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The County will now able to "Track" the cops
I just caught This PR that mentions Hawaii's police will now be "Tracked."

The system will also enhance officer safety by tracking the location of all patrol officers.

I wonder how much more accountability this will provide?

Funding assistance for the police department's commitment was provided through the use of U.S. Department of Homeland Security grants. Major Sam Thomas of the Hawaii Police Department hailed this project as "a positive example of Federal funds aiding local law enforcement in their efforts to enhance homeland defense."

So much money has been wasted with the HPD that anytime they get a large contract, I'm often suspicious as to where all the money goes.

Coming home soon!
A community gets the Police They deserve. I only hear complaints about the few cops there are. Either they are spending to much or not enough time doing the task you so desperately need. Anyone ever try to talk to them(not scold).
Gordon J Tilley
respect our brothers and sisters in blue as they respect those they serve. forgive them their trespasses as they forgive those who trespass against them. give them this day their daily substanance, and let them not lead us into temptation.

Breathe. Relax. Focus.
Breathe. Relax. Focus.
There seems to be a recurring thread about too few police on BI, or apparent lack of interest in their enforcing laws/ordinances. I just noted this article in the Hilo paper from a couple of weeks ago. Evidently the BI police have be chronically understaffed, and the article speculates one reason is because of how they treat experienced people wanting to move from the mainland. The article says even an otherwise well-qualified officer with 30 years experience has to start at the lowest level, for at least the first 18 months while they "learn how things are done here." Things like, different shape batons and different hand guns. So, just how long would it take a 30 year police verteran with a good record to adjust from using a revolver to a 9mm automatic? Especially since most never actually have to use them? Sounds like something else going on. Are they using this as an excuse to NOT hire from the mainland? A way to prevent experienced officers from questioning how things are done here? What gives? Wanting a good representation of long-time locals is reasonable, but why discourage experience when there's a shortage?

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