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Mice/Mouse Control Questions
Besides trapping/killing and tossing these buggahs... and besides keeping your house clean (which is immaculate).... and besides getting a cat...

DOES ANYONE have any solutions to killing what appears to be a pack of mice that raid my place every once in awhile?

I'm getting sick of spending money on expensive traps. Is there any way to kill off this swarm of mice?

Any home remedies/poisons/etc?

Damon, back in farm country in Illinois we had a Victor "Tin Cat" multi-live trap, just wind it up & it would trap a pack (we never baited it & once it caught one, the others seemed to be attracted to it, 'cause it was rare to just get one.... the whole gang usually piled in...
We purchased them at ACE, but the Victor site is:
Of course, you then need to decide what to do with of box of live mice.... unless you have a pet mongoose or somethng...
Mahalo Carey!

I just purchased This one online.

If it doesn't work... I'm sending the Mice to your place. [Big Grin]

I'm thinking a little chlorophyll in the buggah may just do what I need [}Smile]

Poison works but you have to put it where only the mice can get it.

"I like yard sales," he said. "All true survivalists like yard sales." 
Kurt Wilson

Might want to consider using rubber gloves when dealing with live wild rodents and/or their feces and urine. I do not know what the figures are for Hawaii but in places elsewhere up around 10% of wild rodents test positive for viruses (like hanta) and can carry tapeworms (the eggs of which are present in their droppings).

I've never seen a flea on a mouse (has anyone else? I'd be interested to know), but larger rodents can and do carry fleas which in turn can sometimes transmit diseases of various sorts; those fleas will be jumping ship and looking for another warm body to snuggle with when their rat host bites the big one in a trap and its corpse starts cooling off.

Bleach in water does well for a rinse of traps and gloves after handling potentially problematic animal wastes and remains.
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Astonishing skill! This archer is a real-life Legolas and then some!

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I know you don't want to hear it, but I had mice problems everywhere here until I got a good hunting cat. Now, no problem, no need traps, no need poison. Just feed and maintain cat.
I wish I could have a cat at times... however, there are two dogs that "own" this property and they would love to eat some kitty.[Wink]

I used chocolate once to bait a Have a Heart trap and found the mouse inside dead. Not sure, but think the chocolate might have killed it.

Anyone have any experience with death by chocolate?

What a way to go! Chocolate OD! Probably had a big ol' goofy smile!

Damon, any time you wanna trade rodents..... I think ours would beat yours!
Damon, give this trap a try, guaranteed results and you can make it yourself. You will need an empty 5 gallon bucket (no lid), an empty beer can [Smile], a straightened out wire clothes hanger, and about 1-1/2 gallons of water. Take an ice pick and make a small hole ( in the very center) of the top and the bottom of the can. Make a small hole, on opposite sides of the bucket, very near the top ( about 1 inch down). Take your wire and insert it into one of the holes in the bucket, then through the can and out the other side of the bucket. Position the can in the center of the bucket and wrap some tape around the wire, on either side of the can, to keep it in place. The can should spin freely on the wire.
Now you are ready. Pour in the water, smear some peanut butter around the can and position a ramp to the top of the bucket.
The vermin will go up the ramp, jump onto the can, and of course fall into the water [xx(]. All you have to do is pour and flush.

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