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How about no more Strawberry Guava! A plan has been hatched and study made (50K$)worth so far to induce a terrible leaf gall in the plant(tree)! I guess it will eventually kill it but will for sure be a dead rotting eyesore, and will ensure that the coming generaton of kids won't have a free source of treats!
More profound thinking by our ecologists, who would rather further their agenda, and to hell with the population!
Also who's responsibility will it be when a mutant gall gets a taste for Ohia or Macnut! No problem, he'll just finish his PHD and become a professor.(be good grants for wiping out the leaf gall)!
Gordon J Tilley
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There are always unintended consequences when we try to manipulate the environmental balance. Is waiwi a pest? Depends on who you talk to and where it is. Can the guys proposing the introduction of this scale insect guarantee that is won't be a worse pest than the waiwi? I don't think so. This project is being proposed by government sponsored scientists, and I don't have a lot of faith in their assurances. Also, they freely admit that such interventions have only been 33% effective in the past. And don't you just love the part about it not really killing off the waiwi, but making it ugly and less rapidly spreading. What a deal! There has to be a better way if waiwi control is really a critical need.
I have spent countless hours hand grubbing waiwi out of areas where I choose to garden, but I am quite happy to have a stand of it in the rear of our acre. The birds and I enjoy a tasty treat in season.
Sorry GT...
The Strawberry Guava needs to go before it does ruin our forests.
I don't like the methodology of the way they are going about it.
It's like bringing in the mongoose to catch the rats if you ask me.
However, Strawberry Guava is a terrible tree that we don't need here in Hawaii.
Lower your expectations and be ready for anything.
quote: Originally posted by JerryCarr
...The birds and I enjoy a tasty treat in season.
You can control where your dumps go...
These birds eat this stuff and then do their business anywhere and everywhere thus spreading this terrible tree.[V][ ]
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We don't control where our dump goes! Without a liner, it goes into the ocean and eventually into our water supply! Buit that doesn't matter, we stoppe the bad burner!
And you are so correct, birds(but not native) eat the fruit and spread the seeds! Solution: Eradicate the BIRDS, they aren't native, Mynah, Sparrow, Bulbo etc! They spread seed and disease, bother outside resteraunts and wake people in the morning! Some even attack people and mess their hairdoos up! Yep they gotta go, plus they can be killed, not just uglied up like the guava trees! and the results will be visible, unlike coqui who can hide! "Kill a Mynah for Mother Earth"
The remains could be traded for a bounty (mabe 50c each). The carcasses could be used for fertilizer (like fish for corn), and we will have the quietest island of them all! Very Green!
Gordon J Tilley
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quote: Originally posted by gtill
And you are so correct, birds(but not native) eat the fruit and spread the seeds! Solution: Eradicate the BIRDS, they aren't native, Mynah, Sparrow, Bulbo etc! They spread seed and disease, bother outside resteraunts and wake people in the morning! Some even attack people and mess their hairdoos up! Yep they gotta go, plus they can be killed, not just uglied up like the guava trees! and the results will be visible, unlike coqui who can hide! "Kill a Mynah for Mother Earth"
The remains could be traded for a bounty (mabe 50c each). The carcasses could be used for fertilizer (like fish for corn), and we will have the quietest island of them all! Very Green!
qtill, you are kidding right? Sometimes I think you must be, but then I can't be sure...
Guaivi is definitely a pain in the butt to keep sequestered, but it's a quick growing source of wood too... I'm in a love/hate relationship with it, great to use to build pens, garden beds, smoke meat with, eat the fruit, awful because it is SO vigorous.
But still, people spread disease, seeds, pollution and disruption far more than birds. Let's ERADICATE THEM!!! They aren't native anyway!!! ER.... seems there might be a small problem with this way of thinking...
Dead bird carcasses as fertilizer??!! [xx(] I'll stick with chicken poo, thanks... Hopefully my neighbors do too...
Melissa Fletcher
"Make yurts, not war" Bill Coperthwaite, 1973
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YG, yeah I'm kidding, but how far will people take any opportunity to "do good" with things that will affect us all and not necessarily to the good! Unless there's a real ground up move to eradicate the tree, leave it alone!
Gordon J Tilley
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If I had a magic wand and could make strawberry guava disappear I would do it in an instant. I hate that stuff. It's killing the forests by inches, feet and miles.
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Punaweb moderator
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If we were to prioritize the threats to our native forests, wouldn't Albezia fall somewhere ahead of Waiwi ?
Wouldn't both fall somewhere ahead of bulldozing small (less than an acre) lots?
Just curious.
quote: Originally posted by Greg
Wouldn't both fall somewhere ahead of bulldozing small (less than an acre) lots?...
What's easier to control... A drunk idiot on a bulldozer or a drunk bird drinking guava swine [^]
It's much easier to regulate people then nature.
I mean shaming a person for breaking a law is one thing... but when you start shaming trees publicly, maybe then they will start wilting on their own. [ ]
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