06-02-2008, 05:08 PM
Anyone has ducks or ducklings to give away or sell them for a reasonable price?
canh Le
ducks or duckling wanted.
06-02-2008, 05:08 PM
Anyone has ducks or ducklings to give away or sell them for a reasonable price?
thanks canhle
canh Le
06-03-2008, 01:18 AM
hi canhle,
i would like some to when i get there, please share if you find out where to purchase...on a side note-can you give me the contact for hire in moving furniture? tx noel
06-03-2008, 03:28 AM
My neighbor and I have been running small incubators and we occasionally set duck eggs. I have a batch of ducks due to hatch this Friday. The eggs we get are from mostly khaki Campbell ducks although they have a bit of mallard and crested duck in there as well. They are small brown ducks which lay a lot of eggs. This next hatch has five eggs from some other ducks although I don't know what kind since a different neighbor brought us the eggs and he hadn't seen the adult ducks. They don't let us ship in any kinds of ducks anymore so whatever we have is what we have to work with. Eventually we may be able to breed back to an essentially purebred khaki Campbell but in the meantime we have these mostly khaki Campbell eggs.
We also set chicken eggs, too, so there are occasionally chicks as well as ducklings. At the moment, we've been hatching all mixed breed chickens. The eggs are mostly araucana with some New Hampshire, Langshan, Lakenvelder and some Red Shouldered Yokohama mixed in there. My neighbor can hatch out halfbred Buff Orphingtons since her hens are purebred but the rooster is a mix. I have a purebred Araucana hen and a Cuckoo Marans hen but the rest are mixed. My neighbor and I are changing our flocks to get some purebreds - Rhode Island Reds, Barred Rocks and Buff Orphingtons - but they won't start laying for at least five months so until then we are hatching out mixed breeds. The duck eggs in the incubator should hatch out starting on Friday, but I won't know how many or what kinds until then. Most if not all of the brown ducks are spoken for and one white duck if we get a white duck. If there are any left over they would be available. We sell chicks for $5 each and ducklings for $7 each since it takes longer to incubate ducks. The next batch of chicks should be out around the eighteenth of this month. Kurt Wilson
06-03-2008, 10:49 AM
Please contact me when you have some ducklings. thanks canh canhle
canh Le
06-07-2008, 12:29 PM
Likewise, I'm ready for some chickens and could stand a few hens.
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