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Neighborhood Thefts
Big island,,that truck is a Toyota. Make a "Wanted Poster" and hang it with the pic of that fat ass loser at malama market or something.
At least drop it off to the cops so they can maybe question him. They might find stolen stuff at his house, The fat bastard.
Originally posted by Kapohocat

Originally posted by Big_Island

wonder if this guy was just making sure I locked my gate??


Hey thanks for that. Do you ever find out what that guy wanted?

The guys who tried to steal from a jobsite fit that trucks description and we are goign to have them look at the video.

Hey Cat, that looked like SB's red truck with the racks going by! LOL

Big Island, thanks for the video, it could be innocent enough but looks very suspicious! Would you email me what type of equipment you use? It looks like you have a nice set up! Can you get the license plate off of the vehicle? That might help too?

Good luck protecting your home. have you shared this video with your neighborhood watch or your immediate neighbors? Just a thought. Again all the best in protecting your spot in paradise.

mella l
mella l
Art and Science
Originally posted by bystander

Last week my neighbor called me at work and told me he saw a grey colored van at my house. When I came home I found they had stolen some items. They took my empty beer bottles and cans I had in my car port! From what I heard it was a newer grey colored Dodge Caravan so watch out for this vehicle. On Tuesday I saw a van matching the description go past my house so I ran after it but it sped away.

You know it's getting bad when people are stealing your recycling![Sad!]

Coming home soon!
wonder if this guy was just making sure I locked my gate??
Hey BI. One of your neighbors has seen the video! Thanks for posting it. Guess we need to get our gate up sooner than later! Do you think he tried to use a remote to open the gate before he walked up to it? A random RF signal generator or some such thing. Wonder if you got me on tape last year when I came to admire your gate set up! Looking forward to our next visit at the end of Feb. Hope we can connect!

Your neighbors to be,
Ralph & Ed
Thanks for the support everyone!

Its a digital system from

I would presume the license plate number would be retrievable. The video lost some resolution from uploading it to youtube.

The person didnt really break any law that I can tell.
Just made my wife and I very uneasy seeing them 'casing' our
then driving up to the gate...
and then running their truck into it.... lol

I guess his foot could of slipped off of the clutch pedal and accidentally caused them to ram the gate. Maybe he just got out to see if he did any damage to it?

It really made us nervous, after having several thefts in the past.

you ought to take that video to the police and show it to them.. I bet they'll know exactly who it is.. while they "may" not have broken a law, let the police station guys make that judgment.. Plus it'll tip them off as to who to be watching out for..

might be comforting to try and convince your self or others, his foot slipped, or he was checking for damage, but.. nope.. he was to lazy to get out of truck and tired to push it open.. also thinking he would not be seen if it would open, and then was checking for a lock..

i would of had the police on the line the second they pulled into your drive.. because every thing they did was suspicious.. from casing your house, moving back and forth because of on comming trafic, to pulling up when coast was clear.. when they pulled up, it would be 911 for me, grab em and nab em,, please mr policeman..

preventing crime is makeing the police alert right or wrong..
Big it necessary to run a USB cord to every camera, or are can the cameras communicate with the computer without being "wired" to it. How did you set up the camera near the gate?
Originally posted by Glen

Big it necessary to run a USB cord to every camera, or are can the cameras communicate with the computer without being "wired" to it. How did you set up the camera near the gate?

The cameras works using the existing electric wires in your house. You just plug your cameras in to your electric outlets. We have power at the gate so it was simple. It will also work with a long outdoor extension cord.

This video explains it a bit better

I was thinking about getting this product:

That WiLife product looks good too and the company was recently aquired by Logitech.
Originally posted by Big_Island

wonder if this guy was just making sure I locked my gate??


I sent your youtube link to our builder as asked him to keep an eye out as well. You never know, he could be at the right place at the right time! We have similar concerns as well.


"From knowledge comes understanding"
"From knowledge comes understanding"

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