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Wheelabrator Deceives Again...Pt. II
Originally posted by JayJay

So for those of us who haven't been paying attention and perhaps to bring us up to speed, why, in a nut shell is 'wheelabrator' the wrong choice?


The known financial cost: $125million and rising. Debt more than 3-times larger than any previous single item.

The alternatives: materials markets are clamoring for recyclable materials. Recycling, composting, and re-use, along with good-old common-sense innovation, have proven safer, lower cost, and more effective at keeping stuff out of the landfill.

The corporation: Wheelabrator, with parent company Wast Management Inc have a history criminal and civil legal problems as well as regulatory violations.

The County's process that selected Wheelabrator: flawed in design and fraudulent in execution.

The pollutants: toxic nano-particles of 'persistent organic pollutants' (Googgle it) -- dioxin, heavy metals, etc that bio-accumulate in the food chain.

James Weatherford, Ph.D.
15-1888 Hialoa
Hawaiian Paradise Park
Will your recycling plan be performed by contractors, or in House? Is there any plan for the future without wheelabrator?
I'll concede the toxic fume potential, being located upwind of Puna kills my fight! It needs to be at NELHA, but I guess not!
But wait they start manditory seperation, wait an hour in line, park once, walk to 4 other outlets pass inspection, leave! Pass a mile long line trying to get in!
Gordon J Tilley
Why send 125 million of our dollars offshore to take care of our opala?

A low tech alternative would be to spend that money here; employing local residents in an agressive curbside pick up and recycling program.


yeah, but most of the money would stay in the local economy. How many garbage trucks and local wages will 125 million dollars get?

Recycling incentives like a .30/.50 per bag fee to supermarkets and stores would help reduce or rubbish as well. People would be encouraged to bring their own shopping bags or do without them altogether.

While were at it tax other excessive packaging as well.

We live on an Island folks. Fuel isn't going to get any cheaper. There are lots of ways for us to be a more sustainable society, but a 125 million dollar furnace isn't one of them.

If you think Wheelabrator is going to lower your Helco bill, my wife is a Kenyon princess who needs your banking information.
I hear ya, nothing is going to lower HELCO, but how many trucks, and union drivers(teamsters) will this take? Imagine a pouring rain a month or more in duration, all paper is soaked and weighing tons, vehickes getting stuck, how long for us to collect enough of anything to bring a ship, so everything transships to Oahu for YB's bite, and transferred to Matson for their piece! Result will be us getting a whole new bill, and it will be big, probably more than the stuff's worth!
But then,we could set up a small smelter for all steel for rebar or whatever! The chineese won't be buying forever! Same for aluminum, plastic and glass! However any of these would require fire and heat, and could let out the occasional puff of effluent, poisioning the island forever in many minds!
Also, if done in house, the island is doomed to have the worlds most expensive trash system and electric bill! WE # 1
Gordon J Tilley

Like other places where recycling, composting, and re-use have been successful, it is the local private sector that drives it. For real!
In the same way that compost is now being made on Maui from discards (formerly known as 'waste') and is just being initiated on this island, some basic infrastructure (a site at the existing landfill, roadway to it, utility connections, zoning) and the private sector builds it and runs it and makes money from it. The government saves money.

For every ton of discards, recycling generates 10 times as many local, private sector jobs as incineration.

James Weatherford, Ph.D.
15-1888 Hialoa
Hawaiian Paradise Park
Wheelabrator officials were on KITV news this morning, Monday, April 14th, spewing there spew.

One thing of note... Before they were anonounced... KITV stated that Wheelabrator had been chosen already!

One more deception..... THEY HAVE NOT BEEN CHOSEN JUST YET.

The more we speak up... the more they will listen.
The Wheelabrator guys are trying to generate their own good press (false) via the radio ads before the real bad press (fact) catches up with them. The slick radio ads are deceptive, but unlike political editorials, no free rebuttal air time is required by law. Is it just me, or do they even seem to be trying to make the ads sound like public service announcements?

If it sounds too good to be true, it probably isn't true. This thing will put nasty stuff in air, and we have enough already. (Do you trust these guys and the County of Hawaii to monitor this thing effectively and make sure the scrubbers work 100%? I don't, and the scrubbers will never get all the crap out anyway.) It will cost even more than the astronomical amount they are quoting right now. It will do nothing to encourage recycling or to discourage the creation of more rubbish. In fact, there will be a negative value to rubbish reduction because the thing needs a minimum amount to operate "economically."

Bad business, this. Please write to the Council. I already have.

Originally posted by Damon
One more deception..... THEY HAVE NOT BEEN CHOSEN JUST YET.

If their quote was they were chosen by the Hawaii County Council, it's false.

If their quote was they were chosen but did not say it was by the Hawaii County Council, it's a true statement.
Public Hearing to get Input from the Community are being
conducted by Council Finance Committee.

Next one:
Pahoa Neighborhood Center
Tuesday, April 15. 6pm -- that is tomorrow.

Other remaining hearings: April 17, Keauhou; and April 18, Pahala.

note! - This is NOT the Wheelabrator / Mayor propaganda show that is also making the circuit.

James Weatherford, Ph.D.
15-1888 Hialoa
Hawaiian Paradise Park
Dr. Weatherford -

I read your comments on Hunter's Blog today and I just wanted to say that had I been there... there would have been one more vote against WB.

From the article in today's paper... it sounds like Council Lady Naeole may be the swing vote on this.

Auntie Emily - If you read this... please vote against this, for the sake of the Big Island. I know you got to visit the WB site on the mainland...but remember...the entire time that you were there...they were trying to schmooze with you.... Be strong and stand up for us people here on the Big Island. I know your not big on people trying to schmooze... so please don't get schmoozed yourself.

Please Auntie... vote AGAINST THIS!

Damon T.

The more we speak up... the more they will listen.

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