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News about Dog Chapman
To Nightowl: please tell me (someone from the mainland who doesn't know nearly enough about Hawaii) what was this particular Pow Wow about? Were there tribes or "Native Americans" on Hawaii at some point like we think of from the Mainland, or is it an import of relocated mainland Indians or some kind of hybrid? Mahalo for allowing my ignorance.

To Menehune: he is regularly a guest on the Right Wing Fox "News" Channel (aka the Bush Crime Family's Propoganda Network) for one reason or the other. Seems to me like those are his people. I had mentioned once in a posting on a different forum how I always thought it was funny how on his show he is always so Christian and religious-but when SOMEONE ELSE catches the bad guy and he then jumps on them AFTER he is subdued-he is always using the F. U. MF'r-- which to me isn't very Aloha or religious. To me he is a fraud.

To Carrie: did you notice how he said "if baby Lisa brought a N----- around here we would feel the same way"? It is his true self showing. Oh, and to those who don't know: his son Tucker (one of like a dozen or so kids he has managed to create with several wives/girlfriends over the decades-(another very antiChristian thing to do) just got out of the joint after many years inside. I think he was a drug addict and committed a robbery and someone got shot? I dunno. But let's just say his dad told the gory details on one of his shows and I know it would piss me off. (So, although I at first found it hard to believe his son did this, maybe he did after all. I was thinking that maybe a roommate of his overheard some of these conversations and decided to bug his phone or something-but ya never know.)

To Beachboy: there was an episode actually where he went to get his boots made-with lifts I think-because he said he was only 5'7" (which in men terms means 5'5"Wink so that is funny you mentioned that. His hair makes me wanna puke only slightly less than his 4 pack a day cig habit around his wife and children. His face looks like leather and his voice is half there sometimes. I mean he is 50 and still puffin away like he is a teenager. Not cute and not nice to do to your children!

To Oink: Was wondering when the right wingers would show. Just because some people on a forum say "white trash" doesn't mean the the N word is ever ok to say or that they are interchangeable and that whites have ever experienced that which it is to be a black.
And the outrage was the fact that he acts one way in public and another in private-even more so than the slurs. I mean, to say, "hey I want to be able to say Nigger-so get rid of that nigger will ya?" is pretty outrageous and there is no amount of apologizing that will take away the fact that this is what he is like deep down. It is one thing to not like a group of people, another one entirely to hate them enough to order your child to stop loving someone based on what color they are. It is hate. Hate is scarey. I guess that is the problem. Hate in nearly all forms is bad. And I am not going to discuss whether or not blacks are good people, have jobs, etc. It simply doesn't matter. He represents himself as a caring man who is a "Christian"-not a bigot.

To Thunderfoot: I have enjoyed reading your thread about the helicopters. Let me know if something positive happens. I would like to add to that discussion something that happened in Phoenix recently to someone I knew. 2 helicopters collided over a park here. Luckily no one was hurt on the ground-all 4 aboard both copters were killed- including my friend. Imagine if something were to happen with one of the copters-above a neighborhood! It just isn't right-you have my vote.
Back to this topic-if you ever have heard of Mike Malloy (he is a radio personality him out he is hilarious) he discusses this guy's type all the time: a fraud. He pretends to be what is isn't. He isn't Christian as he doesn't act like he cares about our planet by driving multiple SUVs around town-unnecessary overpollution and overconsumption-he doesn't speak as a Christian should. He has broken more commandments and rules of the faith. He is a mess. He is a salesman. He was one of the top Kirby salesman. (salesmen are their own breed)
Oh and to those of you who are about to say-boy she knows this guy's show naming several episodes-I work nights and oftentimes there is little else on. I do enjoy seeing Hawaii and will tolerate a lot to do so apparantly. I also like Beth. I like how she is a badass. Time to remove about 20 pounds of breast tissue though?

To WJ: Some places have different laws with regards to what can be taped and by whom. Apparantly, in Colorado and or Hawaii-only one party to the conversation needs to know. (It is the same here in AZ) In some states it is both. I also was wondering about how this got out. But if you think it through-this kid just got out of jail, he has a major criminal record, no money, and his dad was saying he couldn't have work with him as long as he keeps that girlfriend-maybe he was angry and desperate. I really hope it wasn't his kid though. It always makes me sick to see when blood treats each other in this way.

To Jerry Carr: nice pun. Thanks for naming the source as well. Personal favor to ask you-mind saying Mahalo instead of cheers (or something else)? I have no idea why, but this saying makes me nuts as I still think of cheers as a toast prior to a drink. Mahalo and aloha!

I'm not a Christian so maybe I do not have the right to say what I am about to say. Since I am a human and don't think people should judge each other I am going to say it. It seems VERY un-Chrisitan to sit around and debate if some one meets your definition of a Christian. Isn't there something about "judge not? & "cast the first stone"? Is there a check list that some one uses to decide if you are a Christian? I realize loving all of mankind needs to be up there but just because he used a word doesn't mean he is a racist.

I am certainly not defending the guy for what he said but I just don't think you should pass judgement on his faith because he uses a certain word. I do think it is very ignorant to use the word and even when I considered writing it in my post I realized how much power that word has. I felt like a horrible person just starting to type the word even though I wasn't using it in a bad way. I think a lot of people become desensitized to the word because it is used so casually these days. Music, film & print are filled with it and it is supposed to be OK to call another person of African descent the word if you are of similar pigmentation. Wow, was that a politically correct sentence? I just think we let some words have too much power. Love & hate are also included in my thoughts on words with power. I just wonder if everyone would have felt the same way about other slurs or insulting words. If he said she can't come here because she is fat & we make fun of fat people, or we use the word fag or we hate towel heads etc... would you feel the same way?

OK, enough of my high horse. I did watch the first season of the show and some of the second to catch glimpses of Hawaii. It is a goofy show and kind of like watching Cops. You really didn't want to brag that you watched such mindless TV. Plus it is fun to see how high his hair goes or how low of a shirt Beth can have without losing anything. Oh yeah, and as a person with a 38DD bra myself I am really offended by the suggestion made on here that she should have a breast reduction - joking, I am not offended by it but I like my large breast as much as you like your small ones so I don't think you should be suggesting that it is wrong to have large breast - but seriously, you shouldn't say that. And I am lying because sometimes I am only a D but I like to buy the cheaper poorly cut bra because then I need a DD and I feel far more like a Russ Myer vixen.

And since I am now being gossipy & catty, yes, Dog does look short and wears very high boot heels. I think he wears his hair high to make him look taller.

Try and youtube the Southpark episoide where Cartman become a hall monitor and fancies himself as Dog. You will not stop laughing, I think it is from last season or the one before. He says "brah" through the whole episoide.


Edited by - punagirl on 11/03/2007 00:33:18
Aloha! NanawaleJulie!

To Menehune: he is regularly a guest on the Right Wing Fox "News" Channel (aka the Bush Crime Family's Propoganda Network) for one reason or the other.

Which channel is the LEFT WING?

Personally, I would prefer the BREAST channel or the TAIL FEATHER channel - LOL!


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