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Nanawale Estates area
So, John that lives in the area- I am assuming that there is very little activity near where you live, is that right? I am kind of in the middle of the subdivision, so I am also not near a lot of activity so far. I heard that recently there was a "changing of the guard" with regards to who was on the board-has this been a good thing and if so, what improvements have occured since the change?
Also, do you all worry about the lava being so close? It seems like everyone doesn't, but I imagine that the recent activity has made everyone a bit nervous, no?
I really imagine that the coqui will drive me crazy. I think since I am a light sleeper this will be a problem at night. I wonder how I will get rid of them, being that the neighboring lots are undeveloped. Lots to think about.

Edited by - nanawalejulie on 10/07/2007 19:16:59
ooops forgot to ask if the "pesky helicopters" fly over this area too. Do you hear them regularly?

Oh, and are there particular streets or areas of Nanawale Estates that you would avoid buying, and if so, why?


Our place is closest to Seaview (it's Nanawale Farm Lots) and Seaview looks really nice from the car. But my son reported that walking or bike riding down that street meant constant harrassment from loose dogs. And I was so looking forward to biking. Anyone have comments on biking in Nanawale?

take doggie biscuits with you....all will be fine

Thanks for the reply. Lots of things I didn't consider. I really don't know if it will bother me or not as I haven't experienced it yet. I suppose I should just get used to it as I don't want to have to clear a bunch of trees. It seems against mother earth. Mahalo for your reply.

ooops forgot to ask if the "pesky helicopters" fly over this area too. Do you hear them regularly?

No...just the few Green Harvest ones who took a major load out of a lot off of Molokai Rd a few months back!

My wife witnessed a few buds falling onto the road and grabbed one to show me...but the dogs ate it!

Anyway...we love Nanawale. I recommend getting two lots.

We live in the middle area, around Flower and Kauai with one neighbor across the street. We do alot of trading with our fruits and veggies.

We grow tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, star fruit, dragon fruit, pineapple, papaya, bananas, avocado, citrus and ulu.

The soil isn't very deep so you're better off using raised beds. Make your own soil from wood chips, mulch, manure and cinder. The evening rains tend to break down the organic matter rather quickly.

We look forward to meeting a new neighbor!

"What? Me Worry?" - Alfred E. Nueman
"Vote with your money!"
aloha wjbillock! we are flying in for our yearly visit to nanawale nov 1st. planning on gardening and painting our home. on our walks, will look you up! (we take doggie bones too when walking) We are Mauna kea rd and love it! coqui noise to us is 'white' noise and we are used to loud insect noise at night, i.e. crickets. Also, clearing the lot or lots, (selective clearing), helps with control of the froggies, but also you can plant your citris,fruit and other trees to suit your needs. Once we officially get settled perm. in Nanawale, we will do lots of veggie planting. already started our citris and fruit trees! ah, 16 days and counting. Smile


"To err is human, to forgive divine"
Am I understanding Green Harvest to mean something illegal? Jeez, can't believe it would be in a subdivision growing like that. I love the idea that neighbors exchange their fruits and veges. I can't wait, I really can't.

Forgot to mention where my lot is. It is undeveloped. It is near Lehua & Kehau. @ lots would have been nice, but I only got one. Maybe in the future.

Am I understanding Green Harvest to mean something illegal? Jeez, can't believe it would be in a subdivision growing like that. I love the idea that neighbors exchange their fruits and veges. I can't wait, I really can't.

Aloha NanawaleJulie -

It's not as bad as it sounds. You'd be surprised who "grows". You're not moving to Pleasantville! Smile

Where are you from?

Food for Thought...
My wife always says "I've never see anyone lying in the gutter with a joint in their hand...crack pipe maybe...but definitely not a joint!"

We do not, by the way, partake. I'm a martini person myself.

"What? Me Worry?" - Alfred E. Nueman

Edited by - wjbillock on 10/19/2007 19:43:47
"Vote with your money!"

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