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coqui frog solution
Just a question.
Are you s u r e you want to move to the BI, or the State of Hawai'i period? I really don't think you'll be happy there what with all the coqui frogs, Volcano's, County Water shortage and water catchments (you better hope those pigs don't climb up and pee in your catchment and leave you some lepto) Smile and God forbid if you should lose one of your contact lens in the shower and Lens Crafters is closed for the day. (where are my damn glasses) Smile Is there a Lens Crafters in Hilo?
Wouldn't it be a real kick in the butt if you let your dog out and he/she doesn't return because it found a happier owner? (Not saying your a mean guy) Gosh, that would suck big time.
What would you do if you decided to make that move to Kaua'i and buy your$600K shack, and your happy neighbor cranked up their stereo to the beautiful sound of Hawaiian music at 9:00am and started doing yard work, had lots of Bar-B-Q parties and had the whole Ohana over on the weekends? Would you go over if invited? Or would you get upset with them like you do the Coqui, volcano, catchment, contact lens etc.? Would you call the cops? But remember, they might be related to them. Smile
I understand about this damn frog, trust me I do, it drives me nuts when I go
there, but I make the best of it. I don't have a magic pill, but I would not let that frog stop me from going there either to be with my family.
I hear Talkeetna, Alaska on the other hand is not very populated with people, has the Biggest waves in the world (if you like to surf) and better yet, No Snakes, Mongoose and the best part, get ready for this, NO COQUI in Talkeetna..... and NO active Volcano's near by.( But there were about 41 active the last time I checked) Although you might have to run a generator for your electric and have an outhouse. Hell, it's almost like Puna. But hey we can't have EVERYTHING we want....
Happy thoughts Glen.. Smile Smile
Thanks Carey. We're here - and guess what? My son says the coqui don't bother him that much, but all the barking dogs around here and street noise do. We arrived Tuesday night, and he hasn't slept all the way through yet and is getting grumpier by the day. I'm picking up a used car I just purchased on Saturday Carey and if the insulation you offered doesn't work, then I'll brave the drive to Kona. I read something similar about the walls somewhere, about leaving a space between the wall and what you hang. I think your idea about layering for the windows is a good idea since some materials will absorb sound and others
will bounce it off. Now if he could just go
to sleep at sunset and wake up before dogs, neighbors downstairs and backhoes...we'd have it made. But he's been homeschooled so long he's forgot how to do this.
Amazingly, if my windows are shut the coqui don't bother me. I leave them open a while after dark to get it good and cool in here. Then shut the windows and leave on ceiling fans. My landlady wants me to shut them anyway to run her dehumidfier.
Thanks for all your tips!


"Taking you to the Heart of Hawaii"
PS I think the reasons the coquie don't bother me and actually sound rather musical (with windows shut)is that I am so sooo grateful to
be back in Hawaii :-) My son though...he has such difficulty with change and when anxiety
increases the level of tolerance to noises,etc. decreases. I am determined to help him be comfortable here and sleep because I never want to leave Hawaii again.


"Taking you to the Heart of Hawaii"
No Hawaiians, no aloha, no aloha? You're not Hawaiian!

Edited by - glen on 03/07/2007 13:37:04
Did you just disparage Dale Earnhardt?

Aloha (conditionaly)

“An intelligent man is sometimes forced to be drunk to spend time with fools.” - Ernest Hemingway
“Sometimes the truth hurts. And sometimes it feels real good.”
- Henry Rollins

Dale Earnhardt was certainly an asshole, but when you say he "got stupid" and hit the wall, that's out of line. He was a race driver, doing what race drivers do. Can you give me an example of a SUCCESSFUL race driver who has never "got stupid" and hit the wall? I think you owe Dale an apology.

Aloha (still conditional)

"You win some, lose some, and wreck some."-
Dale Earnhardt
“Sometimes the truth hurts. And sometimes it feels real good.”
- Henry Rollins

<<Wouldn't it be a real kick in the butt if you let your dog out and he/she doesn't return because it found a happier owner? (Not saying your a mean guy) Gosh, that would suck big time.>>

This runs real close to a personal belief of mine. I think a sentient critter like a dog or cat should enjoy the minimal freedom of voting with their feet. If they can find a better home elsewhere it would be a sin to stop them. I've always kept my relationships with my pets on that level. We either care well enough for each other to stay together or they are free to go. So far none have ever abandoned me.

To keep an animal on a chain is like a form of slavery.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
I find the huge number of chained dogs to be one of things about Puna I like the least. I even have one neighbor who keeps his dogs chained INSIDE a fence! Figure that one out. I spent what was for me a small fortune on fencing so my doggies would be safe and have lots of room in which to play. They love to catch rats in the woods and make tunnels though the fern banks.


Glen, OH MY GOD.... Did I get you at a bad moment?
What in the heck is wrong with you? I was just having some fun with you. I read your post and laughed at it and just wanted to comment. But you got your Bebs all in a uproar.
I read the first 3 paragraphs and didn't even want to finish reading it. Obviously you wanted to get that out really badly. Do you feel better now? I hope so. It's not even worth my time to read your posts. Your weird and you need anger managment, Therapy wouldn't hurt either. As for Aloha, or even concider yourself a wanna be Hawaiian forget it. It won't work for you already. If you can fly off the handle so quickly at something I meant no hard feelings to and try a degrade me your nothing. On top off that Did I SAY I didn't want you to come here? Did I WISH anything BAD on you? Did I REALLY hurt your feelings? I apologize now if I did. I did not mean to. Other than that Glen, I am very proud to be Hawaiian And am very proud of my race rather than wishing to be another RACE like you. I don't live my life caring about what you or anyone else thinks about me. Your going to have to do a lot better than that one Glen. Your not worth my time and I would NEVER lower myself to your level.
Take a Valium and go to sleep.

Smile once in awhile Glen
Lifes to short to be a hater.
(Wheres those damn Cheetoes)
I for one appreciate Glens questions and concerns. How many people move to Hawaii from the mainland with the rose colored glasses on only to find it was not what they thought. Puna is not the Hawaii most people are dreaming of so I urge most people to look into things before they move. It is a big move to leave everything you know and come to a little rock in the middle of the pacific. Hilo/Puna is not for everyone and he is very smart to do his homework before he moves over. I was also tempted by the low prices of Puna but have decided to buy on Maui. Sorry, but "catching your water", frogs, rat piss, volcanos, a neighbor straight out of "Deliverance"...these are things that would be a concern to even people on the other islands. I know when I have told local people that live here on a shoestring buget about Puna, they say I would rather move to the mainland. Thats when my red lights went off for me. There are plenty that love the area but it is not for most. The prices for homes, even on the water, tell the story. Glen there are other islands where there is less to worry about and a lot more sun!

Edited by - tropicalnut on 02/26/2007 21:43:52

Edited by - tropicalnut on 02/26/2007 21:46:29

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