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Hawaii’s DOE - First No Buses, now No Payroll!!
it will be ON TIME and CORRECT

Bumbye Brah.  This is Hawaii.  No need rush.  Besides, being people who ackchyually read, (and do grammar and stuff) these teachers probably feel very lucky just to have a job.  818,000 people just found out that they are unemployed.  It's not about having what you want.  It's about wanting what you have.
I wish you all the best
Do your own research!!! Wink

My reference didn’t only quote Gandhi, but the all important “etc” because it has been attributed to many. Here’s a more extensive list, although doubtfully complete.
I wasn't impugning your citation, just clarifying the historical record. Nor was I saying to literally do your own research, more a poke at "D.Y.O.R." trends, but getting an updated reference is even better! (I was going to type it as dO yOuR oWn ReSeArCh!!! but worried some olds might think my electronic typewriter was broken ;)

Punatang -  818,000 people (who also read) just found out that they are unemployed.
They can read but didn't find out they were unemployed until the BLS went back and revised last year's numbers? They took their jobs?

Punatang - It's not about having what you want.  It's about wanting what you have.
True dat! Thankfully we have beach day weather out there - time to go soak up the sun (and tell everyone to lighten up :) (video filmed in Hawaii, all text and links in this post abide by Punaweb Terms & Services and local decency standards, trust me bro. I see you there Moderator 2... makes one wonder what happened to Moderator 1?)
It's not about having what you want.  It's about wanting what you have.

Wasn’t that first expressed by the philosophers Rolling Stones?

You Kant always have what you want.
But if you try sometimes you just might find you want what you have.
Wasn’t that first expressed by the philosophers Rolling Stones?

Hmmm, (denotes curiosity) I'll have to research that.

The Rolling Stones are credited with at least one song that purportedly:  "addresses themes of deception and dishonesty, which can be interpreted as a commentary on the broader context of lies, including those perpetuated by authority figures or the government. In the lyrics, the repetition of the word "lies" emphasizes the pervasive nature of falsehoods in various aspects of life, including personal relationships and societal narratives. Notably, the lyrics mention "lies in my history books" and "lies like they teach in class," suggesting a critique of the information presented by educational institutions and, by extension, government-sanctioned narratives"

They must have been talking about The UK though because only kooks think that stuff happens here.  In Puna I mean.

I wish you all the best
“…makes one wonder what happened to Moderator 1?”

Possibly one of the 818,000 who just found out that they were unemployed when the BLS revised last year’s numbers?

Makes sense when you think about it.
“The fundamental weakness of Western civilization is empathy, the empathy exploit, they’re exploiting a bug in Western civilization, which is the empathy response. Empathy has been “weaponized.”"
-DOGE Leader
HPE - You Kant always have what you want.
Punatang - The Rolling Stones are credited with at least one song that purportedly:  "addresses themes of deception and dishonesty, which can be interpreted as a commentary on the broader context of lies ...

Y'all might be on to something here - from Kant, the philosophy of Autonomy, Truth and Peace:
"One of the reasons why Kant is so interesting from a disinformation perspective, is he examined the moral prohibitions against intentional falsehoods: lies. Kant famously argued that all lies are harmful because they undermine the dignity of others. Lies prevent people acting freely and rationally. When someone lies, he interferes with his audience’s right to receive information that is correct. Also, lies distort the ability to make informed decisions. Kant goes further and argues that lies cause broader harm by undermining a speaker’s credibility, which, in turn, causes people to distrust each other’s contentions."

Maybe Mick (seven O-levels) and the boys were deep readers, maybe they had a better basic education in the UK, or maybe, because of their apparent immortality, they hashed this over with Kant back in the day.

Punatang ...lies, including those perpetuated by authority figures or the government...  only kooks think that stuff happens here.  In Puna I mean.
Of course the government lies (Ollie North's side-hussle of illegal arm sales to Iran to fund the right-wing Contras who kidnapped, tortured, raped, and executed civilians in Nicaragua during Ronnie's MAGA 1.0 administration comes to mind), but that doesn't make everything they say false. You actually need evidence and some understanding of the topic, often gained through formal education from teachers with expertise, to distinguish truth from fiction. Thinking you always know better than teachers and experts is a sure sign of not knowing how much you don't know.

HiloJulie - Makes sense when you think about it.
Does it though? Does any of the BLS assertions and the reaction to having them questioned make sense, really? Just waiting for the crypto part of the libertarian/ancap rant - paycheck no come? Get you some da kine coin! What's da kine coin? Whateva you want! DM your bank deets, choke kala!

Perhaps we could just pay the local teachers enough so they're not having to live paycheck to paycheck? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The purpose of a system is what it does.  

More missing paychecks lead to formal complaint against the DOE
By Derek Kravitsky

Published: Sep. 13, 2024 at 5:17 PM HST

HONOLULU (HawaiiNewsNow) - The Hawaii State Teachers Association has learned over 530 teachers did not receive their paychecks in August due to onboarding issues by the Department of Education.

Initially, the estimate was nearly 380 teachers.

During a meeting on Sept. 9, the HSTA said DOE officials informed them that 533 educators (419 HIDOE and 114 public charter schoolteachers) were not paid on Aug. 20.

HSTA says not only were teachers not paid in August, but some did not receive their paychecks during the first week of September.

The HSTA has filed a ‘Step two Grievance’ against the DOE in response to the growing number of teachers without paychecks.

A ‘Step one Grievance’ which is equated to an informal complaint was lodged in August according to the HSTA.

The DOE says the paycheck delays stem from issues with their onboarding/hiring process, which requires the completion of tasks such as criminal background checks and submission of valid teaching credentials.

The DOE said in a statement, “Payroll timing is based on the completion of these tasks, not the employee’s start date. Had this procedure been more clearly communicated and followed, the number of affected teachers would have been limited to just four.”

Days after paychecks were supposed to arrive in August, the DOE announced they’d be sending out $2,000 checks to schools the following week as an interim solution.

HSTA says a survey of their members showed the following impacts from the missing paychecks:
  • 25% report overdraft fees

  • 32% report missed payment fees

  • 33% report late payment fees

  • 25% report impacts to their credit score

  • 6% report an inability to qualify for a loan

  • Others report an inability to apply for rental housing (due to no income), denial of housing, and concerns related to medical coverage and medical procedures
HSTA has also provided a list of solutions to settle the grievance:
  • Make teachers whole for the salary owed with interest paid

  • Provide one full day of recall pay to address financial consequences

  • Provide one paid administrative leave day to address their financial consequences

  • Reimburse all late/missed payment fees and overdraft fees

  • Provide options for processing pretax EUTF and Island Flex deductions through payroll

  • Provide teachers an additional 60 days to pay back the $2,000 checks provided by the HIDOE.
The DOE says they anticipate fully reimbursing all affected employees by Sept. 20.
HSTA says they plan to meet with DOE officials again on Sept. 16 to discuss possible remedies to the situation.
I wish you all the best
One thing that sticks out to me is the number of teachers who seem to be living paycheck to paycheck. I don't know what a typical teacher here earns, but how do you expect kids to do well when their teachers struggle to make ends meet?
Teacher salaries are public information. In Hawaii you can even get teacher names by Complex and individual school. You may be surprised at how many are making $90-$110k. (I don't have a problem with a teacher making decent pay, just that all we ever hear about is the low starting pay)

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