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Volcano acting up
Yes, and we just closed escrow!! Isn't there some sort of Pele-moratorium, where you get one year without having to worry about lava leaking into your patio and destroying the simulated lava?

Pele -- this is Glen. You are most powerful and tremendous to behold. Your mana is most impressive and, oh, I have some giiiiiiiiin for you! Comin' over sooooooooon!

It was from an email from Mayor Kim. The subject was actually the Depleted Uranium contamination discovered at Pohakuloa, and he was just saying that right now he kindof has his hands full with the Kilauea issue.

Nothing to panic about, people. They are just doing their jobs in response to Pele pointing her flow in a north / north-easterly direction. It seems like they are assessing the situation, risks, and possible response actions.

In better news, today's update seemed to indicate that one of the main fissues feeding this lava flow was dying down.

"Of the two sources of lava feeding the channel, the easternmost (fissure segment D2) began sealing itself and its visible output appeared to be diminished."

Also, "Seismic tremor levels at Pu`u `O`o cone have increased to values 150% of pre-6/17 levels."

This seems to indicate that perhaps this eruption is already dying down, with the eruption possibly (hopefully) returning to Pu`u O`o.

Remember, molten rock beats both paper AND scissors.

Edited by - glennoid on 08/22/2007 14:34:56
Time is an illusion, but a handy one. Without it, we would not be able to hear sounds, and without that ability, we would have no music.
If the Lava blocks Hwy 130, I can see several things happening; People moving, Lower Puna becoming more self sufficient (not necessarily a bad thing), Helicopter shuttles over the flow, increased shuttle vans on both sides of the flow. I think the people who stay would simply adjust to the situation. I do wonder if we would be able to utilize the power from the geothermal plant. Any thoughts on this?

Adjust to what????
Moving where with out selling your home?
You would have to abandon your home and leave it for the looters.
Helicopter shuttles, I hope that's a joke.
Take a look at a map and point out Royal Hawaiian Gardens how do you think they adjusted to lava that cut them off?

If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it cost when it’s here come the taxes.....
I was traveling to work up Kahakai this morning and thr sky was beaming a hot red. It was about 4am directly up Kahakai. Did anyone else see the same thing?

The few remaining residents in Royal Hawaiian have to park at the end of the road and hike over two hours to get to their homes....problem is that their cars always get broken into since alot of kids hang out in the parking lot and trash whatever is there including cars....what a pain for the property owners.

Good Morning!

Mayor Kim and Jim Kauahikaua are holding a press conference this afternoon. Article in Star-Bulletin today:

Kahunascott, This isn't the first time this has happened. I've got lots of friends that moved from Royal Gardens and Kalapana when the lava came. They are alive and happy. The one's that weren't insured got low interest FEMA loans. If you can't sell your house, can't move, and can't get to Hilo; I guess you'll HAVE to adjust. People have been doing this for thousands of years (even without our modern technology), I know I wouldn't move just because I couldn't get to Hilo, I hate going to Hilo. I'm sure you'll figure something out, being an inovative, creative and flexible member of the human family. Aloha, Greg

Edited by - greg on 08/23/2007 06:57:01
Geez I hope we're not jumping the gun here, I mean it's good to consider what we would need to do in the case of lava flowing and cutting us off...I'm gonna ask the pros how likely is it that this scenario will play out with lava cutting us off anytime soon...are we talking about one year or 50?


"All I can say about life is, Oh God, enjoy it." Bob Newhart


"Freedom has a scent like the top of a newborn baby's head..." U2

I just received an email from Mayor Kim's office:

There is a media briefing this afternoon that will present the status of the Kilauea eruption so that news organizations can provide the public with the most accurate and timely official information available. At this time there is no immediate threat, and the situation is being monitored daily by the scientists from the USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory (HVO). Hawaii County is in the process of establishing a dedicated web site that should be up and running by Monday (8/27) which will provide links to current information and any advisories if they become necessary. This web site will be

Dixie Kaetsu
Managing Director
County of Hawaii
Steve & Regina
Hawaiian Acres / North Lake Tahoe

'If you don't know where you're going, any road will get you there' - George Harrison

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