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Gas prices / where the cheapest gas is
In the immortal words of a Punatic who will go unnamed, "I'm tired of gettin' fawked!"
"I did this" stickers Lol.

HOTPE even triggered.
For those of you who think American politicians control the price of gasoline at your neighborhood pump in Hilo, Keaau, or Pahoa, please read the news today.  It identifies the businesses and countries that really exert control.  I'm sure you can find the story in any Hawaii newspaper or Honolulu TV news station.  Then, in a month from now when you see gas at $5.50 or more at the Shell or Chevron station in town you'll know who to blame.  Correctly.

*Insane gas price conspiracy theory yammering today on editorial networks not withstanding
To each their own ( news )
Cheapest gas is never in Pahoa, or Keaau, or Hilo.  It's in the hands of oil company executives and shareholders.  
If you compare the price of crude oil with refined gasoline, gas has never returned to the point it was before gas companies gouged you the most.

Does Paul's in Pahoa make record high windfall profits?  It's doubtful.  Nor do any other local gas stations.  They sell Twinkies, cigarettes, and potato chips just to make a living alongside the 5 cents a gallon or so Big Oil bestows upon them for the privilege of pumping their product. Their suppliers?  They made BILLIONS. Again.  Even more billions than last time.

Oil companies made record profits once again last year, while their enablers at False News try and get you to believe they're barely scraping by, and need those government subsidies to drill holes in the ground.

Exxon Mobil Corp (XOM.N) posted a $56 billion net profit for 2022, the company said on Tuesday, taking home about $6.3 million per hour last year, and setting not only a company record but a historic high for the Western oil industry.

When you pump gas, buy something from inside the store if the station is locally owned.  So they can make a living.  Don't use the company credit card unless you pay it off every month.  
Meanwhile countries like Switzerland and Kalifornia are asking people to NOT charge they EV because they cannot supply enough power. ..LOL.

Imagine relying on all those magic panels and turbines during an ice storm such as happening.

HOTPE .. When will you address the elephant in the room ? Brutal human mining conditions and Enormous equipment needed for strip mining to acquire the minerals ?
5 pounds of earth needs to be moved PER Mile Driven ! EV are NOT gonna save anything.

Get a life, get a bike. Drive to Hilo, park and use bike, its very easy. Rent a truck if you have to move some heavy stuff.
Get a life, get a bike. Drive to Hilo, park and use bike, its very easy. 

Especially if some entrepreneur with multiple personalities sets up a business, conveniently located, AirportBikeParking.  

turbins panels
Enormous equipment needed for strip mining to acquire the minerals ?
5 pounds of earth needs to be moved PER Mile Driven 

All psuedo statistics from the same sources of False News which convince the gullible that oil companies make pennies on the dollar, not millions by the minute.  Boo hoo. 
You can close eyes, cover ears + put your own label on anything you want to suit, but you cannot change the facts.

Wandering off the farm here but another link that other folks might check out to see the other side. Thanks Rob.
What part of keep it Hawaii do you not understand?
Certainty will be the death of us.
Wandering off the farm here…

Don’t wander too far afield.  Sooner or later they’re going to run out of nice farms upstate where you can be sent.  

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