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Big Box Ban - Thoughts?
I read this in the Tribune Herald this morning...
""Superstores" don't belong on Hawaii Island, the County Council decided Wednesday in voting 5-4 to prohibit the retail-super-market hybrids, island wide."

What do you think of the so called "Big Box Ban?"

"What? Me Worry?" - Alfred E. Nueman

Edited by - wjbillock on 09/20/2007 12:55:13
"Vote with your money!"
I thought they already were, Safeway isn't big box???

mella l
mella l
Art and Science
and Home Depot, Wal Mart, K Mart, Sears, Ross, Lowe's, Macys, Borders, Subway, McDonald's, Taco Bell, Costco

Actually, their definition of "Big Box" is defined as a business exceeding 90,000 gross square feet AND offering for sale more than 25,000 different SKUs AND with more than 20,000 square feet devoted to the sale of food items.

This was originally proposed by Hilo Councilman Stacy Higa.

I attended an event sponsored by the Hawaii Island Chamber of Commerce a few months back to listen to the debate between Higa and a "Superstore Representative."

My opinion is this...

Competition is good...too much Government regulation is bad...and the only possible business that could be banned by this bill is a Wal-Mart Superstore.

Now...the irony of all of this is that Wal-Mart is proposing to build a Superstore behind the existing one in Hilo. This site is on Department of Hawaiian Homeland, so it is not bound by county zoning restrictions and as such, "would be unaffected by a superstore ban."
A Costco or Sam’s Club would fall beneath the radar as they exceed the gross square footage AND square footage devoted to the sale of food items, BUT are under the 25,000 different SKUs.

What is Higa trying to accomplish? He's already accomplished NOT GETTING MY VOTE for Governor! As for the 5 County Council Members who voted for the ban, who are they trying to impress?

(Stepping down from his soapbox…Wink

And how is your week going?

"What? Me Worry?" - Alfred E. Nueman
"Vote with your money!"
We will probably get at least one, whether the Council likes it or not. WalMart is negotiating with the Department of Hawaiian Homelands for a lease behind their current store in Hilo where they plan to build a SuperCenter. DHH, by state law, trumps County zoning, and is exempt from this ordinance. It will probably be a traffic mess, if for no other reason than the fact that the DOT is incapable of doing anything in a speedy manner. If WalMart is smart, they will finance road improvements themselves to avoid this pitfall. In the end, at least in Hilo the people will get to vote with their dollars, and we all know how that will turn out. The SuperCenter will be a huge success.

I know that I am usually bashing big boxes but a SuperTarget would be sweet.

I almost forgot. I avoid Wal Mart like the plauge for many reasons but today I had to go to the bank on lunch hour and the SuperWalMart by my office was my only lunch choice. So I went in to grab something to munch on. I got a Solo Papaya with it's Hawaii label proudly affixed. Nice lunch.

Before we moved here we didn't use WalMart much after I saw a 20/20 episode about an East Indian lady that worked for like 25 cents an hour sewing stripes on the running suits they sell at WalMart...anyway - that story and all the "bad employer" stories we heard kept us away.

Here on the Big Island we really depend on WalMart. Their prices and inventory are really necessary here. I wish we had a Target. I love Target's prices and selection. (I love Macy's too, but sometimes my wallet doesn't love Macy's LOL!)


"All I can say about life is, Oh God, enjoy it." Bob Newhart


"Freedom has a scent like the top of a newborn baby's head..." U2
Be careful what you wish for. A big box ban may prevent stores you want such as the reference too not wanting a WalMart but wanting a Target or not stop those you want stopped.

If the county does not have the lawyers to make sure the law is iron clad, the ability to fight the developers when the lawsuits start flying, and the money to pay for any lawsuit, it may turn into a bigger mess than they are prepared to accept. You won't believe the expertise of the researchers and attorneys (my brother-in-law makes 10X what I make filing lawsuits for them) these developers can afford and they will fight the fight simply to discourage anyone else from considering a ban.

To illustrate the power of these developers, I saw how in 2006 despite big box bans and all the other hoopla over these giant stores, they were able to get the ordinary citizens of an entire state to agree to pay the developers if government took any action to prevent them from using the land as they wanted. Even to this date, I bet the majority of the people had no idea how they were conned by the developers.

So, it may sound good, but you had better be prepared to take the money for education, road repairs, and parks & rec to pay for the attorneys, the bill will be high.

Just another way to limit competition here in Hawaii. Help themselves at the cost (literally) of the small guy.


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