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Asphalt has finally hit the cinders. The long awaited paving of HPP side streets has finally begun. 22nd ave between Makuu and Paradise has had one side paved and the other side should be completed today or tomorrow.I noticed that they add an extra foot or two of asphalt at the entrance of everyones driveway along the road.
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When you say Asphalt has finally hit the cinders I hope that doesn't literally mean they are laying asphalt over a cinder base.
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Punaweb moderator
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I was more figuratively speaking since all the roads have a cinder base. But yes...the prep work has already been completed.... they have already widened it.... spread D2 minus over the cinder base and rolled it.
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I am glad the paving has begun BUT we live on 22nd between Makuu and the dead end. So, we were just missed!
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And just a reminder that they are only paving four cross streets and some intersection aprons along with inprovements to the lower reaches of Kaloli, Paradise, and Makuu. The vast majority of HPP will remain unpaved and cratered for the foreseeable future. $12,000,000 just doesn't go as far as it used to, especially with petroleum based products involved.
Cheerfully dodging potholes,
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Does the 4 roads include 28th? Or is it 28th plus 4 more? Have the other cross road marked for paving been mentioned anywhere?
What goes around comes around!
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I am moving to a home on July 1st that's on 22nd between Makuu and Paradise, so this is great news! I had heard that it would be done soon, but I was under the impression that most of the sub division would be paved! [?]
~ Rachael
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At the last General Membership meeting of the Association, they mentioned 22nd, 16th, and Beach specifically. I don't clearly remember if 10th was on the list, but it would follow the 6-block spacing pattern. They indicated that 28th, being already paved for the most part, was not counted as one of the four. While many thought the ballot initiative indicated that ALL the roads would be paved, the Board voted to proceed even though they could only do about 15% of the subdivision with the $12 million.
I hope they do better with this than their last paving project. I also hope the four roads to be paved do not turn into high-speed motorways for cross-subdivision traffic such as commercial deliveries. The plus of pavement could be offset by the minus of increased traffic and speeding.
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I wonder what paved road will do for sales price? Better yet, tax cost?
Gordon J Tilley
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Not really full-bottle on it all, but am sure I recall 7th being mentioned -- since we live on 6th, that stuck in the memory cells
Property values? Certainly the realtors will push that as an advantage; and the market could probably be expected to pay a premium for a house on a paved road (not that I do or do not favor the paving).
The twist comes if, for example, 22nd is paved and properties there attract the 'hard-surface premium', and then property tax assessors do as they do now and translate that sale to property values and taxes on 21st and 23rd or even further.
James Weatherford, Ph.D.
15-1888 Hialoa
Hawaiian Paradise Park