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How long will this last...
...before it's pulled?

The forum belongs to Rob, and Rob can direct the forum however he wants to. I would like to believe that Rob is the dispassionate observer, or "hall monitor", that he claims to be. But a dispassionate observer shouldn't have an agenda. Being a reflection of the Puna community shouldn't mean trying to bend Puna to one individual's vision. I feel like that has happened here, but I would really like to know that I'm wrong. There was a thread here about Green Mountain when I left for work today. It's gone now. The whole thread was entirely censored out of existence. The thread was started by a long time webber. The originating post was full of misinformation. Being intimately involved with the situation in question, I responded in a non-emotional way, just simply stating facts as they are. There was a second post from the originator that was demeaning and disparaging to, not just me, but all of the other actors in the story. I posted again to reiterate that there was no need to denigrate me or the other people involved. I also got an email from the originator asking me to call her and have a "real" discussion about the subject.

BWTM...There was a first reply by the moderator stating that Green Mountain would make a great candidate for the 2% land acquisition deal. The suggestion that the 2% land acquisition was not meant to condemn private land by the County was pointed out by two (possibly more) posts (not by me), and then the entire thread was pulled by the moderator.

I feel like that one lonely guy who finally gets his point across and then his computer screen goes suddenly dark...


well did the author of the thread pull it? or did Rob do that? Well I guess we need to hear from Rob.
He has guests this weekend so he may be slow to respond.
I responded about William's property too. Last time I saw William was the wedding at his house the night before it burned. So I'd like to know what's up with green lake too.

And no, we don't need to make no more accesses to places, we need to limit. In another thread someone mentioned about how Hanauma Bay used to regulate how many people went down there, now it's capacity allows 2 out 2 in, 4 out 4 in. I remember when you could drive down there.
As more and more people keep coming and coming they're gonna want access to more and more places. Picture in your mind the crowded campgrounds on the mainland. Summer traffic stuck waiting in line.
Without limits, they'll just keep coming and coming wanting more and more. Leaving more and more, trash, shee shee, pee pee, ka ka......


I don't usually respond to this sort of stuff, but here goes: The subject of Green Mountain, as it started, was okay. Then the subject went rancid with personal innuendos. It is that plain and simple.
Thank you, Rob for doing the Right Thing.

Wow DavidD , The subject of Green mountain was ok......... So are you going to volunteer your private property for two adults and two kids to treck through and also do some grocery shopping or have you reached local status where you have been here for more than 5 years. If you think hiding and erasing your opinions is right, Thank you Rob, put the Great Mahele on the internet. Hawaii and her people are personal

David did you talk to Rob and told you he pulled it?

We'll never know what the thread said as it was censored in it's entirety by Rob. Only the moderator has the authority to censor an entire thread.

There was nothing personal about my response, but we'll never know as it's totally been, of course, censored.

I have noticed Rob patiently allow threads to exist,tell they get out of hand. In my opinion he has been very fair. He usually warns, but in some cases removes promptly. I once emailed him and thanked him for removing something I felt offensive. He replied it was removed by author. It is easy to blame.
We have been on this forum for a long time.
At minimum 3 years. I hate to see people question Rob's motivations.
He once helped advise us when we got offensive emails from a former member F.B. AKA O.D.that tried to harass us.
He is a responsible moderator.
If a thread is pulled, so be it.
I trust his judgment. This forum has survived
because he is fair.
Don't make this place on the web like many the others. A place to complain. Just take a breath.


"Yearn to understand first and to be understood second."
-- Beca Lewis Allen
Wyatt, I appreciate your comments. But we should all be aware of censorship. And if an entity has the power to eliminate the opinions of people based on their own interpretations of what is right and wrong, then...

If a post is offensive or immoral in some way then I might see pulling a thread. But because the originator of the thread is friendly with the moderator...

Thank you for speaking to April, btw. She enjoyed speaking to you, and I enjoyed the balanced feedback about Champagne Pond.

An implied question:

"But we should all be aware of censorship. And if an entity has the power to eliminate the opinions of people based on their own interpretations of what is right and wrong, then..."

The answer:

"The topic was removed at the request of the author.
Punaweb moderator"

Who says we cannot censor ourselves?

People sometimes suffer from a temporary attack of constipation of the brain and diarrhea of the mouth - with no exceptions -LOL!
ecco you want to experience censorship go to hinter/bishop's site he won't even post em if he doesn't like what you write. People get passionate and sometime heated words exchange.
But as mature adults, you can agree to disagree then move on.


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