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Favorite areas of Orchid Land & other subdivisions
hi, it's me again looking for a new home in Puna.

Having decided against Wa'a Wa'a for remoteness, still looking for one acre or more with dwelling in place (two dwellings preferred), land that is already cultivated (not dozed and cindered), friendly people, and before you say Leilani -- have to stick to Zone 3 to make my lender happy.

What parts of Orchidland do you like or dislike? The only house I've spent time at was on 37th. How is the top of the subdivision? Is it any different in climate than Hawaiian Acres?

How are the frogs, dogs, and roosters there?
Vog? Does it get Puna Geothermal smell? Fireplace needed? Is it generally overpriced, fairly priced, or undervalued?

Any and all opinions welcomed.

By the way, if anyone knows of a kama'aina house for sale in good condition and not on one of the main roads, I'd love to hear about it. I prefer vintage homes although I doubt I'll find the right one in Puna.
aloha kathy,

were you a fellow oaklander like me,actually i'm now in sonoma?.....anyway back to your question regarding orchidland.

i have quite a few lots in various areas....the acre lots towards the front of the subdivision are usually spagetti lots, alot of newer construction homes mixed with older homes with dogs, roosters etc....its really block by block, house by need to talk to everyone down the block to a home/land thats for sale to get a vibe to the street. middle area 35-38, there are a few squarer lots but rarely come into the market. from 36th on, most of the larger 3 acre lots are spagetti lots except for just a few rare squarer lots.

the one acre lots in front are easier to get to and neighbors tend to look out for each other compared to the larger parcels where people can do their own thing in privacy.

i'm sure you can find some good deals now, probably more so with any seller that really needs to cash out, if you find homes closer to the main feeder roads that would be ideal so you do not have to trek through some of the graveled areas which can be tricking further up where it can flood.

good luck


there are also a few 1/2 acre lots on the main feeder roads...not sure if there are any for sale..

lots of coakies, nice breezes during the afternoons, same rain pattern like top of HPP unless you are really towards the back of the subd, next to HA.

best part you are in lava zone three....there is SSPP charges on all the lots to consider


some of the graveled areas which can be tricking further up where it can flood

Are there areas here and in HA that are known to be subject to flash flooding? I recall a posting a few months ago about a harrowing experience of a forum participant who got caught in some flash flooding somewhere in this area, or maybe it was further up, like Fern Acres.

Oh, I just saw that HADave posted the body of the post that I'm referring to on KathyH's other thread about Wa'a Wa'a.

lots of coakies

Do you mean 'coquis'? Or, 'croakies'?

Edited by - Les C on 05/11/2007 12:12:29
KathyH, you might even consider HPP on the other side of the Highway. They don't have three acre lots there, but anything else Ocrchid land offers, HPP has too, and perhaps better.

I'm having a house built on 3rd Ave., though my lot is only one acre it has everything I need. Plus if you have to commute everyday to Hilo, it is sure a lot easier to get on the highway from HPP than it is Orchidland.


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Hi Kathy,
I am thinking of selling my house on 30th st. in HPP .Its private with huge old ohias, money trees and mango(kitties will love it).Big enough to turn into two units (one for your son) and it has a great fun vibration and charm with lots of covered areas.(pictures do not do it justice).

Orchidland is cold and rainy,(my sister lives there and complains constantly,she also lost a car in the flash floods) I would not even consider it for myself. Hpp has great weather. But Waa Waa is my retirement choice for the day when I'm through with all the commuting! Good luck!! Its [all] meant to be!

HPP Sucks!

Just Kidding!

hahaha... We are renting in HPP as I am fixing up my cabin in Orchidland.

I live close to Olaa Rd... Pretty nice, only 3 minutes to get onto Hyw 11. I think it's a better commute into Hilo then HPP... As for Cold and Rainy? Dunno, I find the weather to be about the same. I like it a bit more cooler so that will be a Plus for me! Smile My Cabin is about 650' from the road...

My lots are on Oliana St. I think there is a vacant lot for sale still on this street.

Anyway all my neighbors are cool... Smile I didn't really talk to any of them before I bought, and I should have because you "NEVER KNOW!!!"

I am renting in HPP and all I hear are the kids crappy motor bikes going up and down the road. No privacy in HPP and I can't wait to get the heck out of here... Counting the days!!!

I would be disappointed if I bought a lot in HPP... I know there are nicer places in HPP. And I am sure there are worse places in Orchidland. Look at the lots carefully and talk to anyone you can about the area before you make an offer.

Nice House Punamom... How much are you asking for it?
Edit... Never mind... Found it...

30th St HPP for sale/rent 288,800/1350

Good Luck with your search!

Edited by - ericlp on 05/13/2007 22:58:01
Hi Kathy,

wow, from oakmore to hilo and onto orchidland....seems like alot of transplants coming from the bay area.

a good indicator of a block is to see what is newer homes to older homes, dump and trash in the front vs lots of well cared environments.....chicken coops, beware of dog signs to kids playing on streets...the 3 acre parcels in the back it is harder to talk to the neighbors because the gates are locked and people do their own thing... easier to see more people on the one acre lots.

i would just use my intuition about observations from the drive around the streets and ask anyone you see around the can get your realtor to also dig up any information you need to find out.

Come check out favorite subdivision cause I live here. We are the back half of Tiki Gardens. Paved roads, regular electricity, new homes going up. Smaller lots but who needs acres of Lava?

HPP Sucks!

I am renting in HPP and all I hear are the kids crappy motor bikes going up and down the road. No privacy in HPP and I can't wait to get the heck out of here... Counting the days!!!

I would be disappointed if I bought a lot in HPP... I know there are nicer places in HPP. And I am sure there are worse places in Orchidland. Look at the lots carefully and talk to anyone you can about the area before you make an offer.

Eric, what area of HPP do you rent in? Currently I'm staying on 9th Ave., and my house if being built on 3rd Ave. I have been here since Jan 31st. That was the day we left Oahu for good! I find all the neighbors on both streets awesome! I don't see any out of control kids in my area whatsoever. Even the teenage kids wave to me when passing by. If I have any complaints, it's that I have to wave at every car come towards me, or that passes my house!
Weather wise, I'd much rather live in lower HPP than Orchidland. Not as much rain in lower HPP as in Orchidland too.

Edited by - beachboy on 05/15/2007 09:49:13

Edited by - beachboy on 05/15/2007 09:49:48

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