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Using shipping containers as homes?
Aloha all,
I know this is a strange question but does anyone know of people living in lets say a 40' by 8'6" tall steel shipping container? Lets say a person dumps their shipping container on their lot until they decide to build a home. Maybe this decision wont be made until a couple of years. I own a lot in Aloha Estates with no CC&R'S so maybe no problem. I am sure containers have been used for homes for quite some time. I am just trying to get some feedback on the idea. I know there are other issues with regard to infrastructure.

There have been a number of threads on this forum on container living.
I remember a couple of links:
another link on cantainers (Believe it or not, Bob Villa did a segment on them!)

Edited by - carey on 12/02/2007 21:44:05
A neighbor up the road from me has lived in a 40' container for over 7 years. He cut in a door and windows, added roofing.

Thanks Carey, and leilaniguy. The container just might work out perfect for myself. This way I can live in the container and see if I am one of the many Californians that move back to the mainland within a couple of years. If I move back just sell container or give it away and sell land. No problem no hassle.
i know a couple of people living in them, and they are pretty nice once fixed up.

I'm starting my conversion in the next few weeks. I'm using a 20' for now & am adding another 20 or 40 later. I'm taking a queue from this:

I'm going to blog the process. Let me know if you want to the link to the blog & I'll email it to ya when I get started.

* I'd rather fail at happiness than succeed at misery *
Aloha Hooligal,
Yes, I would like to be linked to the blog.

We use a 40' container as a tool shed. its attached to our shop. Its a good secure way to keep your tools safe. However, I would just build a house to live in. I'm sure there are ways to make containers nice, but to use as a permanent house I wouldn't do it. However it would make moving easy Smile

Daniel R Diamond
Daniel R Diamond
Daniel, the Bob Villa link shows how they are making containers look just like regular homes in S. FL. (a lot of work, but had to tell that a container was the start.)

newsweek has an artical on container houses and kits. A New York architectural firm Lot-ek are developing homes at $174,000 that includes six containers.


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