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Volcano acting up
I just heard an announcement about it on the radio - something along the lines of "upper Royal Gardens residents need to be ready to get out of the way".
* I'd rather fail at happiness than succeed at misery *
The Advertiser just broke this Volcano flow threatens Big Island homes

Big Island Civil Defense officials are warning that a finger of lava has been moving toward the remnants of the Royal Gardens subdivision in Lower Puna, and now poses a threat to the upper portion of the remaining homes there.

Hope all is safe

Coming home soon!
I broke it first!
This is the scenario that Harry Kim faced 25 years ago, but with a large population who knew it would stop, and wanted to stay. Thank goodness she seems to be going back to her previous path!
Glen, you cheated with inside information!, keep it up!
Gordon J Tilley
There is even a nice red finger on the 'July 21 webcam' tonight! ( 9pm HST)
scroll over to Kalalua vent
If Royal Gardens is getting the flow again, does that decrease the danger for other areas of Puna? Like Ainaloha?

There is a decent map of the Puna subdivisions here:
Originally posted by Damon
I've always heard that the "taking of lava rock" was a rumor started by tour companies so that they wouldn't have to clean up the remnants on their busses.

There is this website that is devoted to teaching people how they can "Return" lava rock once taken.

I had to laugh when I read this:

For taking care of returning your lava rock, a voluntary donation of $15.00 (or whatever you can afford, no matter how small) would be appreciated, to cover our cost for transportation, gas, ti leaf, and orchid, to return your lava rocks. If you can't afford to make a donation, don't worry about may still send us your lava rocks. We will still be happy to take care of returning them for you!

Coming home soon!

I'm sorry PELE! I really didn't laugh at you... I didn't mean it! Glen would chime in shortly after I said this that she was acting up again![:0]

Coming home soon!
Last night we were out at the end of the road (yes residents only) but we went out with a resident. The glow and a few bursts out at the top of the hill was all you could see. A police officer came out there - not to shoo us away (only 3-5 cars out there) but to make sure kids weren't partying... ha ha .... he had an incredible story to tell us he was one of the officers 20+ years ago that was at the top of RG watching the lava and doing the reports - he said they left their cars running so if the lava started to move faster they could get out. It was great to talk story with someone who was truly on the scene years ago. He also told us about RG's roads being so steep that it was hard to get up them even though they were paved (!!!). I was amazed at the thought of paved roads in Puna 20 years ago!! ha ha
Here's some photos taken yesterday and today's HTH article:
Steve & Regina
Hawaiian Acres / North Lake Tahoe

'If you don't know where you're going, any road will get you there' - George Harrison
My ex and a few of her friends lots homes 20 years ago in Kalapana, wasn't very funny. But it taught you, you could be next.

She could again in Black Sands Subdivision.

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