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Blue Hawaiian
Ok happy happy, now what?
Like loffelkopffl? said, WHY? not just fly around along the coast? The whales can't call and complain, but why? back and forth, and back and forth across HPP. Until the day one drops on a house?
I gave up complaining about this along with the frogs. As long as there are people willing to pay to fly over homes, without concern to who they disturb below, there will be companies like Blue Hawaii that will take them there. $$$

"Perhaps the companies are into it more for the money than the potential pleasure that it brings?"

Oh cmon Mo why be so neg. I'm sure they do it for the mere fact that they get to share the beautiful island with visitors.

Ok maybe not... I think that FUEL COST added to the fact that most of the tours are advertised and/or directed to the summit is the root of the problem. (as the crow flys)

Aviation Fuel is very expensive here and even moreso there. I think the bottom line is money. Don't get me wrong I certainly hope that Darl and the offended parties can work out a compromise for all concerned.


"Sometimes your the bug and sometimes your the windshield"

"It doesn't mean that much to me.. to mean that much to you." Neil Young

Here is a positive post. Buy a frigen acre in Volcano. Bus the idiots that want to fly over the volcano to the acre that is a heli pad... Take off from there and save a crap load of $$$$ in fuel costs!

Problem solved... Oh and that acre should be boarding large forest reserves....

ericip, that was good! Better yet make em walk, I did. lol
So what's your solutions to the frogs?
Tried them with garlic and basil?

I think nearer the Volcano would work well for visitors. Many visitors plan to tour VNP the same day they plan to fly over the lava. They may be staying in Volcano the night before.

Hilo airport isn't that convenient for them as a start and end point, as many drive the round trip from Volcano.

(Blue Hawaiian flies the tour out of Waikoloa, doesn't it? So I suppose that wouldn't apply to this company.)

I like that idea ericip ! Why couldn't they take off from land up there near volcano, maybe out of town. Sometimes they have trouble staying airborn and this way maybe they would minimize risk and noise to populated areas

does your flight path often include 9 road in HA?

Not sure if my first response posted.

We have seen many changes in our operations over the years. Until recently, the "corridors" have worked well for us. This has changed as the "corridors" have become residential areas. We are trying to adapt. About six months ago we started trying a shotgun approach to minimize repeated flights over any particular area. This of course can be dictated by weather and regulatory issues.

The answer to your question would be Yes, on occasion and in an effort to reduce overflights of other areas. I would be curious to know approximately how many overflights you are experiencing?

Edited by - darl on 11/12/2007 13:43:47

Edited by - darl on 11/12/2007 13:47:28
That was a very nice and encouraging post. I hope everyone will take it at face value and give you the opportunity to prove it's sincerity. Please do expect some attacks. Don't be dissuaded by them. Some will be based on honest frustration. Hopefully you and those most affected by your operations can work out a resolution that will be acceptable to most without protracted agony. I hope to soon build in an area that is affected by your operations. I'm personally anoyed by the noise helicopters make but open to solutions other than a cessation of flights.


Big Islander to be.

Thank You. I have been busy with other matters and apologize for taking so long to respond. I hope this provides a means for all of us to work toward realistic solutions

Edited by - darl on 11/12/2007 13:48:07
Bravo, aloha and welcome aboard Darl. As Puna becomes more populated, we will all have to work together to reach solutions to the problems that affect the quality of life in the District. We understand that we are en route to one of the most amazing natural phenomenon in the world, and the most visited site in Hawaii. Sitting down at the virtual table to discuss citizen concerns about the quality of life issues in connection with the flights is a great first step toward identifying any problems that may exist, and toward reaching a mutual solution to those problems.

My expectation is that the dialogue will be constructive and that each person engaging in this dialog will be polite without abandoning their need to communicate what is on their mind.

My expectation is that all participants will focus on facts, and not emotions and that the goal will be to reach a mutally agreeable solution.

You are off to a great start. If everyone can maintain that tone and reach out in the spirit of compromise, this could work out very well.

Thank You, look forward to the discussion.

Edited by - darl on 11/12/2007 13:48:42
thanks for asking! that is hard to say..depends on the day and i'm not sure which company it is. I noticed on Tuesdays there are several..i'll keep track this week and get back to you. Appreciate your response..aloha, jamie


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