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Fire Ants In Puna
Thanks Mella,

Here's the deal with the peanut butter as I understand it. If the little buggers start snacking on the way to the Queen then they may not make it to the queen.

Theoreticly it could work if just one drone gets through to the queen. My understanding is that the queen is very leary of incoming food, as well she keeps count of the drones.

I don't know, maybe Carrie/Jerry could comment on this. Thanks again, dave


"Sometimes your the bug and sometimes your the windshield"

"It doesn't mean that much to me.. to mean that much to you." Neil Young

This is slightly off topic. While this method of pest control won't work with fire ants, it is very effective with Crab Lice: Go into a theatre, sit down and spill pop corn on your lap. When the Crabs go to get a drink of water, change seats.

One of the problems with these lfa's is that the queen doesn't eat anything that is brought into the hive from outside -- she feasts of dead larva, or other stuff... that's one of the reasons they are so hard to kill.

There are other poisons that work, but are not as yet approved for this use, particularly where there are any food products growing, like and orchard or veggie garden.

I'll certainly remember the trick about the oil! Hopefully, they won't get up this way.


Wow... Coqui and now fire ants many species want to live here. Not just many humans, the place is being invaded/

Thanks jane,

You sound like you know about it. I havn't caught up with my neighbor. As I said earlier, the stuff I get is in a tan granule form. I just sprinkle a couple spoon fulls on the mound and a few days later they're gone. Any one have any ideas what it might be? Jane?

I'll try to find out what it is. I do know that there are several different types/species of the lil devils. Some of the ones yous guys are talking about, I've never seen.

We do have these huge ones (1/2"-1"inch). Their mounds are flat but barron around the hole. LOL.. I saw some today, if go back out there I'll get a pic. You wait here


"Sometimes your the bug and sometimes your the windshield"

"It doesn't mean that much to me.. to mean that much to you." Neil Young


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