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Netiquette and online civility
Oh for Crissakes! ROFLOL!!!! I'm gonna go watch some "reality."


P.S. I was just tellin' Cat today that so much has happened to my family and I this year (I won't drone on...) that sometimes this stuff seems like a fart in a mitten to me. I guess I should just give it a rest when I feel my blood pressure go up! I'm thankful for the many, many wonderful, charitable people on this site...I too would not be in Puna were it not for Punaweb, Glen. I know this intensity is important to someone right now, but it ain't me. See ya later.

If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion. ~Dalai Lama

Edited by - Carolann R on 11/06/2007 20:37:35

"Freedom has a scent like the top of a newborn baby's head..." U2
Well, my topic certainly got some interesting responses, some of which I never saw since they were posted and unposted (is that a word?) while I have been tied up with a family medical emergency and work. So I will never know just what was said. I would like to point out that I did not ask for Rob to become a more heavy handed moderator, I merely asked people to use a little self restraint and keep their egos on a shorter leash so people who want to have a civil conversation with their neighbors can do so without being insulted or demeaned by rude remarks and gratuitous insults. The best regulation is self regulation.

There are those here on the board who seem to race to be the first to respond to every post. If they don't have anything to actually say about the topic they just pop off with whatever "humorous" comment they can come up with in 3 seconds. Sometimes those comments are pretty barbed, maybe not intentionally hurtful, but one man's joke can be another man's painful insult. For instance, inviting a dry alcoholic to share a beer might not be received the same way as intended.

As for as the person who wanted to know if I had posted in the introductions thread, and implied that since I hadn't we couldn't have a conversation: I thought the introductions thread was voluntary, available for those who want to post a bio, not that it is required to be taken seriously. I view Punaweb as an extension of the bricks and mortar community, I don't have to hand my neighbor my resume and biography to share a conversation standing in line at the Malama market, we just start talking. If I was posting incendiary remarks I could understand wanting to know where "I am coming from" but all I did was ask people to tone it down a little and be just a little nicer to each other so the overall experience here could be just a little more civil and welcoming, not a radical idea IMHO. I am a fairly private person, I don't care to put up my personal life story on an internet forum for all the world to see, but I do appreciate being able share information with fellow Punatics here. I really don't care what peoples' politics are, your religion is your own business, what you put in your brain and body is certainly none of my business, and I have no interest in what your sexual orientation is, I just want us to collectively be able to have a civil conversation without becoming the butt of someone's "joke." Is that so unreasonable?

By the way, amazing sunrise over the ocean this morning. We are so lucky to get to live here, cocquis, centipedes, mold, and cost of groceries not withstanding. I hope everyone has the best possible day!


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
Aloha Everyone! I found this topic to be the one that gets me to register and write for the first time (in any forum).

My husband and I are moving to the BI at the beginning of '08, and started reading this forum, just to see what's going on. I have become addicted and excited to meeting everyone eventually! However, I now have a heavy heart knowing that some of the replys will be sensored and possibly removed.

This forum is unique. Everyone is kind, funny, informational, and most of all genuine.

I understand that some write questions and want answers and of course, don't want their topic hyjacked, however, if a "one-liner" is thrown out there, laugh. Your answer will come when someone has it. I am sure I will have many questions to come, and some will be hyjacked as well. I, too, will be serious about wanting an answer but I also remember that I am moving to Aloha. The BI is all about living Aloha and I feel that having this forum sensored, monitored and regulated doesn't reflect what the residence of the BI stand for.

Those are my two sense, and hopefully I haven't upset anyone. I truely don't want to start off on the wrong foot. I just want to let you know, as an outsider, what this forum has done for my husband and me and that we both greatly appreciate everyone's input, on every thread.



Oh, and please forgive my mispellings and improper usage of words, just a little nervous as it was my first post. Smile

We're having conversations here. They ebb and flow like the tide. They evolve like a flu virus. I understand the need to be respectful, but feel personally, with no disrespect, that some people would do better to "lighten up".

I've been the "class clown" all my life. It sometimes got me in trouble, it sometimes brought levity and relief to difficult situations. It's not something, however, I've had a lot of control over.

I don't often agree with Haoleboy's point of view; but as a non drinking alcoholic, I took no offence by his "have a beer" comment. In fact, being around drunk people is a great reinforcement of my decision to not use alcohol. His comment was a metaphor, concise and humorous.

So my offering here would be: Be respectful, try and stay in the ballpark of the topic, and don't take anyone (self included) too seriously.

Aloha, Greg

i have been reading in here for a while,and I also registered to reply.Boy,things are active in here.Passion is good,so is self expression.However,there are certain legal limits to free speech.For example,false advertising,yelling fire in a theater when there isn't one (will get you arrested),and threats are a no no.There are many examples in our daily lives where speech is actually censored whether we realize it or not.So,freedom of speech is a complicated subject.Certainly we need some restrictions,it is neccessary.But I do get that people want the freedom to express themselves here,but there are limits to everything.No such thing as absolute.

As for as the person who wanted to know if I had posted in the introductions thread, and implied that since I hadn't we couldn't have a conversation...

That was me (I think being egocentric and I can because the sunrise was incredible! this morning! ha ha ) Actually my intention was to get to know you better in a positive manner. This is a small town - we do get to know each other. I was surprised last year when I had many things in common with Punamom that she turned out to be my friend's sister! So as a frame of reference the introductions provide information as to 1) just move here? 2) Were you born and raised here? Etc... For me, in responding to a building question, someone who has been here a long time would know that a "covered" deck is mandatory almost as opposed to an "uncovered" deck. So if a logn time resident was not coverign a deck, and had a question I would assume there was a reason why. A short time resident, say from a dry climate like Cal, AZ, NM etc might not realize that 100 inches of rain makes a uncovered deck unusable. But I digress into building.

As Pam said, this is getting too serious... but I did need to respond to this to say forgive me if my intention was misinterpeted. I have made some great friends in person from the Punawebbers - (waving to them) who I would not have met probably in my occassional travels to town since I work from my home office most days.

One person who responds that has become a real life friend , is a alcoholic in recovery, - I would never ask them about happy hour. Haoleboy I might! (sorry using HB as an example again! ha ha )

The more you get to know people the easier it is to actually get what they are trying to write. Thast why I understand "Less thinking, more drinking" and laughed. it was their version of stop whining its not so bad! And its like knowing Rob in person - when he writes something I can infer his meaning more accurately than knowing nothing about him. An example is the Champagne ponds thread he started - I know he is not a Beach lots owner so I know his intention is very alturistic regarding the ponds. A beach lot owner may not appear as alturistic even if they were. Also knowing Rob - I know he is a gentle even tempered person so when he deletes or "moderates" it means business. Someone who takes offense at each PIC comment, I tend not to take as seriously.

But thats me. And just FYI as an introduction, I grew up with brothers, I work with carpenters so I am not as easily offended by rude/crude if I can read the spirit (again comes from knowing each other a little better). Not growing up in a female dominated environment, I don't do well with whining or tsk-tsk'ing because my tranlater doesn't work as well. Thats me.

Oh, and please forgive my mispellings and improper usage of words, just a little nervous as it was my first post. Smile

Oh dont be nervous! I am dyslexic and everyone has to reverse my l's and d's and n's and g's to even make sense of my writings!

Note to Rob: Can we get a spell checker? ha ha
I don't mind if y'all are rude or crude. Heck I work with that all day. Except Rain days.

Me - I can not think straight when I hear "I want blah blah blah whine whine whine, okay?". Think of me like a dog's brain rather than a cat.

Tell me where the cow ate the cabbage. Tell me to KAFLA but as a request, do not whine about that which matters little. It somehow filters right out of my brain.

To anyone who might take this personally, Don't. It is my opinion and not directed at anyone as an insult or personally.

Ah, human failings. Feeling attacked by innocuous statements made by people we don't even know--and it's not even in person, but in virtual reality. Been there, done that.

I've said it before and I'll say it again--
Haoleboy is funny. I look forward to his off-the-wall remarks. (But then, I like Dog the Bounty Hunter, too. See other thread.) So there you have it. I'm easily amused and, I guess, have low standards.

Please, Rob, don't censor him. Let's have a vote.

(I guess I like people who misbehave.)


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