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Peter you are probably a nice guy. But your post come across sounding “Holier than Thou”. Like it has been stated time and time again everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion. It just rubs a lot of the every day people the wrong way. It is like you want to stir it up. This is just my take on your postings and my opinion alone. I know this post won’t change you but I feel better saying it. By the way you’re not the first to want to be seen and heard pounding on their chest and quietly they went away. By the way, please don’t email me anymore about HPP.
Thanks and have a wonderful day in paradise. I am.
What goes around comes around!
Never ceases to amaze me. Didn't know my words were so powerful. Look at all the unbridled emotions that get stirred. "Holier than thou"? No, but maybe more aware of what's really up in puna.
Many may take offense, sorry to those if I hit a nerve.
But it hits my nerve year after year watching Hawaii go the way of the rest of the state. If you are comming to puna and you think I'm outragous,
No one needs to tell me how many people don't like what I'm saying. But I speak not just for myself. I have spoken for "off island' property owners who have had their lots dumped on. Unbeknownst to them until my contacting them.
And for those to say I want attention? Foolish.
The last thing I want. Privacy is that which I cherish. We/you/I won't be able to walk around naked in your own house or property if you want to soon. If I wanted attention I'd go to the mainland. Came here to get away from all that BS/7 sin mentality on the mainland. Just because you were born there, doesn't mean you need to take it with you everywhere you move to. Ethnocentricity?
No worries, like said I'll probally get bored with this when the moon changes. I haven't made any personal attacks on anyone, so it must just be those with guilty consciences?
to mr.scott, what do I drive?
1. a 28 year old benz that gets 43 mpg. I've been driving it since 99.
2. a truck I built with 75 year old body on a 22 year old frame. The MOST recycled vehicle on the rock.( See Volcano Prade, 4th of July, 2003. HTH)
It's on the front page of the community section. I was 3 cars behind Harry. I drive it a few times a month and usually for loads that won't go on the roof of the benz. 300lbs of dog food.?
So it would have to be bigger than the side-by-side or water heater brought home on the roof of the benz. That's punatic.
As I'm being limited to my responses, to the remark about 8 kids and overpopulation? I'd tell you to talk to my mom, but she's mort.
*8. allowing war crim....thank you
Lee De Jough, exactly!
Royall, best of luck to you. Deleted as you wish. About pau with it myself.
The following is a post that was put on Hunter/Bishop in Sept. when I first found out about "blogs' in puna. And I was looking to get the "LOST funds".
Last blog I was on was Graigs list during Katrina. Until recently.
from someone ON the mainland.....And edited for legnth, her full post can be seen on H/B.
good night
[[[[[[[ "The only reason you might become disenchanted with doing this is if the rest of the people are not as interested as you or more interested than you as they all have less security and more to loose than you do, if they aren't as hyped as you are, it just means that their not taking this as seriously as they should be and they are being lacksidazical about grasping your extended hand, good nature, caring attitude and your dilligent efforts, after all it's their community too and if they don't care as much as you do then they deserve what they get and in this particular instance what they will get is burglarized. I know that you have put in much effort on their behalf but, you must also remember, that in this life you reap what you sew, if you sew nothing you reap nothing and you Peter, will always be able to say that you tried your best to enlighten them.
Your neighbors have much to lose and you have nothing to lose and I don't mean nothing as in you don't own anything. I mean nothing as in the fact that you have a 6'or 8' fence all around the perimeter of your property, with locks and four extremely large Mastidanes who are on guard duty 24-7 without fail........
. I applaud Peter for his efforts. Considering the fact that he has better than the most high tech security system you could buy living right on his property (ADT couldn't do a better job than those Mastidanes). So, I am taking this to mean that all his efforts in initiating and overseeing this neigborhood watch commitee are coming purely from the goodness of his heart and his concern for the well-being, protection and safety of his neighbors and their homes and also the community that he has chosen to settle in and taken pride in calling "his home".
In light of all this, I am appaled that ****** ******* did not bend over backwards to help Peter with the efforts he is trying to put into this neighborhood watch commitee. I'm so sorry to have to say this, but: Shame On You !!
Not only for not aiding Peter in trying to be the best citizen he can possibly be, but also for calling the authorities on him because you mistook the frustration he has been facing with this plight for abbrasiveness.
I live in a town with a population of 29,000 people. Based on an average of 4 persons occupying each home (mother, father and 2 children). We have roughly 7,250 homes in the town I live in. The subdivision that Peter is trying to help will have roughly 8,800 homes upon it's completion.
........ Peter is doggedly trying to get off the ground without much help so far, especially from you.......
........To a burglar HPP is like a wild west town with no sheriff and it's ripe for their taking and they will be their if something isn't done about it. Peter's neighbors and __________ need to take this issue much more seriosly than they seem to be doing and ______should apologize to Peter and then she needs to give him all the assistance and help that her schedule will allow.
September 29, 2007 | Unregistered CommenterRoxanne Mlekush "]]]]]]]]
Posts: 145
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Joined: Nov 2007 sounded to me like you had 8 kids
maybe that's part of the problem with your are not conveying your message well.
you did attack my christmas tree quickly you forget.
everywhere i look there you are with some "holier than thou" you the only who knows the scoops here.
i'm glad people are now responding to you with their true feelings...i've been holding back on mine for days
take a chill pill and lighten up
find the aloha you think you have
it is not coming across here....
well Why don't one of you "victims" fine me a quote that I said to, "YOU". By name and ctrticized you personally?
I'm curious how many of these attacks on me personally come from anyone who been here since the turn of the century. Those that began arrving after Hurricane Oprah, are the bisgest upset to the island.
Espically to the "haves over the have nots"
No suprise . Truth hurts, your digs into me do not bother me because you don't know me, and you're judging people
by their beliefs not by the person, shallow..
The few people I've met in person I liked. I wasn't aware of all the rivalries, but I'm learning. Like any community you have the political players, observers, and active participants.
MY posting of the 7 sins, you think I made them up or something. If you are brainwashed and can't see the forest for the trees, stay out of the woods.
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You miss my whole point! For someone who wants to keep Puna rural your not!
YOU DRIVE A CAR that needs oil and gas and uses tires that we aren’t recycling. Where do you think the're disposed of?
RIDE A BICYCLE….if your gonna’ talk the talk then walk the walk!
Stating a position and then doing the opposite makes anyone a hypocrite and I think that’s what most of us are trying to tell you. I have no problem with freedom of speech, god only knows I grew up in the 70’s. But, you need to come up for a breath and listen.
I’m surprised that # 8 wasn’t something bad about Christmas?
"Many dreams come true and some have silver linings, I look for my dreams and a pocket full of gold" Led Zeppelin
If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it cost when it’s here come the taxes.....
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Maybe try this for your editing-woes.
1( Go to the very top of the PunaWeb screen.
2) Type in your Username and Password
3) Press 'Login'
4) Go wayyyy up, to the very top of your browser, and push the icon that "Refresh"es your screen, and then
5) Scroll back down to the post that you'd like to edit for spelling errors, or clarity, or second-thoughts on wording/tone/intent/whatever, and I think you should now have a little pencil-icon visible for editing.
Good luck.
Hahahahaha! Just popping back in here to say Wow! In the time it took me to type that, you figured out how to edit without me! I see you've made your responses to Scott completely disappear! Oh well. Perhaps the directions will help someone else.
Edited by - malolo on 11/24/2007 10:00:21
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This whole thread sucks! I wish someone would delete it.
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"if it makes you happy, it cant be that bad..if its makes you happy, then why are you so sad?"
How appropriate that Sheryl Crow was on the radio as I was reading your posts.
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Peter is exceeding his number of allowed posts at this time and I will delete excess posts.
Punaweb moderator
Assume the best and ask questions.
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And every morning I suppose that the drivel will come to the front of the forum page. sigh.