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Universal Health Care--Frontline on PBS
Did anyone see the Frontline program on universal health care in rich, democratic societies around the world? Excellent stuff.

They picked out Japan, Germany, Switzerland, England and Taiwan to investigate
Pretty darned informative. It makes you wonder why all these countries can get it together, but not the US.

The idea of anyone going bankrupt in any of those countries because of health care issues is UNHEARD of. And we are the richest country in the world. AND their health care is superb.

There is an online discussion about this program last night going on now here

There was also a live chat this morning with Frontline Correspondent T.R. Reid. That conversation can be found here

The more we speak up... the more they will listen.
Thanks for the update April, and the link Damon.

Not so sure we are the wealthy nation we think we are. At times it seems like an illusion to me, predatory lending, Hedge funds reaping in the BILLIONS for executive bonus's?, predatory health care....add your favorite....

We've begun to eat our own young. We've become a predatory nation and the world is taking another peak at us.

mella l
mella l
Art and Science
Hi, Pam,

We are an extremely wealthy nation. The problem is that all the wealth is at the top with more going there as we speak.

This is a huge problem. Especially in a democracy. It is what we expect to see in countries like Mexico. But the US was made great by the huge middle class which was created by universal free public education. Now the system and coffers have been raided and the middle class is being destroyed.

Few can become small business owners because Wal Mart has destroyed those. Manufacturing jobs have gone to China (and Wal Mart is responsible for driving them there, too.)

I guess predation is one way to describe it when the few take all the riches at the expense of the many. I call it thievery.

If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them [the banks], will deprive the people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."
- Thomas Jefferson
Yes April..I too saw the program on frontline and was kind of shocked and appalled how those country's could run what appeared to be a fair and humane health care system. And we being the wealthiest nation in the world could care less about our people's health and well being.

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