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Volcano acting up
I had been leaving the refreshing fissure cam views up on a page continuously. That way I could just restore the window at any time and get the latest. Eventually I started having problems refreshing the page. I persisted. Eventually it wouldn't come up at all, or any other HVO page. After not attempting to open the page for several days it started working again. I suspect they have software that tracks IPs and restricts IPs that hog bandwidth after awhile (like I was doing). Just a guess, but if you leave it alone for a few days and it starts working again, that would prove my theory.

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
All I am saying is that the HVO reports went from a style that I would call "cryptic scientist" to a style I would call "written by a 2000 degree Farenheit creature that arose from Fissure D, devoured all the scientists at HVO and then started typing".

The more reassuring the messages are, the more I think we need to worry. For example, "just a little incandescence in Pu'u O'o" means "I am coming to get you".

Edited by - glen on 12/15/2007 11:25:04
Two days ago I spotted steam coming up from the lower part of Royal Gardens while fishing of the southeast near Kalapana. It seemed very wierd so who knows

Shane Turpin
Lava Ocean Adventures
I know exactly where you are talking about.. That's where the huge tube is that goes back around over the hills and comes up on the south-east side of HPP.. I've heard people can drive motorcycles from there to HPP in that one.. .. I think Glen lives near the exit over there.. Hey Glen,, is there a big pit near you?? Or have your heard motorcycles in your area you just can't pin-point where they come from??

Edited by - Jeffhale on 12/15/2007 18:03:06
Well, I'm not sure if that roar is the sound of the ocean, whales singing, or lava rushing through a hidden tube straight toward my house. I am going to try to look at this as a positive though: plenty of huli huli chicken if you just put the spit right over the skylight in the tube!

PBS has a special show tonight on their show Nature called 'Violent Hawaii' in regards to volcanoes and Tsunamis.
Steve & Regina
Hawaiian Acres / North Lake Tahoe

'If you don't know where you're going, any road will get you there' - George Harrison
I think I am ready to call it. I think I know what the volcano is up to. It is in the process of building a 6th mountain on Hawai'i Island. Call it a mountainette. Sometimes stuff will dribble south from the mountainette Sometimes it will radiate East. But it is going up, not out.

The 6th mountain is already happening, Lo'ihi. It's about 3,200 feet below sea level and about 18 miles southeast of the Puna coast
Hello Leilani Guy,
The current lava breakout is right in someones driveway.
See the Tribune Herald'
Does anyone know the approx. location?
Chip and Jackie and Liz
What is the source of your information regarding it being in someone's driveway?

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