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Mtn View to Volcano power outage today
Power was down from around 1:30 - 4:30p today. Anybody aware of what might have caused it? HELCO's outage line didn't specify the problem.
Les, I was just going to post the same question.
Another short outage just now.

I know that they were flying over the lines today after the outage started.

Another government conspiracy????????????

Hey thanks Les and Robin.

Are these outages frequent? Was wondering if they had to do with weather conditions, or earthquake activities. When the power goes out around here it is most likely 1:30 to 2:30AM, yep drunk into pole!

Hey do you have pissants on the BI. Looks like new member fireant has their panties in a twist about something. A Troll?? new member6/20 and 7 posts in a day! LOL a address? Interesting, yes I'm bored today, too hot outside. Move on folks, or should I say move on Mella!

mella l
mella l
Art and Science
Mella, as far as I can tell, the wide area outages are not frequent. There was a time last fall that our power kept browning out until it finally went out. It turned out that the line to our house had rubbed "raw" on a Sugi (Japanese Cedar Cryptomeria japonicus.

We had far more power and phone (none yet, here) outages in the mountains of the San Francisco Peninsula than here on the BI.

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