Leonardo da Vinci
The following is the agenda for this Wednesday's BOD meeting (Nov. 20, 2024, at 6:00 PM). Let's break it down:
First on is the president and VP reports.
Not sure why a VP report is needed at the meeting when the president will be giving one. I know the VP recently lost his wife (a lovely lady). Not necessarily business, but definitely impactful.
As for the president's report, the one really good piece of info and advice, which the president closes her report with EVERY time is, "This is a big place, and it takes everyone's eyes to keep it running smoothly and safely."
I agree, time to open some eyes.
Moving on to the treasure's report, it is always pretty stale. Just a lot of figures getting read out and the same monthly definition of a "contra asset account" (in case anyone forgot from the month before).
The treasurer's report might be a lot more interesting if the figures were read out and the differences in amounts were compared to the months previous and the years previous.
The GM's report usually outlines what roads have received what service, how many miles were involved, how many dead animals and what kind were retrieved from the roadside, what if any equipment has issues or needs to be replaced, what equipment is being or has been purchased, and what is currently being done in the office (administrative functions).
I think it would be really great if HPPOA would get rid of all the dead wood left over from tree removal, on the Makuu easements- that rubbish is just an attractant for more pigs and rats.
The Finance Committee is an owner/member committee (it is SUPPOSED to be an Owners/members committee) chaired by the BOD treasurer, who gives the committee report.
The GM is also a member of the Finance Committee. Which makes sense. But he is not allowed to vote. Which also makes sense (a conflict).
The president ALWAYS attends Finance Committee meetings, fulfilling her role as "ex officio" (a role which she can use to attend ALL HPPOA committee meetings and VOTE on ALL HPPOA committees issues but does not- seemingly limiting herself to just the FC ).
The Bylaws Committee is supposed to be an Owners/members committees, but it is not. The committee was illegally dissolved by the board last year and reorganized as a board committee, containing 3 board members and 2 board supporters.
The illegal board bylaws committee is in the process of attempting to illegally amend the bylaws so as to make HPP "fit" the definition of a "planned community" as outlined in 421J- a law that does not pertain to HPP or HPPOA and was erroneously adopted by the HPPOA board more than a year ago.
THE NOMINATING COMMITTEE should not be giving a report. There was no Nominating Committee elected at the October owners/members meeting, as the president did not place the election of the committee under Special Business, where it SHOULD have been. And instead placed the election of the Nominating Committee at the end of the agenda. Unfortunately, the meeting lost quorum before the Nominating Committee could be elected.
The Nominating Committee the president is now putting forth and will present as an "ad hoc" committee for vote and approval, is comprised of many of the same board supporters who hold a majority on almost all of the other HPPOA committees (EXCEPT the CPC).
The fact that the president wishes to board stamp and approve the "ad hoc" Nominating Committee is just more board control of another Owners/members committee. IF the president really cared about fairness and promoting owner/member involvement, she would allow approval of the ad hoc committee to be submitted to the February owners/members meeting and also open the committee up to other Owners/members who may wish to be involved in the Nominating and voting process.
The elections are not until June. So yes, while two months is not a long time, it is enough time and allows for other Owners/members, who are not board supporters, to keep an eye on what is happening. ("It takes everyone's eyes.")
The Cultural Preservation Committee has had a rough go of it. Establishing the committee in the first place took some doing (the previous board, several years back, was less than supportive). And while this board has been better, they have limited the Committee, its "official" business and involvement in HPPOA matters (when those matters involve cultural issues) to the 31 acres.
In addition, this committee is restrained by HPPOA (advisory only) and is not allowed to act autonomously, which limits when and how much information is allowed to be shared with others. This, because there is a blurring of HPPOA interests (business) and cultural interests (personal). These constraints, I believe, lead to frustrations and misunderstandings, which take away from committee business and progress. And my opinion is that is exactly what some on the board want- to look supportive but maintain control, while not being as vocal or interfering about it (as they have been with the Bylaws, Finance, and sneakily Nominating Committee).
The Human Resources Committee is a board committee, chaired by a board member. It has suffered from a lack of interest and not enough owner/member or even board involvement (go figure). Maybe this is because it is difficult for others, like myself to take the board chair seriously. How can you take someone seriously who cannot see what "the big deal is" with rewriting bylaw verbiage that would force owners to become members of a voluntary club against their will?
The Mail "Parks" Beautification Committee is a definite board supporter committee, put together to try to draw community support and interest in "financing" the upkeep of the "free" mailboxes.
From the first talks, regarding mailboxes, it was pointed out that NOTHING is free and the mailbox sites would always require upkeep and maintenance, which costs money (and some of us are not keen on using Road Fee money and the Road Maintenance Crew for mailbox work). Hence, the board and their supporters' formation of the Mail "Parks" Beautification Committee. Note, under New Business there will be discussion (and vote?) on "approval of a donation form and accepting donations for mail parks Beautification, the CPC and general use." I guess this (soliciting donations) makes TAKING road fee money, when no donations are forthcoming, acceptable? I do not think it works that way. Also, the board might want to tell those who are thinking about donating that any donations paid to a 501c4 non-profit (which is what HPPOA is) are not tax deductible
I can not recall a single report that has been given in the past year (or more?) from the Road Pathways and Safety Committee... Anybody?
The Community Resource Report really has nothing to do with HPPOA. Neighborhood Watch is its own nonprofit (a 501c3). Neighborhood Watch is ANOTHER voluntary community association that does a lot for HPP- and Neighborhood Watch pays for everything they do (with grants donations, fund raisers- NO road fee money). Neighborhood Watch also PAYS HPPOA for its use of the HPPOA clubhouse.
Owner Input is 'limited' to 3 minutes. But if you have anything to say you better be at the meeting to deliver it. Because the board will not let someone else do it on your behalf.
And don't even try to comment if you plan to Zoom because the board president has determined that all chat will be closed (can't have those "negative" comments recorded).
By the time we get to Unfinished Business top on the list- wait for it- is, of course, the "Mailbox update." It will be interesting to hear what the board president has to say. She still has not clarified WHERE the sorting and package pick-up for HPP will occur. Will it be in Hilo, as rumored? And there are so many other "fact rumors" floating around. Will the president set them straight? Actually, share TRUE info?
As for the mailboxes on Makuu... What happened there? Were they hit by a vehicle? If so, why are there no car parts? No dents in the boxes? Why is one box lying in one direction and the other is facing in a different direction? Was this incident reported? What, EXACTLY, is the scoop?
Also, in unfinished business, the 2024-2025 paving schedule will be discussed. Apparently, this discussion (and decision?) will revolve around the "survey" handed out at the last Owners/members meeting (in October). How ridiculous is this? There are over 8,000 owners in HPP, and a "survey" handed out to less than 50 attendees will be the deciding factor for the board on how they will proceed with paving? Seriously? Figure how small 50 out of 8,000 is. Figure how much smaller that number is when at least 10% or more did not even turn in a "survey." For all of you, who in some lifetime, want your road paved, you might want to address the board's "survey."
The rest of the unfinished business goes into discussing a 5K run through HPP. What? The HPPOA president likes to state, at just about every meeting, that HPP roads are private and to "drive them at your own risk." In what reality is this board going to HOST runners, in a 5K run, to use HPP's private roads? Talk about liability. Run at your own risk.
To finish out Unfinished business (yep, almost there) the board will be discussing the already missing yellow reflectors, on the main roads, and whether to replace them or not, and they will be "updating" on the status of the 4 way stop on Beach and Makuu- the topic of which has been posted on the HPPOA website for a month. (How long does it take to install a stop sign?)
Finally, reaching new business (which many will never get to hear, because just typing this has taken me 2 days) the board will discuss approving a form for accepting "donations" for the Mailbox Beautification Committee, the Cultural Preservation Committee and "general use." Let me just say, right here, that committees accepting donations, which are then to be "administrated" by HPPOA, is a slippery slope. Especially given HPPOA's history and track record. For instance, how many people know that there was a coqui eradication committee, which collected quite a bit of money and somehow at sometime it was decided that money would be better used to build a park (not a bad idea, but not what the money was collected for). A typical HPPOA move-Have Money, Will Use For Whatever We Want.
Speaking of money, the board will also vote on whether to increase road fees for next year or not. Hmm... Let's see, hundreds of thousands spent on legal fees (the board's fault) added maintenance costs for mailboxes (the board's fault) money HPPOA needs but does not have for clubhouse repairs (the board's fault) and more... If HPPOA doesn't raise fees it will be a totally "feel good" political move to smooth over HPP Owner support. If HPPOA does raise fees, they will justify it by pointing out how much they have supposedly done and how there is so much more (more than roads) that needs "fixing." It's a lose, lose, folks.
Lastly is the BOARD appointment and approval of an ad hoc Nominating Committee (remember it being discussed at the beginning of this post?) This topic (the Nominating Committee) should have been addressed at the beginning of the meeting, under Special Business, just as it should have ORIGINALLY been addressed at the October Owners/members meeting- but this topic (the NC) is conveniently and "quietly" last. It is also strategically last because the BOARD appointing an OWNERS/MEMBERS Nominating Committee is extremely wrong. And as pointed out, at the beginning of this post, while board members cannot (should not) serve on the OWNERS/MEMBERS Nominating Committee (a conflict of interest) board members CAN control the committee (just as they control the bylaws and Finance committees) by APPOINTING their board supporters who will promote and do whatever the board tells them to do. The board APPOINTING a Nominating Committee is WRONG. And if the board actually wanted to correct their grievous mistake, having placed the nomination of the Nominating Committee last on the Owners/Members October Meeting agenda, then the board would correct and make this mistake RIGHT, by having Owners/Members ELECT members of a Nominating Committee at the next Owners/Members meeting in February )it would mean a lot of work for the committee- elections are in June- but it CAN be done).
And there you have it. The board's "agenda." It is the agenda some on this board have been pushing for the last 2 plus years- limit information (notice no "legal update") use "surveys" to justify board member decisions that some Owners may question/challenge, limit owner/member participation (wear them down, put all important topics at the end of the meeting when most will tune out and leave) keep tight control of all owner/member committees (appoint and vote on the formation of ANOTHER Owners/Members Committee).
It takes "everyone's eyes," HPP Family. Time to open them.
(11-17-2024, 10:00 PM)Sphamayle Wrote: Dayum...I keep running of popcorn!
Don't use the microwave-pop-in-the-bag kind. It's totally bad for you.
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