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Pahoa Recycling Center Experiences
So I have several complaints about a recent visit to the Recycling Center.

Time of visit: 12:00 Sunday 5/18

First complaint: Over Crowded
Second complaint: No Covered Protection for People (elderly and/or handicapped) to protect people from the Sun/Rain
Third complaint: Not enough workers on duty to cover the amount of customers
Fourth complaint: Not enough garbage cans available and had to wait nearly for 5 - 10 minutes to even get one garbage can.
Fifth complaint - Broken glass everywhere, sharp pieces sticking out all over the place (tires, slippahs, and kids, I was thinking about)
Sixth complaint - $75.00 Cash limit, after that a check will be mailed to you.
Seventh and most important complaint - IT'S ONLY OPEN ON WEEKENDS.

If the county wants to make recycling a higher priority, they will need to address these problems soon.

Anyone else have any things they would like to say about this situation?

I believe that most of my above complaints could be alleviated by having the center open at least a few days during the week also.

They already have plans to redo the entire site...not sure when. But if you had talked to someone they would've told you. They didn't do the chute when they ceased using it a few months back because of their plans.


"Freedom has a scent like the top of a newborn baby's head..." U2

"Freedom has a scent like the top of a newborn baby's head..." U2
Damon, try it when it's been raining for a week.

Have you heard any more about the landfill, the pumping, treating and disposal of the old unlined landfill water will be interesting,and what are we going to do with the contents of it when EPA orders it emptied or pay 10,000$ a day fines!

And the new one will require a strong liner and pumping and treatment plant! Mabe the 28"rain day I remember won't happen again!

Have you noticed those who were so vocal for the incinerator kill, haven't said much about a replacment! I guess they're dreaming about when the first gusher crop comes in, and all competition is killed, oil should be up to 10.00$ a gallon, and their project will get the going price! PHD's aint no dummies! However being a UH economist is not the best indicator as UH is among the least financially responsible or effective universities in the nation!

Gordon J Tilley
Originally posted by gtill

...Have you noticed those who were so vocal for the incinerator kill, haven't said much about a replacment! ....

Hold your horses GT.

A replacement is not the answer. It wasn't company that bothered me. It was the concept and the unanswered questions on costs.

There is no replacement to Recycling other then being smart when you purchase your products.

If you want total convenience, don't bother recycling. It is messy and a pain; that is just how things work here. Period.

If you want to make a few extra bucks for your recycling, try Atlas Recycling. They were on Makaala when I went last month but am told they may have relocated to the new facilities at Puanaiko and Kilauea (next to the old corn store).

If you want to support the county effort, stop complaining and give them time to get it together! This is Hawaii.... the Big Island.... and things are done the way they are done. Efficiency isn't in most plans. Live with it or go somewhere else!

LOL... it's a little tongue in cheek but there is a ring of truth... and Atlas is inconvenient but pays well. Recycling is Recycling!

Just another day in P A R A D I S E !!
I want to be the kind of woman that, when my feet
hit the floor each morning, the devil says

"Oh Crap, She's up!"
I know it's messy and a pain... I don't have any problem with that.

I understand how slow things move on the Big Island and I didn't know there were plans for a remodel.... Does anyone have a link to the plans?

I'm just feeling sorry for these poor workers that are basically there busting there asses compared to the workers at other recycling centers around the State who get full time hours and benefits and don't have to deal with as heavy/compressed two day load with the population Puna has.

The money is in the HI-5 program to implement many more recycling centers and employ many more people.

The state is making bank off this program. The State should be taking over these recycling centers.

Then it wouldn't be the "Big Island" slow thinking.

The last I heard, the remodel had been canceled! How many of the city council will be around for the next EPA visit? Sure the county is famous for it's laid back attitude, but getting an EPA fine wakes you right up!

The fun hasen't begun yet, The landfill and liner issue hasen't been faced yet! I know it's not recomended because it's too wet!

Watch out for persons who have an agenda in this discussion! Big money will be made by someone in these subjects! As for Hi5 being a sucess, we're paying 6cents to make a nickle! It's good for those who need spare money, and I too like the recycle idea, but if a profit isn't possible, you end up with a bunch of poor paying jobs!

Gordon J Tilley
Go to the Recycling Center earlier. We went at about 9 AM and the kids there HELPED us unload our recycling! Also it's better to go ealier in the month, and not the last week or so of each month.
I would agree that its not convenient or terribly well organized at the Pahoa Transfer Station for recycling.

Heck, I remember when Pahoa didn't even HAVE a recycling center of any kind. Even the one in Kea'au isn't that old. Progress may be slow, but there is progress.

I believe there's a couple of recycling places -- I believe the one near the Kai Store on Puainako is in addition to the one on Kilauea.

John Dirgo, R, ABR, e-PRO
Aloha Coast Realty, LLC
808-987-9243 cell
John Dirgo, R, PB, EcoBroker, ABR, e-PRO
Aloha Coast Realty, LLC
808-987-9243 cell
What items are these places taking, aside from the Hi5 cans? And what gets paid for? Are they independent operators or government?
Gordon J Tilley

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