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RE: Rare Sighting
Did anyone hear about the possible sighting of the rare Manawanaholo near HPP last night? Local authorities spotted this creature running through the bushes. They stated that they gave chase but could not locate the animal. Video from the police car shows a small furry animal resembling a small bunny rabbit, only bigger. Be on the lookout and be careful. The Manawanaholo has been known to attack humans!
It was probably looking for a Jackalope to mate with, or maybe looking for Jimmy Carter to bite. Happy April Fool's, Dennis!
Is the common name - Hawaiian snipe?
"I have never in my life learned anything from any man who agreed with me."
-Dudley Field Malone
Killer bunnies. This is hilarious.
it's merly a fleshwound...bring out your dead, bring out your dead, but I'm not dead yet, yes but you will be shortly, attack of the killer rabbits.

setting my soul free....
setting my soul free....
[Big Grin]
My curiosity was totally peaked. You got me if no one else.


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