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The 20 acres Hawaii County is considering for park development was deeded to them by the Hawaiian Paradise Park Owners Association, making Hawaii County Hawaiian Paradise Park lot owners.

All Hawaiian Paradise Park lot owners must pay road maintenance fees. If a Hawaiian Parasise Park Owner owns more than one lot, they must pay a road fee for every lot they own. If a Hawaiian Paradise Park Owner conducts business on their lot(s) which generate greater traffic on Hawaiian Paradise Park roads, then those lot owners are assessed greater road fees. 

The Hawaiian Paradise Park land that Hawaii County owns is between roads 25th and 26th. Every Hawaiian Paradise Park Owner who lives at the upper part of Hawaiian Paradise Park own their roads, but they must still pay Hawaiian Paradise Park Owners Association the money to maintain their roads. The Hawaii Courts said so. 


Has the County of Hawaii been paying, like every other Hawaiian Paradise Park Owner, their court-ordered share of road maintenance fees?

If not, why not? And when will Hawaii County start paying their court-ordered road maintenance fees?

Lastly, not a question just a correction, the proposed park is not a Hawaiian Paradise Park. The proposed park would be a County park. Everything about it, roads, security, maintenance, etc., should be paid for with Hawaii County money, which all Hawaii County residents pay and for which owners in Hawaiian Paradise Park (and many other Puna subdivisions) currently get very little for. 

So do you believe that we shouldnʻt create a park until these things happen?
Certainty will be the death of us.
(10-02-2024, 01:36 AM)kalianna Wrote: So do you believe that we shouldnʻt create a park until these things happen?

Absolutely. Once a park is built there will be no incentive for the County to take responsibility and do their fair share. They will be content with others (owners) footing the bills. 

The County does not give its residents anything. The County is funded with money they collect from residents. 

If the County can collect money from residents and still stick residents with costs- they will. Kind of like getting millions from the feds (Covid money) working their essential County employees.during the worst of Covid, and then not wanting to pay their employees the hazard pay the County agreed (by contract) to give them. 

If parameters are not worked out (who is responsible for what and what can everyone expect) a County park could become a very expensive problem for Hawaiian Paradise Park Owners.
In Pahoa, 56 acres were given to CoH by Mainstreet Pahoa Assoc. (I was on the BoD at that time) for a park with the promise that we would play a role in its design and purpose. Parks Department then completely ignored us.
(10-02-2024, 03:55 AM)Rob Tucker Wrote: In Pahoa, 56 acres were given to CoH by Mainstreet Pahoa Assoc. (I was on the BoD at that time) for a park with the promise that we would play a role in its design and purpose.  Parks Department then completely ignored us.

Thank you for sharing. Sad, and too often the way it works. Once the County gets its way, there is no going back.
Is this the property that became the Billy Kenoi park?
Certainty will be the death of us.
Patricia, perhaps you should go to the meeting today and ask your questions there.
I would suspect you would have a better chance of getting an answer there.

If it makes you feel better, I will volunteer to pay the County's $435.00 road fee.
(10-02-2024, 04:30 PM)Obie Wrote: Patricia, perhaps you should go to the meeting today and ask your questions there.
I would suspect you would have a better chance of getting an answer there.

If it makes you feel better, I will volunteer to pay the County's $435.00  road fee.

I have found that attending meetings while informative, is not always productive. Sometimes more effort is required- for example, submitting testimony and writing to County reps.

The County road fees, just for last year which are overdue, would be 20 times $435. And that total would be $8,700.

Apologies. I forgot the "Interest at 10% annum will be added to all unpaid balances at the end of each month beginning in April and continuing until paid in full."
So, right now that means the County owes an additional $435 in late fees (10% of $8700 ÷ 12 and X 6). And that is just for 2024. Not for all the other years the County has owned that land.
I wrote to Greggor when he was on the council and encouraged him to get this done.

Then Covid happened.
If the County owns one lot, don't they pay the same fee as an owner of a one acre lot? That is the way it works in Leilani. those with 2 acre lots pay the same annual fee as the owner of a one acre lot.

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