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emergency routes

Report is here:

From that report:

The top three Connectivity Locations for each of the four Puna areas are:

Volcano Area:
1. Fern Forest/Eden Roc - Kaleponi to Punahele
2. Volcano Village - Wright Road to Stainback
3. Fern Forest/ Eden Rock- Leila Road to Ahi Avenue, Map 3

Puna Uka (Upper):
1. Highway 11 to Fern Acres- South Lauko to Puhala
2. Enos Road to Hawaiian Acres - Enos Road to Ao and Kea Roads in Hawaiian Acres
3. Connect Fern Acres to Kopua Farmlots on Puhala to Kahikopele

Puna Waena (Middle):
1. HPP/HB/HS - Hawaiian Paradise Park to Hawaiian Beaches/Hawaiian Shores (Railroad)
2. HPP/Hilo - HPP to Hilo (Railroad)
3. Orchidland/Hawaiian Acres -- Pohaku Drive to Pulelehua Road

Puna Kai (Lower):
1. HPP to Hawaiian Beaches/Hawaiian Shores (Railroad)
2. Nanawale- Additional Access to Highway 132 via Forest Road
3. Seaview Estates -- Kamoamoa Road to Highway 130

This effort seems generally useful but directly conflicts with County's current posture of "cannot support private roads in any way shape or form". What if a given subdivision is opposed to more access? Worse, what happens if they actually build all of these, magically turning the "private subdivision roads" into a public road system (which they will then refuse to pave).

Should be fun to watch.
From communicating with Marlene Hapai, who was head of the subcommittee mentioned in the report, and Noelani Whittington and Larry Brown at the county, I learned a few things:
This list was created by having a citizen subcommittee gather input from the public at one event, an annual Emergency Response Fair held in Keaau, and any other written input people chose to send, they plan to keep changing the list based on any new community input, but are not making a systematic effort to reach a broader sample of the Puna population for their opinions.

The county has a separate process using their own criteria (including level of opposition) to decide the actual feasibility of any proposed routes but has not done that for any of the routes.

There is no route across HPP shown on the map because the county does not want to deal with inevitable opposition to any route from the people who live there.

There is no funding for most of this and the cheapest routes with the least opposition will happen first.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
There is no funding for most of this and the cheapest routes with the least opposition will happen first.

I say again: any available funding could easily create "more" routes if County adopts a "lesser standard" of road, especially when connecting adjacent subdivisions' "unimproved" roads.

I can't help but imagine a quarter-mile of full-spec 40' paved/60' easement (with drainage, and signs, and striping) in the middle of the jungle, with gravel roads and huge potholes on either end... hang a couple of b-ball hoops and call it a "park" (now there's an idea Smile

There is no public mapping by tourists and other districts of private roads . Pdcp had 6000 votes for puna makai HPP . . No one from HA was informed . Appointees never showed up once Ar HA meetings . So no community input allowed for HA . . All 4009 Deeds have to sign was never mentioned .
You all think cause HPP the smaller and most crowded got 200 Million free money . Hpp bankrupted HA before and lost HA 83 miles of roads and 80 million revenue . It's already filed In Court .
Orchidland has 6000 votes for connector through HPP . 6000
Votes for 35th to ilima and out Ola'a . Obviously not following any community input nobody knows what emergency response means? .
Recommendations from planning document to be forwarded to Council for discussion -- funding remains to be seen:

This tidbit was "interesting":

some proposed connections would not be allowed under Hawaiian Acres' charter, which does not allow for a central corridor.

First I've heard of a charter, and isn't Road 8 a "central corridor"? (Or does it magically "not count" because County did it?)
I hear there is some interest in turning HA's 1 road over to the county. While I'm sure many would benefit from the pavement, there would be lots of unintended consequences, such as loss of even more road dues to HARC, speeding, noise, and accidents. It seems to me the county would have to build the road to a better standard than 8, and either kick funds into HARC or directly assist in maintenance of the remaining roads.

The idea of creating connectors without maintaining any roads is almost better, except apparently the county wants HA to maintain the connectors! With what budget?
apparently the county wants HA to maintain the connectors!

County Charter prohibits public funding of any road that is privately-owned and/or "substandard". The "officially documented procedure" is that the private road owners bring the road "up to spec" (at their cost) then deed it over to County.

So the first step will be to change the rules or work out an exception.

I further expect one or more lawsuits from people whose "country lifestyle choice" suddenly has a road next to it...

It's only taken 8 years to get this before the Council....
All of this is total BS !!! The City and county did pave 8 road but as with all things in life there is nothing free !!! And to boot actually it was Plymouth ____- that directed all the work on 8 road and he does not work for the county. It was just their sneaky way to get in here like the parasite they have become. They stole our road, built a massive accident waiting to happen with no due process at all and not with a penny spent to the owners as required in AMERICA !!! if you want something you buy it you do not just pave over it and rip out private owned road signs and assume that you can start using it to advance the budget of the local police dept. by ticketing private land owners with public domain tickets on our own property. Especially while they are openly treating the individual Shipman family and a couple dozen Hipster Retirees who paid a couple hundred bucks for inaccesible 50 by 75 ft hot lava cubes and have built a zone of filth on top of the once beautiful Kalapana Town. These people have 24 hour a day police protection keeping us out while they actively build wider access routes directing traffic INTO our subdivision against our wills. Wake up people if the Mayor thinks that he can use county credit cards for strippers wtf do you think they consider us?? Man this place is out of control !!!!
no due process at all and not with a penny spent to the owners as required in AMERICA

Hawaii isn't part of AMERICA.
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