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Old Lahaina Town Utterly Destroyed - Recovery & Relief Efforts
Hurricane Dora missed us, but crazy people predict mysterious forces will destroy the islands on Sunday.  At least we have enough time to scrawl our message to the end times on a torn off piece of cardboard. The predictors are short on details, so your guess is as good as mine.
I saw this link the other day HOTPE, but was hesitant to post it here, but thanks for posting it!

One can only imagine the sheer stupidity one must have to be a member of that "church!"

Apparently, the prophecy did not materialize.

Or have we all just been transported to the other world, and we just don't know it yet?

ETA: Or is this next Sunday? These ends of the world prophecies always confuse me as to when it's really going to happen!
(08-08-2023, 06:38 AM)HereOnThePrimalEdge Wrote: Hurricane Dora missed us, but crazy people predict mysterious forces will destroy the islands on Sunday.  At least we have enough time to scrawl our message to the end times on a torn off piece of cardboard. The predictors are short on details, so your guess is as good as mine.

Just go straight to the source:

Not only does the URL give away the disgusting nature of these people, you simply have to read the text on that site to see what kind of evil some believe and support.
Borrowing from and modifying a quote from the beloved Amy Farrah Fowler from Big Bang Theory fame, I offer the following:

"I don't object to the concept of a deity, but I'm baffled by the notion of one that takes attendance that calls for the death of millions at the words of a select few."
"“And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and
every mountain and island were moved out of their places.” (Revelation 6:14) A shaking of
heaven and earth so severe, the islands will be literally undone – the people will perish. But the
servants of God at the Westboro Baptist Church know and love our King, and know that the
scripture teaches that some of the human race will be delivered. We will therefore go and preach
to the churches of Hawaii, warning those who go “there is death in the pot”! (2 Kings 4:40)
Repent or be destroyed at the coming of Christ."

At this point, I think we need to bring in MyManao and his various sock puppets so we can discuss "magic mountains" and their vulnerability to god's will and what impacts this will have on the island.
Tip of the cap to the person who bought a house next to Westboro 'church' and painted it the colors of the rainbow!

These are deranged people mostly related to each other who come together with their one inbred brain cell that they share amongst themselves and decide to say, picket the funeral of an American serviceman who was KIA because well, gods hates fags apparently.

I was really hoping that after old Fred died that this insanity would die with him but unfortunately not.

At any rate, Hawaii's mountains are more than capable of protecting us from any bad juju that the Westboro Kooks can generate.
Direct quote from their message. Nowhere does it say that Hawaii will be destroyed on Sunday. It simply states the the warning will be given on Sunday, which they did.
(08-08-2023, 07:25 PM)leilanidude Wrote: "THE WATCHERS MUST (AND WILL) PUBLICLY
Direct quote from their message. Nowhere does it say that Hawaii will be destroyed on Sunday. It simply states the the warning will be given on Sunday, which they did.

Well then, that makes everything just great then!

Any indication when their hate filled rapture will really happen?

I would hate to be caught off guard!
In the early-mid 90's I operated a web hosting company and we would give free web hosting to any legitimate charity or non-profit organization. Back then the first amendment was practiced by most private companies as the idea of censorship or "cancelling" had a Stalinesque ring to it.

One morning I opened up my email with a request to host "" aka Westboro Baptist Church. I knew that I wasn't going to host it but I was also reluctant on how I was going to deny them. I don't remember what the terms of service were back then but this was a "first ever" type thing and I was reluctant to even go down that path.

So I replied that I received their request at the same time as another to host "" and in the interest of keeping with the community vibe of our web hosting family, I was denying them both. I was equal parts looking forward to their reply and also dreading it (last thing I wanted was some hate mongers picketing my house) but fortunately I never heard from them again.
Nowhere does it say that Hawaii will be destroyed on Sunday.

If you read farther down the page, they posted this:


Now, if you would like to split hairs, it doesn't say Sunday, but that's more for their benefit, to let them off the hook when this "prophecy" like most of their other prophecies fails to come true.

Their church services must be an hour of pure hell.  Lucky for Puna residents, they went to Maui for some reason.

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