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Superferry Pros and Cons...
This is the first mention I've seen of the fuel surcharge. As I see it, for two people to go from Maui to Oahu for the weekend, leaving on Friday and returning on Sunday, the cost would be $141 each plus car cost of $138 for a total of about $420. Not exactly cheap. And.... until the 2nd Maui trip is added in 2009, you have to be at the dock in HNL before 6 am for the return trip.

Thanks Jane, also Kauai has no Mongoose, and they don't run real fast or hide good or anything.

Last night on the News a lady was disappointed 'cause it was a really "bumpy" ride. That's a shock - not like we're out in the middle of the freakin' Pacific Ocean in the most isolated place ever.

I actually think this could be good for a few reasons (more and more only a few) none of which occur to me at this time...

Lemme see...hugely expensive; invasive species swap on a grand scale; lotsa time to travel inter-island; and oh yeah, a good chance you get to smell throw-up on every trip. hmmmm...


"All I can say about life is, Oh God, enjoy it." Bob Newhart


"Freedom has a scent like the top of a newborn baby's head..." U2
One of the "Super Ferry" vessels visited Hilo a couple years ago on it's way to the Great Lakes. It was an impressive ship and I enjoyed the free tour.

The ferry continued on to the Great Lakes where it failed after six months from lack of ridership. I think the same thing will happen here. Ultimately it will be a federal dollar boondoggle of dubious value. It would then get sold down the economic food chain until someone buys it cheap enough to lower the price for a ride.

It might end up in Puerto Rico or Jamaica or Mozambique some day. I don't think it will last long here at those rates. If they are attentive on the invasive species issue for the first six months I think the problem will solve itself.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
A lot of Hawaii residents will use the ferry only until the novelty wears off and the high cost sinks in. After that, they will depend on tourists and people who haul their own goods in their own small trucks. I somehow doubt that will support it financially and agree with Rob that it will probably go under. I don't trust their environmental safeguards, either, but they got a pass on the usual required studies by rolling them selves into "ocean shipping' without much regard for what will lurk on all the vehicles.


I think it's a good idea for people moving from one island to another maybe or for students, but for just a day out it's a little pricey.


"All I can say about life is, Oh God, enjoy it." Bob Newhart


"Freedom has a scent like the top of a newborn baby's head..." U2
The Superferry is planned for major movement of Stryker vehicles based in Oahu to Maui and the Big Island. Be glad they aren't coming to Hilo, otherwise you'd be seeing those Stryker vehicles coming and going from Hilo all the time...
Time is an illusion, but a handy one. Without it, we would not be able to hear sounds, and without that ability, we would have no music.
What's a Stryker vehicle?


"All I can say about life is, Oh God, enjoy it." Bob Newhart


"Freedom has a scent like the top of a newborn baby's head..." U2
Hey guys....I’ve been reading your forum for a year or so, because my wife and I are thinking of moving to the BI....
We will be looking at Property next week both in Puna and Kona (haven't made up which side to live on yet)
Just wanted to add my two cents about the SuperFerry......I traveled a couple of times on one of these between Hoek van Holland and Harwich England....I was impressed and enjoyed it!! It will be a great addition for those that don't like to fly, and Yes, if you have a truck with a camper, the possibilities are endless...Scuba, Shopping, Camping, not to mention if you have a Hot Rod or classic car, you will be able to go to cruise nights.....


The only reason I would use the ferry (with the current prices they are charging) was if I was moving to another island or if I was going to visit someone for about a month (when it would make more $$$ sense to take your vehicle instead of renting one).

Gene called me today from the Aloha Tower in Honolulu and he was watching the Superferry in action, giving dignitaries and the powers that be rides. Shake down cruise. He said it was very impressive looking.

Steve, we thought about taking our motorcycles on the ferry to visit other islands also, but that wouldn't be much business for them.

mella l
mella l
Art and Science

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