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This is good news to anyone who lives in the park and is tired of driving on bad roads.

i also think it will increse the property values.


However this is bad news to anyone in the park who values their families' safety...

And as for those property values?

The lawyers are simply going to get richer, each time the o-so-lucky home-owners flatten their neighbors' toddlers on their way into town.

I congratulate H.P.P. and the residents that chose this option.

It is nice to see a community taking action and developing a plan that they feel will benefit H.P.P. as a whole.

A true breath of Puna fresh air compared to the typical moaning groaning negativity that goes on.

Greg Henderson

This is excellent news. I think it makes great sense for subdivision. It will be great to not have to see our road fees washed away with the rains, the potholes, and the dust.

I'm sure that safety will be a consideration. It might be interesting if strategically placed dips can help keep the driving speed down.

I didn't mean to come off as all that negative.

It's just that I've known two of the children who've already been flattened on (paved) Paradise personally.

Ehhhh. What the hell. Carry on.
The park's too crowded as it is.

Some areas here in the Park are considering requesting speedbumps as part of the project since there are already people who drive 50-60 on the cinders. Having said that, my main concerns center on the financial management and not the idea of having paved roads. Am I the only one who remembers the Paradise Drive repaving fiasco? Let's hope they've learned how to do better and get the whole thing done without any hitches.

Whatever my worries about the details, it does speak well that the community has decided to do something about what many feel is a shortcoming of life in HPP. The vote passed by a large margin, and this could lead to more autonomous solutions to other problems here and elsewhere in Puna. Heaven knows the politicians in Hilo have shown little inclination to do anything.


I don't usually jump in on subjects like this, but I've owned 2 lots & a house in HPP. I don't think this is a good idea. Paving will increase flooding in much of HPP,(never addressed as far as I know of, but figure it out. Where is all that rainwater off asphalt going to go?) There are already areas that flood from pavement,(Makuu Dr.) I predict there will be loss of life of pets and children from drivers increasing from 10 MPH on dirt to 60 MPH+ on pavement, just because they can, and you know they will. (Racing on paved country roads here is a popular pastime for some youngsters, especially long straight stretches like HPP.)

Edited by - leilaniguy on 06/27/2007 22:47:44
I didn't mean to come off as all that negative.

It's just that I've known two of the children who've already been flattened on (paved) Paradise personally.

Ehhhh. What the hell. Carry on.
The park's too crowded as it is.

malolo, what the hell are kids doing playing on the cinder road, or any road for that matter? Even a better question, where the hell were the parents of these kids?

this is a step in the right direction for Puna. I grew up in the Hawaiian Islands(mostly Maui). I have seen the islands build up year after year, and to be honest with you nothing short of a natural disaster is gonna stop the progress either. Why do people complain about it so much after they move here? People forget that when they move here they have a big effect on the area too. It's not just limited to development either! Overpopulation has a real negative effect on a community, especially if the over populated area has not dealt with their own shortcomings.

Sure, we all realize that kids will drive faster on paved roads. But why would anyone allow their toddlers to play near a roadway? I tip my hat to the HPP Homeowners group for having to huervos to move forward on the paving of our roads. Lord knows the collect enough fees to make it happen..

Edited by - beachboy on 06/28/2007 06:29:49

Support the 'Jack Herer Initiative'NOW!!
Sorry Beachboy.
I should have been more clear.

Paved roads equal increased speed.
Paradise Drive is a good example of this.

The children I knew were in first grade and second grade.

One boy was waiting for the school-bus...
on the corner of 30th, I believe.
One was riding his bike...near 6th.

They're both quite dead I'm afraid.
Not sure where the parents were.
But I can guess where their heads are now.

My point? This type of tragedy will be occurring with far greater frequency, now that the side roads are slated to be paved.

I would suggest speedbumps be installed with the pavement. They are very effective at slowing traffic and also may discourage people from just cruising around lookie- looing.


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