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HPP General Memebership Meeting 2/24
General HPP Membership meeting is scheduled for February 24th (Sunday) at 3:00pm. This is the meeting where HPP members actively discuss problems and concerns with the comittee and others. It's not like the board of directors meetings where all you can do is watch and listen.

If you are an HPP resident and have any concerns or questions about how things are being decided, where your yearly maintainence money is going, when will the paved roads be built, what roads will be paved, when will they provide grader service for roads that will not be paved....etc etc. This is the meeting to go to.
It's on my calendar, and I plan to be there. Thanks for the reminder.

Unfortunately Scott and I wiil be off island. So we be looking forward to reading the comments from those who are able to attend when we return.

Some time ago I asked to be notified about any special meeting of the HPPOA BOD -- here are two emails I've received re that this past week:

A Special Meeting of the Board of Directors is called on, Monday, February 18, at 5 p.m. at the HPPOA Activity Center Library for the purpose of opening and reviewing the sealed bids submitted for HPPOA Paving Phase 1.

This special meeting is subject to quorum being met.

******************* and *******************

This is to infrom you that an Urgent Special Meeting of the Hawaiian Paradise Owner's Association Board of Directors, is hereby called for Monday, February, 18, 2008, at 3:00 p.m. at the HPPOA Activity Center Library. The purpose of the meeting is for:

1. Extraordinary request for records.
2. HPPOA statement and/or press release.
3. Contingency planning 2/20 and 2/24 meeting logistics.

too soon old, too late smart
I don't know how I got over the hill without getting to the top.
Did anyone attend the 2/20 meeting on raod paving HPP? If so can you reply with highlights. I missed it.

Thanks in advance... [Smile]

has anyone been following this

The devil is in the detail
Just bringing this forward for tomorrows meeting.
I understand that the cost of asphalt oil has almost doubled since the board funded the paving project. Therefore, driving the price of the hot asphalt pavement way over budget. If the board acted in a timely manner they would have a contractor and an agreement in place that would control the price increase of the hot asphalt mix. But as usual they let time slip away along with price of the asphalt oil.
They will either need to reduce the scope of work, increase the owner’s assessment or change the type of resurfacing. IMHO to only pave some of the roads isn’t fair to those who have to contribute in assessments and not getting their road paved, and no one wants to pay more money for a longer time.
Therefore, I think you will see an alternative plan to surface the roads.
I will discuss my thoughts after tomorrows meeting.
See you at the meeting Jerry.[8D]

"Many dreams come true and some have silver linings, I look for my dreams and a pocket full of gold" Led Zeppelin
If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it cost when it’s here come the taxes.....
See you there, Scott.

Originally posted by macuu222

General HPP Membership meeting is scheduled for February 24th (Sunday) at 3:00pm. This is the meeting where HPP members actively discuss problems and concerns with the comittee and others. It's not like the board of directors meetings where all you can do is watch and listen.

If you are an HPP resident and have any concerns or questions about how things are being decided, where your yearly maintainence money is going, when will the paved roads be built, what roads will be paved, when will they provide grader service for roads that will not be paved....etc etc. This is the meeting to go to.

My questions is the term resident. How does HPP handles non-owner residents? Do they have a voice or is it only owners? Just curious...

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