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Help centepede got a neighbor
Aloha Cindy!
So I guess the next question would be.....does he drink his catchment water and if so, does he treat it? Just wondering.

p.s. The packing is almost finished!
I have been ravaged by many a centepede over the years from 7 inch red ones to small bluish ones. I've had my foot and lower leg swell up from one. The one thing, out of many I have tried, that really seems to work and stop the venom from spreading is porcelain clay (probably any kind of clay will do it), I have a chunk of it I got at an arts store. Break a small piece off, add water in a bowl and make a slurry, then apply as thick as possible, let dry. This has to be done immediately - and you can actually feel the venom stop spreading.
I have been ravaged by many a centepede over the years from 7 inch red ones to small bluish ones. I've had my foot and lower leg swell up from one. The one thing, out of many I have tried, that really seems to work and stop the venom from spreading is porcelain clay (probably any kind of clay will do it), I have a chunk of it I got at an arts store. Break a small piece off, add water in a bowl and make a slurry, then apply as thick as possible, let dry. This has to be done immediately - and you can actually feel the venom stop spreading.
Geez, you guys...rats peeing on the roof right into your drinking water, havig to armor yourself to whack weeds, blue and red centipedes that require hospitalization -could you give me the bad news later, I'm in escrow!

LOL...good one Glen!

chickens think centipedes are delicacy ! Ps. I can attest that our cat has warned us of centipedes in the house.

You may want to invest in a cat rather than rain coats for the dogs...socialize the dogs and cat...then you have a centipede alarm cheap!

And if there were just some way to tuck one
of these mosquito nets under the mattress -
after you get in bed you wouldn't have to
worry about pedes or roaches climbing into
bed with you. My second husband was bit by
a centipede on his testicle OW!
Any ideas on how to use one of these
to protect ourselves?

"Taking you to the Heart of Hawaii"
I think I answered my own question. I noticed that some of the mosquite nets have what looks like kind of weighty material on the bottom. Maybe this could just be reinforced with something heavy enough the centipeded and roaches couldn't get under - like steel LOL
We have three cats too :-)
"Taking you to the Heart of Hawaii"
Got me freakin' out again. So these things crawl into BED with you?

And why do cats react to centipedes? Do centipedes hurt dogs?


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