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HPP Grading And Paving
Didn't somebody once describe the County's method of dealing with Puna as "divide and ignore?" If we keep arguing about who's been here longer, who better knows the veracity of the HPP road boss, or who lives in what subdivision or community, we are doing the good old boys' job for them. I post here under my real name, vote, and go to more community meetings than I used to. I am trying to do what I can to influence what is going on by asking questions and expressing my opinion at those meetings. And yes, sometimes I vent and whine on Punaweb. Maybe one day I will run for the HPP Board, but not just yet. Meanwhile I do what I can and try not to attack fellow posters personally.

To summarize what a lot of other HPP residents and I have posted (and perhaps refocus on topic):

The paving project does not appear to be what we were we told it would be, and the existing roads are in pretty sorry shape.

And somehow, in spite of everything, I remain cheerfully yours,
I am completely flabbergasted! Who cares who POHAKU is or how long he has lived here! I want to know why the f*** 5th street has not been graded in over 8 months! I don't care if you are from timbuktu-- fix the damn roads, they are killing our vehicles. And who the hell is selecting whih roads are worthy of being maintained regularly? I find it offensive and ignorant to present irrelivent issues about kama-aina's. FIX THE FREAKIN ROADS!
I have come to the conclusion that Pohaku is someone who was recently suspended from this forum and has returned under another name. Sorry for the diversion folks but "Pohaku" is being shut off.

Punaweb moderator
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
I don't live in HPP but feel connected to this thread in the capacity of having served on non-profit boards. The topic seems to have evolved to the incompetence of the board and road maintenance commitee. Here's what I think;

This forum is a good place to vent. The annual meeting is a good place to vent. For some that's as far as it gets.

The simple fact of the matter is the people serving on non profit boards are there month after month (sometimes year after year) doing the best they can.

Why? Because no one else will do it. It's easy to criticize, it takes more work to be part of the solution. I can't believe the HPP board members wouldn't welcome all the help they can get. I can't believe the majority of HPP residents are dissatisfied with the status quo and don't do anything about it. Jeez, throw off the yoke of oppression.

Run, vote, meet and work every month. Set budgets, get supplies, pay bills, send newsletters, compile member databases, gather bids, survey roads, take minutes, publish minutes, make reports, maintain equipment, pay employees...............................

or; Piss and moan, have another coolie, and let someone else do it.
HPPOA Board of Directors meeting this Wednesday 1/16 at 6pm. Any HPP owner can go to the meeting and give input.


I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Approval of the Agenda
IV. Owner Input
V. Minutes from the November 21, 2007 and December 19, 2007 Board of Directors’
VI. Treasurer’s Report
VII. General Manager’s Report
VIII. Committee Reports
A. Paving Committee Report
B. Roads Traffic, Safety & Policies Committee Report
IX. Unfinished Business
A. Motions Log
B. General Manager’s Position Description
C. Member Meeting Owners’ Input
X. New Business
A. Roads Traffic, Safety & Policies Recommendations
B. Agenda for February Member Meeting
C. Other
XI. Announcements
A. Next Board of Directors’ Meeting is February 20, 2008 at 6:00 pm
XII. Adjournment of Board of Directors’ Meeting
Anyone in here know how to get the road graded?

Or is this just all talk?
There some guy standing at the end of Makuu this morning with a sign about the paving project
27th is being graded right now as I write per SB.
Originally posted by Rob Tucker

I have come to the conclusion that Pohaku is someone who was recently suspended from this forum and has returned under another name. Sorry for the diversion folks but "Pohaku" is being shut off.

Punaweb moderator

Rob, I don't care who Pohaku is. But it seems he or she is very passionate about Puna & HPP in general, so what is the problem? What I'm hearing from Pohaku's mouth is that he or she is tired of the Status Quo pissing on our(HPP residents) collective backs, and then telling us it's a 'Trade Shower'. What's your beef with Pohaku anyway? Why do you have so much concern about HPP and this thread, you don't live here in da park,right?
Besides Rob, diversity is a good thing when it comes to people like this Pohaku character who seems passionate about HPP. All he or she is trying to do is make HPP residents aware of the BS coming from the HPP Hui Office. I find no fault in that? A lot of residents here in HPP are new to the ways things are done around here in rural Hawaii.

So, Pohaku is somebody you banned from here? Again this Pohaku is so passionate about Puna & HPP, he came back on under a different name!?
I thought you yourself said that Message Boards was a place people voice their views. So are you saying that's okay as long as those views are shared by you, and if not you give'em da hook? I think there was and old Savoy Brown song that said"wouldn't life be a drag if we were all the same?

In closing, whoever Pohaku is, you should give that person a break. It's good to have a thorn in our collective arses,from time to time. He or she serves as a good wake up call!

Handle every situation like a dog,If you can't eat it or hump it,piss on it and walk away...

Support the 'Jack Herer Initiative'NOW!!
macuu222 posted on another topic. This is good info for here too.

Posted - 01/16/2008 : 07:28:47

BTW.... There is a HPP board meeting tonight at 6:00pm. For those of us that want answers about paving and grading issues....Thats the place to be.

Punaweb moderator
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator

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