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Control your EFFING DOGS!
Originally posted by Greg

Hey Damon, I would defend my children also. I would do it in a way that didn't endanger my neighbors or my children.

I'm a skilled shot [Big Grin]

Plus.... I know KUNG FU!!!

As well as a few other Chinese words.

The more we speak up... the more they will listen.
Here is a question and its a long one, also not an exangeration.

Lets say pretty much every night you are kept awake with the sound of barking dogs. What slepp you do get is interrupter due to the mosion light going off due to dogs. When you do fall asleep you are woke up early by the sound of barking dogs. When you wake up you get to pick up the trash that the dogs riped out of your bungy corded trash can. You also get to sadly look at your riped up garden. Then you also remember how you will never get to own chickens, ducks or goats because loose dogs will kill them. Then when you are ready to do some yard work you realize the dogs have once again hauled off you leather gloves and a leather boot is missing. Any natural fertilizer, such as blood meal or bone meal is also riped up and all over the yard. Your any ant bait traps are also torn up due to the sweet poison goo inside. Your rat bait has also been eaten. Any rat traps are also set off because a dog ate the peanut butter. The potatoe garden has been dug up due to the soft dirt and the natural fertilizer. Coffe plants have been damaged due to digging dogs probaly due to the rabbit poop use as fertilizer. After all that frustration you decide to go for your daily walk where you get some excerise and pick up garbage in the neighbor. While on that walk I get to step in all the dog crap that is all around our front gate, which by the way smells like a kennel. After just a couple steps out of my driveway i get chased by twop of the neighbors dogs that are always loose and ready tio bite the ankles. Many more times I will be threatened and chased by more loose dogs as i dodge dog crap which is all over the road. Once I get home I think about talking to the neighbors about their dogs then rember the FU response. Then I think about letting the police handle the issue then rember the neighbor's terrible attitude about his dogs then think about retaliation and my house being vandalized, assault, or maybe my house just being burnt down. During the day and night if it is too hot, the windows and doors must still be closed do to the noise of the barking dogs. After all this crap I constantly deal with I rember why I want to kill any thing on four legs that end up anywhere near my home. Deal with this level of crap on a weekly basis and you will feel the same way. If you dont then please tell me the name of the pharmacutrical you are on. As I type this at 10:54 PM it sounds like a kennel outside.
i agree with you guys, any mutt on my property causing trouble is going to get dropped. just because its a dog does not mean its not a pest unlike mice or ratts. theres too many unwanted animals running around and we would most likly be doing them a favor by reducing thier numbers. im looking into "air riffles". to the cops its a BB gun, but they are as powerful as a .22 if you get the right one, but NOT AS LOUD as a .22
man, i'm glad i don't live where you people do, yes we have barking dogs, and i have been chased a few times while riding my bike, but nothing like what's beiing described, here in upper puna it's the helicopters and coquis that are the problems

How did you end up living where you live? You didn't see, hear, or smell any dogs around before you got your house? It just sounds too bad to be true. I would start recording everything on video cuz typing away on here wouldn't change a thing.
I sympathize with dirk1609, I think alot of people go through the same thing. At least my trash hasn't been raided yet!

Just yesterday I was walking my Boyz -pure bred Kapaa Beach Muttz - we went a bit further than normal on our daily walks and as we were passing a driveway I noticed an unchained rottwieler, I decided we'd better turn around, when out comes this VERY LARGE aggressive dog, he came right out on the road and I thought he was going to kill - it scared the bleep outta me! I had my 7 year old son with me and I was shaken. I know the owners were home, but they did nothing....

We have alot of "stray" dogs running around here too, one of my neighbors calls the barking at night the "Puna Opera". It would be easy to miss unless you spent the night before you bought a house here.

My neighbor has some sort of BB gun, which he uses, even tho his dogs are free to roam - Ironic?

Sounds like your life pretty much sucks 24/7. I sympathize with you and hope you can find a way to improve your life quality. I just don't see how gunning down every dog you encounter will change anything. (Your FU neighbors will understand this?)

Fencing, traps, ammonia squirt guns, secure garbage cans, paintball guns, these are just some suggestions. Traps are available at the humane society, and they will come out and pick up trapped animals. The owners pay a fine and buy a license to get their animals back or they are destroyed. This sometimes gets their attention.

To answer your question; I am drug free.
I'm not against animals acting normally.

I'm against owners who don't control their dogs.

Dirk -

It sounds like a majority of the problem that you have with dogs is the noise they make. Simple solution for sleeping might be some ear plugs.

But yes people... not the dogs... need to be controlled more so at times.

The more we speak up... the more they will listen.
When we bought our home, we were not aware of the "Ocean View dog pound" as my girlfriend calls it. We knew most people had dogs, but we didn't know that so many dogs ran loose through the streets. We also didn't know how massive the dog population actually is here...both owned and feral. We have since learned that the dogs way out-number the people who live here. When we first moved in our home we had one neighbor with a loud barking dog that kept us up (and still does), but it's almost always chained up. Obviously we didn't realize the dog likes to bark all night until AFTER we moved in and spent the first night. We also didn't know about the FU attitude of many dog owners here. There are just some things you can't know until after the fact. Since our arrival, we've been graced with 2 new neighbors who brought with them a total of 8 dogs. None of these dogs are leashed, and we've seen them on our property. They also like to run at us when we take walks, along with many other dogs along our way. And of course they love to bark and bark and bark and bark. I realize posting this on a board isn't going to solve the problem, but it may give us ideas on how to deal with it, and it gives me a place to rant my frustrations.
We used to have a dog problem...We asked them every time the barking (of several large dogs) started. At first they were nice but after a few weeks we got the attitude from them. So they told us to stay off their property and not to call. We then turned to the police, who came several times...that helped along with my little brother, who happens to be 6'3" and 275 lbs. and wielding a wooden baseball bat... needless to say we no longer have a dog problem...or loud stereo problem, or rubbish burning barrel problem...Be assertive, stand up for yourself, dont let people walk on you! I am running for board of directors and one of the things I would like to see is a disturbing the peace ordinance, so if you're in my zone vote for me!

Daniel R Diamond
Daniel R Diamond

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