eliminate alcohol usage.

Once you get on that proverbial slippery-slope, justified in YOUR mind or not, you just might find that it is YOUR ox that gets gored next.

Yeah true....i guess the best policy is when we become informed of harmful things to our health, we just need to avoid them ourselves...but I can't help to warn others when I know of these things...and then there is the cildren...innocent victums if their parents aren't informed or ignore the knowledge anyway. I like the idea that companys will quit adding bad stuff to food once people stop buying.
But people do need to be informed.


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