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Moving, Need Advice On Schools Please
Ok, We are packing..We wont take the leap until Spring or beginning of June. We are so excited to start our new wonderful chapter in our lives. We truly cant wait to meet all of you nice people.
I do need your help once again. We Purchased our home in Puna Beach Palisades, near Kehena Beach.
Our very special boy will turn six years old tomorrow so he will begin first grade
next year. He is currently on his third year program in Montessori in Upstate NY and thriving.
We are diespriately looking for some choices of 'good' and 'safe' environment for him to learn. I'm all ready to receive your thoughts and comments.
I have only been suggested the Malamma Waldorf School in Keaau which I plan to meet with admission next week when I'm there..but would like to fell like I have more choices. I will stop and read you thoughts.

Cindy's School in HPP
Pahoa Elem
Christian Liberty Keeau
Connections in hilo at the bay front
Tons of folks Home School.
Hey Johnnycake,

My six year old son,the best thing I've ever doneattends Montessori School here in TX. He/we loves it. I have checked out some stuff there. I know that there is a k-? Montessori school in Puna. When I called they said that it may be expanding to 1-6. I will look for the number but I know I eventually found it on the the web.

Have you checked this out yet? I know there are Charter schools there as well. I will be following your thread very close.

I will see if i can find my reseach on schools if so I'll send you all I have. Problem is I crashed my computer a few months back and well you know..., but I did make some hard copy notes for some stuff. Good luck!


"Sometimes your the bug and sometimes your the windshield"

"It doesn't mean that much to me.. to mean that much to you." Neil Young

HAAS charter is in Pahoa, Waters of Life is the Keaau Charter School, and many Puna school kids go to Connections Charter School in Hilo. HPP has a Waldorf School, Malamalama Waldorf School is off of Makuu.

Ok Johnnycake I think this is the number i called. I found it on the web.

MONTESSORI COUNTRY SCHOOL, PO BOX 1203, 15-3006 PUNA RD 808-965-9994.

Good luck and I'd love to hear how it goes through the whole process there.


"Sometimes your the bug and sometimes your the windshield"

"It doesn't mean that much to me.. to mean that much to you." Neil Young

Ok Johnnycake I think this is the number i called. I found it on the web.

MONTESSORI COUNTRY SCHOOL, PO BOX 1203, 15-3006 PUNA RD 808-965-9994.

Good luck and I'd love to hear how it goes through the whole process there.


Aloha Dave..Spoke to Montessori in Puna and they told me that for now or immediate future they are not growing above PreK. I hope I like Waldorf. I was told of a Charter school that I'm going to look a further into it. I'll keep you posted, Mahalo

"Sometimes your the bug and sometimes your the windshield"

My advice....homeschool.I have had many compliments about my son,not having a bad attitude.Sorry,but the truth is the truth, and kids pick up the bad behavior they see.All my friends have teenage trouble.................not me.Home schooling is something to think about.It is hard at first,but once you get into a routine,it is better than public school.They learn better.Plus,no transportation issues in the early or afternoon!!!

Ok Johnnycake I think this is the number i called. I found it on the web.

MONTESSORI COUNTRY SCHOOL, PO BOX 1203, 15-3006 PUNA RD 808-965-9994.

Good luck and I'd love to hear how it goes through the whole process there.


Aloha Dave,
After many phone calls, and research..I've narrowed the search to two schools... Malamalama Waldorf and HAAS Public Charter School. HAAS appears to have two schools that could work for us. One is in Keeau and the other which is even more convenient to us is in Kapaho. From what I gather although they are under the same umbrella one is more structured than the other..I will see when we check it out in person.
Just wanted to keep you posted.

"Sometimes your the bug and sometimes your the windshield"

After many phone calls, and research..I've narrowed the search to two schools... Malamalama Waldorf and HAAS Public Charter School. HAAS appears to have two schools that could work for us. One is in Keeau and the other which is even more convenient to us is in Kapaho. From what I gather although they are under the same umbrella one is more structured than the other..I will see when we check it out in person.
Just wanted to keep you posted.

Thanks Jaun,

I appreciate the updates. I'd really like to here how your meeting go and what you see and feel afterwards. The subject is paramount to our move. We are considering Home Schooling if we can't find the right fit.

In the future, since this thread may fall into the abiss of Punaweb, feel free to email me. I don't always check in here. As well anyone else is welcome to email me about the schools. Thanks again and safe travels, dave


"Sometimes your the bug and sometimes your the windshield"

"It doesn't mean that much to me.. to mean that much to you." Neil Young


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