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Where $ should go on eradicating things?
Sorry had to edit this as it got derailed real quick[Big Grin]

Just a quick survey here on Punaweb.

If you had your choice to have your tax dollars put to work for you...

Would you prefer the money go to Eradicating which of the following?

A) Coqui Frogs
B) Strawberry Guava
C) Fire Ants
D) Albezia

We all know that none of the above are not good for the Big Island... just curious what Punaweb members would prefer to have their tax dollars spent on if it came down between the two four of them for funding.

It is the way... the way it is.

The track record for government to deal with these kinds of problems is not very good.

How about we use our tax money for things like roads and schools. Once we get that right then we can look at something a little more complicated like trash and sewer....

Texan Moving to Puna on July 3rd 2008.
I do not believe that America is better than everybody else...
America "IS" everybody else.
The Wilder Side Of Hawaii

The devil is in the detail
Fire Ants -- LFA has the greatest risk for shutting down nursery and agriculture industry, not to mention tourists. Very very very nasty critters that make land and buildings uninhabitable.

1) Fire ants, 2) Coqui 3) Albezia, 4) Strawberry guava.

The frogs are bearable if they are not outside your window. Those fire ants are bad though. There might still be a chance to eradicate them. Probably not so with the frogs.

I heard that if you give the fire ants grits, they die. I meant to try that method, but just wasn't thinking grits when I ran into the Malama Market. I was thinking SPF 30.
Fire ants definately. The others are nuisances, the ants can blind cattle and pets, and so many jerks keep dogs chained here.
I Googled "fire ants, Hawaii" and found from the "HEAR" site, that the ants can NOT be eradicated - they have to treated over and over just to control them. Living in Arizona for 7 years, I learned a lot about the little b******s. They have a seriously PAINFUL sting.
Puna: Our roosters crow first
ABSOLUTELY FIREANTS [Sad!] We spent last weekend fixing our pump and some outlets because the ants had shorted them out [V] and they bite like mad especially tourists and food caked kids.[Wink] Plus they are dirty and eat the most vile of things.

Then the coqui. Forget the trees we may need them soon[^] then again erading the trees might create lots of jobs[8]

Hey how bout the gov pay us to get rid of our albezia and plant corn!
Fire ants are truly the worst.

The best technique I've seen for nailing them was a backhoe mounted device that rammed a steel pipe way down deep into the nest, poured steam into the thing while running 240 current through the whole works, ala mega worm probe. I'm not kidding, and it doesn't seem too crazy. It would be one heck of a nest that will withstand all that.
Make Jam out of the guava
charcoal out of the albizia
and convince the people on the mainland that pureed coqui is the cure for fat, wrinkes and e.d.

The devil is in the detail

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