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Psych Problems reportedly lowest in Hawaii
This is kind of curious. I thought we would be much higher. Anyone care to decipher this report further?

Yet Utah had the highest rate of adults reporting serious psychological problems at 14.4 percent in the same period, compared with Hawaii, which had the lowest at 8.8 percent.

Today in History
Captain Vancouver arrives in Kealakekua Bay, Hawai'i, 1792.
Could it be that we dont have the services to reach the mentally ill and substance abusers so they are not reported in the stats?

I'd like to think it's because living in Hawaii makes us sane [^]

Kind of like the "laid back mellow atmosphere" if you know what I mean.

Today in History
The Supreme Court ruled in Dred Scott v. Sandford that slaves were not citizens, 1857
Originally posted by Kapohocat

Could it be that we dont have the services to reach the mentally ill and substance abusers so they are not reported in the stats?

You know you might have something there.... considering I just found out that Hawaii has one the lowest rate of painkiller use at just 3.9 percent, according to this article

Today in History
The Supreme Court ruled in Dred Scott v. Sandford that slaves were not citizens, 1857
....... because pakalolo use is high?
Originally posted by Kapohocat

....... because pakalolo use is high?

That might contribute[:o)]

But I think you were more on track with the lack of doctors.[V]

Today in History
The Supreme Court ruled in Dred Scott v. Sandford that slaves were not citizens, 1857
I happened to read that article also and came away with the opinion that it was a flawed survey. Hey I'm just sayin.....

"because pakalolo use is high"? LOL Ah according to the survey, that would be Vermont! LOL From my limited experience, but world travels, I wouldn't put Hawaii or Vermont in the top two tiers!

mella l
mella l
Art and Science
Weather and culture cited as factors in isles' low depression rate.

Today in History
The Great Mahele (land division) was signed into law, 1848
On a sad note:

....(Hawaii) children aged 12 to 17 are the second-highest in the nation for depressive episodes.....

According to this report

....the study by the Department of Health and Human Services is in line with other reports that show Hawaii has a low suicide rate overall, but a high rate for young people. factor might be that in Hawaii's strong Asian cultures some adults may hide their problems, while young people tend to express their feelings.

Today in History
The Great Mahele (land division) was signed into law, 1848
Thy must have totally missed our government, or we'd all have been commited immediately!
Gordon J Tilley

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