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yurt living
YG -

Just so you don't get confused... I quoted off your page as a compliment.... and that is why you see a [Wink] after I wrote that.

And yes... I still wish I could make that for consultations [Big Grin]

Today in History:
Pacific Commercial Advertiser announced that the Volcano House was open for business, 1866

To clarify, we call it consultation for lack of a better word. Typically it is walking a person through a yurt set-up. This is an option that a lot of people choose when they want to save money. This way they get their own crew together and we'll just manage them through the tricky parts, so instead of $2,000 for our crew to do full set-up, they pay $400. It isn't just sitting back directing though, we get in there and work! By the way, I mentioned earlier that you could put up a yurt for about 20k, let me be clear, that would be a 30' yurt with all the recommended upgrades for our climate (insulation, extra door, awnings, etc, etc) with a very basic constructed platform, no permits, no utilities, no set-up services. Thanks for clarifying Damon~
Melissa Fletcher
"Make yurts, not war" Bill Coperthwaite, 1973
I respect all those that work hard for their money.

It saddens me when I see people running up their credit cards so they can move over here.... and then sit here and insult us all because they think they can make it... (yes i read the other forum)

More people w/out finances effing up our infrastructure, roads, and hospitals and general welfare of our county in general.

I'm glad you are working hard yg.

Keep up the good work Melissa....just remember that you may wanna target people that don't need financing [^]


Today in History:
Pacific Commercial Advertiser announced that the Volcano House was open for business, 1866
as i can see,I think I might be sorry for starting this thread, I didn't think that it would turn so ugly,all I am after is good advice, not to start personal attacks which it seems to have saused, I can see their are a few individuals that dont have much of a life, which i dont understand when you live in paradise,so why do they end up spending so much time posting, i suppose i have a little bit of an excuse because its to cold to be outside since day time highs are only in the 30;s and at night its back to below zero, so the computer is a warm place to do re-search, For those that I may offend with this posting I am sorry.
I think I am about to give up on the yurt idea since I have yet to talk to anyone that is actually living in one...I think I may just buy a pre-existing home and ad on as I see fit and can afford it...[8D]

setting my soul free....
setting my soul free....

It sounds like that is a good option for you lostboy, there are plenty of pre-existing homes on the market right now. And you are right, some of these threads turn into train wrecks, and our human natures tend to make it hard for us to avert our eyes... Now I'm going to take your advice and be pau hana, go out and enjoy this beautiful weather we're having~

Melissa Fletcher
"Make yurts, not war" Bill Coperthwaite, 1973
Yurt Girl -

I noticed a Yurt in this Greenberg report.

Is this one of yours?

My Blog
There was several treads about yurts on this forum.
The useful information,free of personal stuff is available in the building section of the forum :
Whatever you assume,please
just ask a question first.
Originally posted by Damon

Yurt Girl -

I noticed a Yurt in this Greenberg report.

Is this one of yours?

My Blog

That might be one of our manufacturer's yurts, Colorado Yurts... I would need to see a more close up pic. It looks like it though, with the tight walls and type of dome. This wasn't one that we set up though.

Yurt Girl
Melissa Fletcher
"Make yurts, not war" Bill Coperthwaite, 1973

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