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House District 4 - Issues & Candidates
And this is the beauty of a Democracy. We can all choose to vote for whatever reasons we want.

I know a lot of people who have accomplished a lot, does that mean they will be a good politician.... Not in my book.

Getting the support of the people behind you so that you can make a difference in your community means a lot to me.

I don't vote for representatives based on what they HAVE done.... I vote on what I think they will be able to get done.

Freshmen Lawmakers very seldom come in and just start making Laws all over the place.

However, Freshmen Lawmakers can be boat rockers and I love a boat rocker!

Lower your expectations and be ready for anything.
I like boat-rocking, too, Damon. Can you tell me some way Ms. Hanohano has been a boat-rocker? Some notable way she has tried to shake up the status quo?


By giving testimony in Hawaiian language, that other Reps don't have a clue about what she is saying. [Wink]

Power was taken away from Hawaiians and any time that we can bring back a language that was almost extinct, it empowers a whole new generation of people.

I have publicly stated that I don't know who I'm voting for... I'm not sure where everyone is coming off that I'm for one candidate or another, whether they are Relatives, Hawaiians, or friggin Monk Seals!

Lower your expectations and be ready for anything.
What many don't understand, is that Hanohano really did almost nothing to get elected in 2006. Very little campaigning....etc.

She didn't attempt to run on any platforms, she didn't attend many forums, etc.

What did the people expect?

Is it her fault that the person she ran against wasn't as "popular" as her? [Wink]

For many younger Hawaiians... seeing a fellow "Hawaiian" at the legislature is a very powerful image that anyone can get elected.

Lower your expectations and be ready for anything.
I think it is demonstrated that the citizens of State District 4 or County District 5 have no hesitation in electing women from Hawaiian families to office.

What we need to determine now is how suited to the task they have been. The assurances and promises were made in 2006. Now there should be a record to examine - at least for the incumbents.

So the Issues part of this topic is very germane.

I would invite Faye Hanohano, or any of her supporters to make her case for reelection here. I have set up this election forum for all candidates to speak or be silent.

Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Originally posted by Kahunascott
Damon once again you indicate how out of touch you are on topics you reply to. Your question, Why Fred Blass”?

So Kahuna... your obviously supporting Fred Blas. This is why you are jumping on me over something I never said.

Please show me where I asked "Why Fred Blas" and we will see who really is out of touch with things.

You take a simple statement that I made to a person who is a self stated Texan and twist it around to your own liking.

Very interesting "Kahuna".

And by the way... with a name like Kahuna... you would think you would be a bit more respectful towards the Hawaiians.

But once again Kahunascott... you are attempting to jump all over me over your own emotional ties to a candidate.

So I ask again.... Where did I ask "Why Fred Blas(s) {sic}"

Sorry kahunascott that you don't enjoy my posting style... however, please at least read what I write before bashing me.

When have I ever said I would vote for someone because they were Hawaiian?

I did say I would vote for a relative.... I would also vote for friends. I do have friends that are politicians....

And while I'm at it.... I must ask you how much time have you actually spent at the capitol? I used to frigging have to be there 40 hours a week.... so let's quit with the accusations that I don't know what's going on politically....ok?

Maybe I only let on what I want to let on....k?

But I was actually paid to work at the legislature for awhile so please get your facts straight....

I bet you think I'm Hawaiian....lmao!

Mahalo Kahuna

Lower your expectations and be ready for anything.
OK, maybe we should try to refocus this discussion on issues rather than personalities. I would like to hear from the legislative candidates and/or their supporters what they have done or propose to do about the following issues.

1. Lack of sanitation and other facilities at popular state-owned ocean front locations in Puna such as Champagne Pond and Kehena Beach. (And the lack of recreational opportunities in general.)

2. State Department of Transportation plans for Highway 130 and meaningful citizen input on those plans.

3. Support for charter schools and necessary reforms to the State Education Department to insure their equitable treatment and funding.

4. Utility regulatory reform to unhook the consumer cost of renewable electrical energy sources from petroleum prices.

These are just a few, and I invite others to post issues that they see as important. Hopefully, we will hear something from the candidates or their staff and supporters.

I was mistaken earlier when I mentioned that Hanohano really didn't run on much platforms.

I forgot about her myspace page that hasn't been updated in a long time... nor can I verify that she is the actual myspace member, however, she states the following as some of the community needs of Puna back in 2006:

* Expand the transportation network with a major new road serving Puna to alleviate traffic and to provide better emergency service including fire & police
* Build a civic center to provide State and County Services for Adult Education, Youth, and Senior Citizens
* Increase State funding for drug treatment programs
* Increase support for police, fire, & emergency services
* Improve Education System
* Develop recreational programs
* Affordable housing
* County Water Systems
* Pohoiki Boat Ramp & Isaac Hale Beach Park
* Develop partners Outreach Program
* Fuel Costs
* Support for Farmers
* Eradication of coqui frogs
* Preservation of cultural values & lifestyle

Lower your expectations and be ready for anything.
Let the games begin.

Re: Legislative issues vs. candidates, it is disheartening when discussions become like personal vendettas and IMHO, has led to fewer people willing to post on PunaWeb lately. Does the discussion have to be so vitriolic?

Jerry, I appreciate your listing of issues you'd like candidates to respond to.

1. Lack of sanitation and other facilities at popular state-owned ocean front locations in Puna such as Champagne Pond and Kehena Beach. (And the lack of recreational opportunities in general.)

2. State Department of Transportation plans for Highway 130 and meaningful citizen input on those plans.

3. Support for charter schools and necessary reforms to the State Education Department to insure their equitable treatment and funding.

4. Utility regulatory reform to unhook the consumer cost of renewable electrical energy sources from petroleum prices.

However, how many legislative sessions do we have to go through to realize the Legislature is NOT the body to look to for answers to these issues?

In particular, your issues #s 2 and 3 are the very reasons the people of Hawaii should convene a Constitutional Convention! (Issue #4 is a FEDERALLY mandated least it was when geothermal power was being hooked up in Puna during the CARTER Administration.)

The State Legislators are too consumed with holding on to their own power, public worker union leadership (NOT the rank-and-file union members) are too consumed with protecting state constitutional union mandates, and both are using fear tactics to discourage the citizenry from wanting a ConCon. And both are Honolulu dominated!

Many recognize a Constitutional Convention is the only way rural Hawaii (including rural Oahu) can manifest real change to Hawaii's status quo.

Look at how many non-HNL legislators and volunteer citizens worked on the Sustainable Hawaii 2050 study, only to have it derailed at the last minute by the State House leadership led by Speaker Calvin Say and the HNL financial fatcats!

Those arguing against the ConCon say it's too expensive, special interests will be in charge, our government doesn't need fixing, etc. etc.

Hello...nothing developed in a ConCon gets into the State Constitution without the approval of the state's voters following the close of the ConCon!

And a ConCon gives citizens other than State Legislators a chance to impact our basic governance. Sure, some legislators run for ConCon seats but they are a minority.

I must take this opportunity to express my gratitude to the leadership that included the provision in our State Constitution that if 10 years have passed without the Legislature calling for a ConCon, then the issue MUST be put to the entire population on the next ballot.

That is why Hawaii's voters will all have to opportunity to speak up for a ConCon this election. Don't let the naysayers put you off having a chance to really do something about the many basic issues facing us here in our beautiful island home. [Big Grin]

Aloha and malama pono, Crankie Frankie


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